Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and seventeenth brother is a prisoner

Major George stood in front of his radio with a bored expression on his face. Half a month ago, he was ordered by Churchill to stand in front of this important radio station and monitor a channel that did not often produce sound.

In fact, he didn't want sound on this channel, because the last time there was sound on this channel, the code-breaking department lost a full 73 math geniuses and workers with the names of professors and scholars.

Turing chose death, but dragged countless individuals to be buried with him. The German shadow forces had not caught it, so the interrogation was easily expanded.

This is really a sad thing, countless people died because of wrongful imprisonment. The British assassination also had a way of dealing with traitors, no less gentle than the Gestapo's way of dealing with the same problem.

Although he knew the news from this channel, Prime Minister Churchill took it very seriously. And the British intelligence services up and down are also waiting for this channel to become active again.

However, Major George did not want to hear any sound, did not want to hear any cipher code on this channel.

"Looks like, there won't be any news coming today." He leaned back in his chair and said with a smile to the pretty young female secretary beside him.

The female secretary is holding a coffee pot in her hand with a charming smile on her face. Her husband served on the coastline, and she couldn't bear the loneliness when she was newly married, so she got together with the boss in front of her.

In times of war, there is no morality. In this era when living is the lowest goal, any moral restraint seems so pale.

Maybe tomorrow, an aerial bomb will fall, and both of them will become charred corpses and betrayed.

"My husband and their troops have canceled their vacation." The woman poured some black coffee into Major George's coffee cup and said this lightly.

The major knew that this was an invitation from his secretary. He calmly grabbed the phone on the table in front of him and said, "Take 52 Cole Avenue..."

"I'm George. I have an intelligence analysis job today. I have to work overtime... I can't help it, I can't leave. I'm sorry, I don't have to leave dinner for me... I love you." After Major George finished speaking, he put down the phone in his hand.

Obviously, the awkward I love you last sentence made the secretary look a little sad. Major George noticed it, and pressed the other's soft hand on the table.

The woman quickly became emotional, with a charming ruddy on her face. The two looked at each other affectionately, and they were about to be entangled together.

Finally, the excitement of the affair excited the two, and Major George stood up and pressed the female secretary against the wall. They caressed each other and couldn't hold back their ecstasy.

What prevented them from breaking the last shred of sanity was that this telegraph room was an office, and it was possible to come in and be attacked at any time. So the two finally restrained their impulse, but their clothes were already messy.

"Wait for the evening! Come to my house!" The woman said charmingly, with an irresistible temptation.

In fact, George did not intend to resist this temptation. He nodded and said, "I will find a way to find a bottle of red wine!"

At this time, most of the supplies in the UK are already scarce, and it is not easy to get a bottle of red wine.

The drinks in the street shops have long been sold out, but the replenishment of goods has been delayed. Not only red wine, but also cigarettes and other materials have become hard currency in short supply.

Priceless is an adjective for many items. Includes canned sardines, butter, and high-quality flour.

The bakery was left with only bad-tasting brown and dry bread, and jam became a luxury. German U-boats, in the hearts of the British, are more hated than bombers.

Therefore, as a major, George can only say to find a way to find a bottle of red wine to set off the atmosphere. Now this thing is not easy to find, and there must be a way.

But George still has a way. He knows the owner of a winery. For a little more money, he can still get a bottle of fine wine. A year ago, this fine wine was worth a penny or two at most.

While the two were having sex, the **** telegraph suddenly made a sound. Major George was stunned for a moment, and then the whole person became nervous.

The last time the **** telegraph went off, Britain was a bloodbath, and this time it went off again, and God knows how many people will follow.

"Damn it!" Major George blurted out a curse. He picked up the pen on the table and began to record the password that was sent.

After recording the code, George began to refer to the codebook and began to decipher the content above. The reason why a major was appointed to be in charge of this matter was because he was responsible for the translation and was directly responsible to the Prime Minister Churchill.

"This is a German conspiracy! It must be an enemy conspiracy!" he muttered, translating what was on the telegram.

But when he wrote the last few words of this telegram, the whole person became trembling. For him, the content of it was too shocking.

"A new crew member has joined the Shadow Force because his younger brother has become a prisoner, and this person is Andrew Cunningham!" The things said in this telegram made George feel that his whole person became bad.

God bless! He prayed in his heart, and then began to check the contents of the telegram. After checking it once and finding that there was nothing wrong, he tore off the telegram and stood up.

"Something's happened," he said, glancing at his mistress. After saying this, ignoring the shocked look in the female secretary's eyes, he walked out of his office with the telegraph paper.

Churchill was dealing with a mountain of industrial development reports on Scotland. Because of the lack of adequate infrastructure, the speed of factories moving north is simply not as fast.

For a time, the industrial production capacity of the United Kingdom dropped to a low point, which made him very anxious as the Prime Minister. Without the backing of strong production capacity, how can we defeat the powerful Germany?

While he was still thinking about these depressing things, Major George knocked on the door of the British Prime Minister.

Walking into the office, George handed the message to Prime Minister Churchill: "Mr. Prime Minister, new information from the mysterious man!"

Hearing the new information about the shadow, Churchill happily put down his work, stood up, and looked at the content above.

As a result, when he picked up and read the telegram, he also had difficulty believing his eyes. A few days ago, Cunningham, who was awarded as a British naval hero, actually joined the German shadow force?

This news made Churchill unable to believe it, but he had to believe it! Because the other party gave his reasons when he said that Cunningham was a German spy, Cunningham's younger brother became a German prisoner!

The news of Cunningham being captured in Africa is no secret. It is impossible for the German intelligence services not to know about this, and it is not impossible to use this to turn against Cunningham!

The more Churchill thought about it, the more he realized that Cunningham was not very safe. When wearing tinted glasses to see a person, even the person's past achievements become weird.

For example, taking the fleet to escape the Mediterranean Sea, could it be that the Germans deliberately let go of the Mediterranean fleet? Or is it the strategic purpose of the Germans to leave the Mediterranean with the fleet?

No matter what Churchill thinks is correct or not, if he thinks so, this Li Le's countermeasure is half successful!

As the German version of Jiang Gan's pirating books, the fake Kanaris, Jiang Gan, has successfully delivered false information to Churchill. Now it is up to Churchill to deal with this information.

Obviously, the British Prime Minister hesitated, hesitating to know whether he should arrest Cunningham for questioning, or choose not to believe this strange intelligence from Germany.

Compared with Turing, Cunningham's social status and importance are obviously higher. Disposing of Turing is nothing more than moving a so-called celebrity, which is completely different from shaking the foundation of the army's command.

"Cunningham is an admiral of the navy... Is it a bit too hasty to move a fleet commander at this time?" More than an hour later, Admiral Dudley Pound, the commander-in-chief of the navy, spoke up and persuaded Churchill.

After hearing the news, he hurried to Churchill's office, hoping that Churchill would not believe too much in the intelligence transmitted from Germany.

Churchill recruited Dudley Pound, who also hoped to listen to the views of the Navy through the supreme commander of the Navy.

After all, to deal with a very famous who has just won a victory recently, it is impossible not to say hello to the senior naval officers in advance.

This is not a scholar like Turing, but a general... After Dudley Pound heard about Cunningham in his office, he thought Churchill must be crazy.

"Moreover, General Cunningham's capture is guaranteed by international law. General Andrew cannot be threatened. This is simply nonsense!" Pound tried every means to keep his subordinates, but he didn't want to go crazy with Churchill.

Even, in this office, Dudley Pound has already moved other thoughts, one wants to push Churchill out of office and change another Prime Minister to end the war.

"No matter what you say, I have decided to temporarily remove General Cunningham from the command position. Let him return to his country to report his duties, and I will arrange for him to give a speech in Parliament and encourage people to continue fighting!" Churchill said from Pound's In terms of performance, the navy's will to resist is seen.

At a time like this, he was unwilling to take the risk and really deal with a general who had just become a hero. However, he still hopes that Cunningham can be transferred from the command post of the Mediterranean Fleet!

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