Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and twenty-three huge interceptor fleet

Some people believe that the discovered German warship may just be a patrolling German destroyer.

Although the news from the Norfolk stated that the German warship had a displacement of about 10,000 tons, some officers still believed that it might be because of the darkness that the Norfolk overestimated the tonnage of the German destroyer. .

If this is just a German destroyer, it might just be a patrol mission. This kind of thing has also happened before, and the other party will immediately turn around and flee after dawn.

Of course, if it is really a destroyer, then the possibility of a single German warship traveling is relatively high, and everyone is a false alarm this night.

This was clearly an optimistic estimate, and Dudley Pound would have preferred to believe that the Norfolk had indeed found a larger German cruiser.

Another estimate is that this cruiser is Prinz Eugen! But if it is really the German main battleship Prinz Eugen, the Germans' intentions will become exciting.

It is possible that the German Navy dispatched the Prinz Eugen to go to the Atlantic Ocean for guerrilla hunting alone. In this way, the German warship is likely to sail to the Denmark Strait early the next morning, or after being discovered, turn around and return to the Wilhelmshade!

At the same time, if it really is Prinz Eugen, it may also be the vanguard of a small fleet. For example, behind him, it is likely to follow the battleship Bismarck!

Thinking of the battleship Bismarck, Dudley Pound has some doubts that this cutting-edge German battleship is stronger than most battleships in service in the United Kingdom.

If the Germans had actually dispatched the Bismarck, the naval battle would have been a little trickier. Dudley Pound felt that this might be the most dangerous possibility he had ever faced.

As for all the main battleships of the German fleet, including aircraft carriers, this possibility Dudley Pound never even thought about.

Because in his opinion, it is impossible for the German fleet to dispatch all the family assets in one go. He is also the commander-in-chief of the navy, and he knows that his opponent, Raidl, cannot make such a bold choice.

The remaining possibilities are not so important, because the only ones that meet the criteria are the Prinz Eugen and the lesser-known Nuremberg cruisers.

No matter which warship it is, the truth will be revealed when the sun rises. As long as the identity of the warship is confirmed, the British Navy can take immediate action.

However, now, Dudley Pound feels that he should make some arrangements in advance for the following German battleship.

He turned his head to the side and instructed his subordinates: "Transfer the cruiser Dorsetshire to the sea east of Iceland to stand by!"

Immediately after, he thought for a few seconds before deciding that he should let his fleet leave the port and prepare to intercept the opposing fleet.

So he issued an order for the local fleet to be dispatched: "Order the battleship King George V, leading the two battleships Ramirez and Vengeance, to the waters south of Iceland to stand by!"

Now Dudley Pound has not considered that the Germans will send the aircraft carrier Zeppelin, which has just been commissioned. He arranged arrangements for German battleships to contain German battleships that were entering the Atlantic.

In his opinion, the German fleet consists of two or three battleships at most, nothing more than Prinz Eugen followed by Bismarck, plus a battlecruiser Gneisenau!

As the commander-in-chief of the British Navy, Dudley Pound knew all about the warships in the hands of the Germans.

Because compared with the British Royal Navy, which is a big business, the surface ships that the German Navy can get are nothing more than a few.

Scharnhorst and two pocket battleships are not there. Which of the remaining large ships is not registered in the small black book of the Royal Navy?

Before I knew it, another 2 hours had passed. It is now 2 o'clock in the morning, and the ships of the British Royal Navy have also begun to be deployed around this German Navy operation.

The aircraft carrier Fury, with two other destroyers at this time, rushed to the Norwegian waters.

Early tomorrow morning, the Swordfish aircraft on this aircraft carrier will attack and confirm the full situation of the German Navy battleship.

If the attacked German warship did not return, then the British aircraft carrier HMS Dreadnought was waiting for him.

The carrier-based opportunities for the two aircraft carriers to take off will target the German ships, sink the German warships, or force the German warships to follow the route designed by the British Navy.

Then, whether the German warships go through the Denmark Strait or the dangerous waters on the south side of Iceland, the main force of the British Home Fleet will surround them and block the opponent's way.

The three battleships, along with the other two battleships that were reinforced later, would block each other, engage in an artillery battle, and eventually sink all the German ships!

According to this script, unless the warships of the German Navy returned and fled before dawn, in any case, they would not be able to escape the pursuit of the British naval fleet.

Originally, the aircraft carrier Fury was only an auxiliary ship, but because the local fleet could not come up with any decent warships, the Furious had to be used as a reconnaissance aircraft carrier to find the location of the German ships.

In Dudley Pound's mind, the real air strike was done by the aircraft carrier Dreadnought. As the second ship of the Tejas class aircraft carrier, the Dreadful is a beautifully designed aircraft carrier.

The Dread was supposed to be launched later. However, because Li Le accelerated the process of history, the Dreadnought, like the German Navy's Tirpitz, was launched into service ahead of schedule.

In this way, Dudley Pound has a fairly good aircraft carrier, and it is quite close to the theater.

The British fleet had all left at this time, including the two aircraft carriers Dreadful Fury, and the five battleships King George V, Vengeance, Ramirez, Nelson and Rodney had also set sail.

The local fleet dispatched so many warships all at once, and Dudley Pound thought he had the chance to win this time.

He was under very huge pressure, and the oil reserves in the British mainland who issued the battle plan this time have already had problems. Such a large-scale deployment of the navy will consume a huge amount of oil.

You know, the battleship Barham and the battle cruiser Reputation in the Mediterranean Fleet are also operating at the same time, as well as the two aircraft carriers, the Radiance and the Eagle in the Mediterranean Fleet.

In addition, the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal under the H fleet, as well as the battle cruiser USS Hood and the battleship HMS Sovereign, have also left Gibraltar.

The main reason that prompted the British Navy to dispatch such a large fleet was because at 3:00 in the morning, an obscure spy near the German port sent back a vague but crucial intelligence "I can't see it. Bismarck!"

This telegram confirmed Dudley Pound's judgment that the German Navy must have dispatched the Bismarck, or at least the Bismarck, and another cruiser!

With such a thorny enemy, Dudley Pound and his front-line commander Charles both believed that the fleet should be dispatched to find a way to intercept this mighty German warship.

The main reason why so many battleships were dispatched was because there was really no battleship in the British naval sequence that could rival the German battleship Bismarck.

The ones who can catch up can't catch up, and the combat power is quite unable to catch up... The embarrassing thing makes the British Navy embarrassed. They can only use their superior forces to find a way to drag and annihilate this enemy ship.


Just after three o'clock in the morning, the German warship moved to the designated turning position. Here, they are going to turn collectively, heading towards the northwest waters and rushing towards the Denmark Strait.

Lütjens, who could not wait to get rid of the British patrol ship, quickly gave the steering order when this moment came: "Let the fleet turn at the fastest speed! Turn the rudder to the left by 20 degrees!"

Soon, the directional lights conveyed the news, and the cruiser Nuremberg, which was at the forefront, quickly began to turn.

And behind Nuremberg, the Bismarck also began to turn. The entire fleet, as planned, began to deviate from the Norwegian coastal route.

The long wait made Lütjens and the German fleet under his command impatient. The British cruisers that go hand in hand really make the German sailors sleepless.

Now we have the opportunity to get rid of this troublesome enemy, of course everyone wants to. Soon, the fleet had deviated from its original course and headed in the other direction.

Of course, this time around, the British cruiser HMS Norfolk was unaware. It was still driving at its original speed and did not notice it at all.

After a few minutes, the observer found that he could no longer see the German battleship that was driving behind him.

He rubbed his sour eyes, then raised the binoculars, looked carefully for a long time, and finally determined that the German fleet had disappeared.

At 3:10 in the morning, Norfolk sent a telegram to mainland England confirming the loss of contact with the German warships.

It was impossible to get Norfolk to go back to the German warships. Who knows whether the German battleship turned back, or turned around and decided to fire?

Therefore, the greatest courage the cruiser Norfolk can show at this moment is to also turn to the northwest and try to restore contact with the German battleship.

The loss of contact with the German warships left the Royal Navy confused again. They don't know whether the German battleship disappeared because it was about to dawn and returned to sail, or whether it turned the rudder and changed its course in order to get rid of the contact with the British cruiser——

Sixth! Great Imperial soldiers, please support the Dragon Spirit...

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