Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and twenty-five Germans are crazy

Finally, while Lütjens was waiting, under everyone's attention, the first rays of sunlight began to appear in the eastern sky.

In an instant, the waves on the entire sea were plated with a touch of gold, and every corner of the world was illuminated by this light.

At this time, on the bridge of the Norfolk, the British captain could clearly see what the German battleship in the distance looked like.

That's a German battleship! Moreover, in front of the German battleship, there seems to be a German battleship that is not small in size!

What frightened the British captain was that in the dark front, in the shadow that had not been lit by the sun, there seemed to be a German warship advancing, which seemed to be not small in size!

"My God! Are the Germans crazy? They're out!" the captain of the cruiser USS Norfolk exclaimed in shock.

Before the sound of his sigh landed, two German planes appeared over his cruiser.

This is almost completely out of the combat radius of the German shore-based aircraft, but the sailors of the cruiser Norfolk did indeed see two German aircraft!

"What's the situation?" Seeing the German plane approaching little by little, the British naval officers on the bridge of the HMS Norfolk were a little bit confused. How could there be a German plane here?

You know, this is the farthest flight radius of a German shore-based aircraft. The German aircraft has not yet flown here, and it is about to return.

But now, there are actually two German planes here. It seems that the size is not that kind of long-range reconnaissance plane, but a smaller attack plane.

There was chaos on the cruiser Norfolk, the battle alarm echoed in the cabin, and the sailors ran up to the deck and began to operate the anti-air weapons on the deck.

At this time, the captain of the cruiser Norfolk, who was still standing on the bridge in a daze, finally remembered to send a warning to other British ships that the Germans actually took the aircraft carrier out!

No matter how confused the captain of the Norfolk cruiser was, he could guess at this time that the Germans drove the aircraft carrier Zeppelin out.

With such an explosive news, the captain of the Norfolk spoke quickly and asked his radio operator to send this vital telegram.

The German fleet came out in full force, and it was not until now that the British were fully aware that they had seen Prinz Eugen, Tirpitz, Gneisenau, and Zeppelin and Nuremberg in the lead.

After seeing so many warships, the British finally knew the size of the German fleet. And the size of this fleet made all the containment plans designated by Dudley Pound become a joke.

"Air combat! Turn north! Gentlemen! If we slow down, we will stay here to feed the fish!" The captain of the cruiser USS Norfolk gave the order for air defense operations.

All the anti-aircraft guns on the Norfolk cruiser raised their slender barrels and began to attack the German aircraft in the sky.

British and German naval ships in the Atlantic during this period actually had little air defense. The Germans were because of their backward thinking and tragic technology in World War I, while the British were because they really had no opponents!

Yes, the British Navy has never met an adversary in the Atlantic. The threat from the air has always been non-existent, so the air defense of British ships has always been mediocre.

The Norfolk cruiser had only eight single-barreled 102mm anti-aircraft guns and four 40mm anti-aircraft guns.

Such anti-air firepower is basically a dispensable interception for German bombers. Two Stuka dive bombers flew through the sky, dodging shells from British anti-aircraft guns.

When the number of these planes reached six, the British finally realized that their anti-aircraft guns might not be enough.

As a result, the cruiser Norfolk began to accelerate and turn, and in the process of turning, it was hit by an aerial bomb carried by a Stuka-type dive bomber.

This bomb hit the middle of the hull of the cruiser Norfolk, and the explosion destroyed the middle funnel of the Norfolk...

Speaking of Norfolk chimneys, although the British Norfolk cruiser is a new type of cruiser built before World War II, it adopts a strange design of three chimneys.

The long chimney layout of three chimneys doubles the chance of hitting the chimney. Soon the Norfolk's speed began to drop.

The Norfolk, which was hit by itself, was repaired while trying to avoid more and more German carrier-based attack aircraft. Until the end, the Norfolk found that she couldn't avoid it...

In the sky, there were as many as ten German aircraft, and the Norfolk had lost about half of its power due to damage to the middle of the hull.

Relying on the speed of about 16 knots, it is really impossible to avoid the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen, which has already narrowed the distance.

The captain of the cruiser Norfolk, who already knew that he was doomed, could do nothing but let his sailors abandon the ship.

The wireless telegram sent by the Norfolk crossed the vast ocean and returned to the British mainland. In the British Naval Command, Dudley Pound, who had not slept all night, suddenly received this news.

"What? The Germans actually dispatched the aircraft carrier Zeppelin?" Dudley Pound, who heard the news, couldn't believe his ears.

Pound might still believe that the Germans dared to dispatch the battleship Bismarck, but Pound really couldn't believe that the Germans dispatched the only aircraft carrier that had just been trained for a month.

He looked at the map for the specific direction of the German fleet, and asked the officer beside him, "Let the Suffolk confirm that we must see the German aircraft carrier! I need to confirm this news! It must be accurate!"

If the Germans even dispatched an aircraft carrier, Dudley Pound would be really difficult to analyze if the Tirpitz was in the fleet.

Once the German ships are in this huge fleet, the British Navy's existing interception force can really say whether it can eat the opponent.

"Are the Germans crazy? How dare they send all the warships out?" Dudley Pound murmured, then turned around and began to rearrange his fleet: "Let the Dread take off a reconnaissance plane, as soon as possible. Confirm the exact movement of the enemy fleet and its composition!"

After saying his order, he looked at the huge desktop map. North of Iceland, near the Denmark Strait, is a squadron of its own.

And south of Iceland, there is also only a squadron patrolling. With such a force, if any of the squadrons collided with the German fleet, the outcome was really hard to say.

"Is there a submarine nearby?" He suddenly asked, "Is there any submarine force nearby! If you can see the enemy fleet, cancel the mission and check how many warships there are in the enemy fleet!"

"Report to the general! There is no our submarine nearby. The nearest one was passed by the enemy last night." A commander of the submarine force reported.

After learning that there was no other way, Dudley Pound finally decided to stick to his previous tactics and let his fleet intercept the German fleet as much as possible.

"Report!" Just when Pound decided to keep his fleet in its original deployment, an officer in charge of liaison in the Navy walked embarrassedly behind Pound.

He stood at attention, and then opened his mouth to report: "General! The cruiser Norfolk was hit by a bomb dropped by an enemy plane, and the captain has ordered to abandon the ship..."

Pound heard the news and looked up at the map, where the Norfolk cruiser was marked earlier. Now, there is no eyeliner in this position, and only the Suffolk is left with the Germans!

In fact, it was not the German bombers that sank the cruiser Norfolk, but the cruiser Prinz Eugen of the German Navy.

Taking advantage of her higher speed, the cruiser Prinz Eugen changed its course slightly under the order of Lütjens, and caught up with the Norfolk, which had been severely reduced in speed.

The 280mm guns on the battleship Prinz Eugen were much more powerful than the 203mm guns on the Norfolk.

After two rounds of salvos, the Norfolk, which had only been seriously injured, began to explode, catch fire and sink. The captain of the USS Norfolk, who had ordered the abandonment of the ship before, had already left the sinking battleship with people in a small boat.

The cruiser HMS Suffolk in the distance heard the sound of Prinz Eugen firing, a loud noise that terrified the sailors aboard the British ship.

They didn't see the carrier plane taking off from the German aircraft carrier Zeppelin because they were still far But they did hear the unfortunate news that Germany had an aircraft carrier.

Soon, Suffolk, which was following Gneisenau in the waters south of Gneisenau, began to turn south, preparing to avoid the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft search.

It is a pity that both the Gneisenau and the Tirpitz battleship behind the Gneisenau battlecruiser, the radar on them clearly detected the specific location of the Suffolk.

The reason there was no attack was because the German carrier planes that were preparing to attack the cruiser USS Suffolk were taking off from the USS Zeppelin and forming formations in the nearby airspace.

This morning was destined to be a **** morning, as the Royal Navy sank a cruiser just after confirming an all-out German fleet attack.

Now, General Charles, who is sitting on the battleship King George V, finally knows what kind of terrible enemy his fleet is facing——

Eighth more! Bros! Long Ling continued to code words! Seek all kinds of support! Rewards, monthly passes, subscriptions, and messages are all available! Thank you so much!

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