Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and twenty-nine we are here to hunt

"Isn't this too useful?" At the same time, Lütjens sighed on the deck of the aircraft carrier Zeppelin when the British navy's top management was devastated by the German fleet. . fastest update

Before the actual combat, he never imagined that after the fleet had an aircraft carrier, there would be such a reborn change.

You can take out the most annoying cruisers, or shoot down enemy carrier aircraft like flies! This is equivalent to directly poking the eyes of many parties.

Lütjens looked at Hines and asked, "I heard that you trained with the Führer for several days before you served on the aircraft carrier Zeppelin?"

Speaking of this, Hines couldn't help but smile bitterly and think of the time today, and now he can still feel the apocalyptic devastation.

Where's the training, it's just abuse! During those few days, Li Le took out the methods often used by later generations of pyramid schemes, and forced Haynes, the aviation commander, to fool you into believing the bright future of the naval aviation that Li Le said.

Hines was locked in a small dark room at that time, and he was subjected to Li Le's crazy brainwashing over and over again, from the importance of naval aviation to the combat philosophy of naval aviation...

By the time he finished that memorable week of training, with dark circles under his eyes, he believed in the future of naval aviation as if he believed in God.

But now, he will not admit that he was abused and brainwashed by the head of state. After seeing success and truly seeing the power of naval aviation, he now seems to have used the identity of the emperor's disciple.

Looking at Lütjens' curious eyes, Hines smiled smugly: "The Führer is a good man and has taught me a lot."

Head of Students! Does this name sound loud? Just ask are you afraid? I want to teach the head of state a teacher! It sounds so cool! right! Just ask if you are right! Hines shouted proudly in his heart.

He didn't know yet that at this time, far away in China, there was already a large group of bureaucrats, who called a chairman of the committee "the principal"...

Of course, he also didn't know that in a future love action blockbuster in a certain island country, being a teacher is really a wonderful career that makes people imagine.

Putting these aside, at least now Lütjens is being fooled by Hines. The German admiral was very envious, and he thought about whether he should find some time and ask the Führer to spend some time training...

Li Le would not object. If he knew that Hines had advertised his supplementary class, he would definitely be willing to teach the generals a lesson.

Li Le doesn't know if other skills will be improved, but after training through pyramid schemes, their loyalty will be basically guaranteed.

After throwing off the first two cruisers and two reconnaissance planes scattered by the United Kingdom, the situation of the German fleet has never been better.

The British fleet was huge, but what was the use of being blind and seeing the German fleet?

Lütjens has already thought about it, he can use the high speed of his fleet to bypass the British to intercept his blind fleet and enter the Atlantic waters.

After entering the Atlantic Ocean, the vast ocean became his best cover. The area there is too large, even if there is a carrier-based aircraft reconnaissance and search, it is unlikely to find his fleet!

He was so familiar with this kind of battle, and he was so familiar with it that he had just commanded the Scharnhorst a month ago. He escaped the British net here and escaped back to Brest.

Having found his familiar rhythm, Lütjens feels really good at this moment. He fell in love with the aircraft carrier under his feet, he really liked it very, very much!

It's not that he saw how dazzling this battleship is in the future, nor that he saw the many powerful capabilities of this type of battleship.

Instead, he found that this battleship could kill the opponent's reconnaissance plane and bring the naval battle back to the plane mode he was familiar with.

The three-dimensional naval battle made him and admirals like Reeder feel uncomfortable. The revolutionary tactics brought by the new weapons made him and traditional naval commanders such as Raidl face the crisis of elimination.

But now, when the enemy's carrier-based aircraft were unable to function, Lütjens found that he could take the fleet again and deal with the enemy's navy's warships on the rough seas.

It's like a fight between two children, a child will shout out loudly: "If you have the ability to lose, don't go to the teacher!"

Under the model that no one could sue the teacher or find a parent, Lütjens found that he was the fastest and most flexible child!

Seemingly seeing that Lütjens was in a good mood, Hines said, "Don't be in a hurry to be happy. In fact, after entering the Atlantic, you will find that naval aviation has better uses!"

"Is there a better use?" Lütjens was already very satisfied with the reborn changes brought to the German fleet by the addition of the aircraft carrier Zeppelin.

Now that he heard that there are more benefits, he couldn't help but stunned for a moment. After subconsciously confirming one sentence, he immediately asked, "What's the use?"

When Hines heard Lütjens ask this question, he began to show off proudly that when the Fuhrer gave him a supplementary lesson, he instilled the knowledge point: "Just to destroy the opponent's naval aviation, this is just the beginning! Don't let the opponent use the sky It is the first step, and our own use of the sky is the ultimate goal!"

Hearing what Hines said, Lütjens seemed a little dissatisfied. If he used carrier-based aircraft to sink enemy ships like the sinking of the Suffolk, wouldn't his big guns become outdated? Spectator?

Ignoring the slight displeasure on Lütjens' face, Hines continued: "Of course, attacking is one aspect, but there is another aspect, which is what the enemy is most willing to do to investigate!"

When Lütjens heard the word investigation, he suddenly realized that he was thinking a little too narrowly!

He realized that using the aircraft on the carrier for reconnaissance would create a completely different early warning intelligence network for the entire fleet.

These planes can find the British transport fleet 200 kilometers away, target this fleet to provide reconnaissance intelligence, and guide the fleet to intercept and destroy such a transport fleet!

With these aircraft, the efficiency of breaking engagements can be multiplied. Even with the aircraft carrier as the core of intelligence, you can also command submarines to join hunting operations!

Based on the results detected by these aircraft, Germany can mobilize submarines, warships and directly use aircraft to attack targets, and can choose a more suitable way to strike opponents.

The real-time aerial reconnaissance intelligence will offset the **** methods designed by the other party to deal with the submarine, such as changing the route.

With the advance information of hundreds of kilometers in advance, short-legged submarines can also maneuver in advance and intercept in the positions that the enemy fleet must pass through...

Just thinking about it, Lütjens seems to have discovered a new continent. He knew that his beloved battleship was not about to be banned, but to be greatly strengthened.

Compared with unreliable aircraft carrier-based aircraft, compared with submarines with short legs that can only ambush, big ships and giant guns are the true love for breaking wars!

Really true love! His warships can be scattered, and at 30 knots, they can reach the position of the enemy transport fleet.

With the main guns of 381mm and 280mm caliber, it is easy to kill those destroyers prepared for anti-submarine.

Then calmly drive into the transport fleet, fire on all sides with 150mm secondary guns, and sink all targets within the range!

This may be the most efficient way to attack the opponent's supply line, and the loss of the enemy is absolutely huge to let people collapse!

Even if the enemy fleet is chasing and killing, early reconnaissance can allow the commander to confirm the size and location of the opposing fleet.

When you encounter a weak fleet, turn around and go back to eat, and when you encounter a strong opponent, use high speed to get rid of your opponent!

Even running is much easier than it is now. How pleasant is this? Lütjens felt that he would wake up laughing when he was dreaming.

"It's really good! It's really good!" The elated Lütjens suddenly felt that it was really the right thing for the Führer to force the navy to fight.

Hines nodded and said: "With the cover of naval aviation, the fleet can have greater space activities... The advantage is already on our side!"

He said it with confidence, because after sinking the Suffolk and eating the opponent's carrier aircraft, he found that everything the Führer forced him to believe was right!

At this time, the formation of the fleet has changed. The cruiser Nuremberg, which has no radar, has been transferred to the middle of the team and is responsible for guarding the opponent's submarines and torpedoes.

At the head was the battlecruiser Gneisenau with the new radar by Bismarck, then Zeppelin, then Tirpitz, then Nuremberg and Prinz Eugen.

This arrangement can ensure that the fleet's radar can first detect the opponent. Having seen the Führer's powerful aviation, Lütjens is now beginning to trust the radar, the "artifact" that the Führer relied on.

Trusting this kind of thing is amazing, because after being proven right time and time again, the trust level of others will increase.

When this kind of trust is elevated to the level of the head of state, this kind of trust is upgraded to a kind of faith!

Hines has regarded the Führer as his belief, and Lütjens is now clearly following this trend.

He began to worry about this expedition to become determined to win. After seeing the strength of his fleet, he also understood the painstaking efforts of the Führer.

So, he stood on the bridge and said to himself with a smile: "What are you afraid of? I'm not here to fight with the British fleet, we're here to hunt, aren't we?"

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