Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and fifty-nine lucky submarines

The Hood, which was originally thought to have escaped, failed to escape the fate of sinking in the end. In order to cover the lost power of the battlecruiser HMS Hood, the British Navy's aircraft carrier HMS Eagle was also sunk.

The two destroyers finally gave up their plans to hunt down the German submarine, because more than a thousand people were floating in the icy waters and could die at any time.

Rescuing your own sailors was more important than sinking a German submarine. If he was charged with the crime of not being saved, the captains of the two destroyers would have no so-called future.

Hearing the echo of the sonar on the hull of their submarine, the officers and soldiers in the submarine U-47 were so nervous that they were about to pee their pants.

The other party dropped two depth charges on the spot where they had just stopped, and the shock of the explosion made them almost spit out the breakfast they had eaten.

Priyan leaned against the armrest of his periscope, looking up at the ceiling of the submarine. He didn't know if the enemy would drop bombs again, and everyone was waiting for their final judgment.

Just now, he accidentally discovered this fleet that stayed on the sea, with only four warships. Priyan found his prey, and he thought it was a good opportunity to perform a miracle.

So he drove down to the center of the fleet with the sound of the waves in the background.

Then, after waiting for another hour, I adjusted a perfect shooting position. He used the four torpedo tubes in his bow to aim at the slow-moving USS Eagle, and two torpedoes in his stern aimed at the USS Hood behind him.

Then, the heroic commander who once braved Scapa Flow and sank the battleship HMS Royal Oak, after sinking HMS Nelson, once again extended his claws to the warship.

In fact, it was Prien's luck against the sky. He came to the nearby waters to intercept the K-1 convoy.

After luckily collided with the British home fleet and sank the battleship HMS Nelson, he wasted too much time in the pursuit of the enemy and eventually missed the K-1 convoy.

But the k-1 transport fleet was missed, but this powerful submarine commander ran into another adventure.

After aiming at the target, Prien knew that no matter whether he could leave alive today or not, he was already a legend that future generations could not overcome.

The battleship Royal Oak was sunk, the battleship Nelson was sunk, and the battlecruiser Hood and the aircraft carrier Eagle were sunk on the same day...

There may never be a captain like this again in this world, with such a fortune against the sky, and at the same time with such a fearless courage.

So, without any hesitation, he decided to shoot torpedoes to attack the fleet, and then leave the sea in the chaos.

What happened next proved his judgment. The two ships can be said to be stationary targets at all, and they are very easy to hit! And the torpedo fuze, which is good and bad, also performed very well this time.

"It's getting farther and farther... They don't seem to plan to continue chasing us!" The sonar soldier listened to the noise coming from the earphones and reported in the smallest voice.

It was dark inside the submarine, with only one light emitting a faint glow. In order to sneak into this excellent position, the u-47 submarine has always maintained a submerged state and is completely supported by electricity.

"There is no subsequent explosion... The enemy seems to have really left." The first mate supported the handrail on the wall, and looked at the ceiling with his chin up.

It was really exciting just now. Just after they adjusted the depth and drove a certain distance, the sonar soldiers heard the sound of the destroyer approaching.

Then, they stopped their motivation and began to quietly wait for the opponent's destroyer to make moves in order to take countermeasures.

Generally speaking, the tail of the opponent's destroyer is the blind spot of the sonar. As long as it hides there, the opponent will have no way to find the trace of the submarine.

Soon, the first round of depth charges exploded where the submarine had fired the torpedoes. The loud noise was deafening, and Prien even felt that he was going to die here today.

But what happened next was beyond his expectations. After searching for a few minutes, the other party began to leave in the distance.

"Perhaps, we sank those two warships." Prien easily analyzed the other side's situation.

Thousands of people are floating on the sea waiting for rescue. In this state, it is impossible for the other party to stay here for a long time and deal with the submarine.

Because the two battleships sank were at least two kilometers apart, it was impossible to use one destroyer to rescue and the other to stay and continue to chase and kill.

Similar to Prien's calculation, the British destroyers will not stay here for a long time to entangle with submarines, and anti-submarine warfare is just a gesture.

The most important thing is to rescue those poor officers and soldiers who have fallen into the water in the freezing cold sea.

If it was ten or eight minutes late, it is estimated that hundreds of people would freeze to death in the water. The opponent's destroyer must be the first to rescue, which is almost inevitable.

And when the other destroyer left, it was time for his submarine to leave. Prien looked at the ceiling and commanded: "3 knots, drive slowly...don't adjust the course, get out of here!"

Hearing Priyan's order, the operator immediately pushed the joystick in front of him, and the diesel engine equipment manager behind the submarine immediately put the diesel engine back in operation.

The machine turned cheerfully, making a nice and rhythmic sound. Although the sea was rough, at a depth of 65 meters, there was no bump at all.

Unless you encounter the undercurrent under the sea, the word calm can be used here. There are no stormy seas here, only tranquility and darkness.

It is not a small submarine, sneaking slowly in the deep sea. Its sharp bow and hard hull moved little by little in the sea, making a rumbling sound.

It is impossible to be completely silent. Even modern submarines will produce the noise of the background noise of the ocean in most states, not to mention the submarines of World War II level.

Compared with the advanced submarines of later generations, the sharp bow of the German U-type submarine makes it more like a diving ship than a submarine...

Of course, with the addition of protruding components such as deck guns and elevators, the underwater noise of submarines in this era can really be said to be very touching.

It's just that the sonar technology of this era is also very **** in accuracy. Therefore, there can be an ingenious balance between anti-submarine forces and submarines.

The British destroyer just left, because more than a thousand sailors fell into the water in the distance. It was still raining at this time and the temperature was quite low.

Even if the cold sea breeze blows on the person wearing warm clothes, it will make the other person feel biting cold, not to mention the whole body is soaked in the sea water.

At this moment, the British destroyer can only rescue the drowning while cautiously guarding the sea to avoid becoming the prey of German submarines.

You know, during the First World War, the U-9 submarine took advantage of the opportunity of the British Navy to rescue each other and sank three cruisers in one go.

In order to avoid encountering such a tragedy again, the British destroyer did not completely reduce the number of destroyers, but went around in circles while trying to rescue their own people who fell into the water with small boats.

Fortunately, the German submarines did not attack again. The two destroyers rescued a total of 793 drowning people. The rest were either frozen to death on the ocean or sank with the ship.

By this time, officers such as John Tovey and the captain of the Hood were officially confirmed to have died in battle with the ship, and there was no longer any doubt.

"Damn it! German submarine! German submarine!" Charles heard the news that the Hood was sunk, and immediately became furious.

Not long ago, his Nelson had just been sunk at sea by a German submarine, and now the Hood is not spared, and has also boarded an aircraft carrier Eagle, how can it not make people angry?

When Somerville heard the news, he sat back in his seat and didn't speak for a while.

The battlecruiser USS Hood, the flagship of his H-fleet, ended up sinking in the Atlantic Ocean. There is also the Eagle aircraft carrier. The entire fleet suffered heavy losses during this siege.

The German side sank two British cruisers, annihilated the T fleet, and killed almost half of the encircling British fleet...

If it continues like this, the British Royal Navy has worked hard since the end of the First World to accumulate today's maritime superiority, and it will be handed over to the German enemy with only two battleships.

In any case, this is an irony. After Churchill heard the news, he left the naval headquarters in a fit of anger and drove back to his prime minister's mansion.

Before leaving, he even threw the glass, and then yelled at the naval headquarters, insulting several admirals who came to persuade him, all of whom were spies of the Germans.

In the silence of everyone, Churchill once again pushed the blame for the failure of the naval battle to the "shadow" of the spy in the navy.

And this time, the generals in the naval command finally could no longer bear it. Excited by the crowd, they denied that there were spies raging inside. They retorted and put the responsibility for the failure of the war on Mr. Xiang.

That's why Churchill left the Naval Command in a hurry. He has lost the support of the navy and his obsession with Germany's "shadow" is beginning to feel distasteful.

At the same time, on the road from Portsmouth to London, which was full of bomb craters and crowded with refugees, Cunningham sighed helplessly while looking at the starving civilians and listless soldiers outside the window.

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