Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and seventy-three ace's air combat

After the attack is successful, experienced pilots generally do the action of disengagement. They need to get rid of the opponent's entanglement in a suitable position, and then try to find their dominant state as much as possible.

In fact, in air combat, in the era of missiles, a new concept weapon, the competition is the pilot's understanding and application of energy exchange.

In the same state, diving is to convert potential energy into kinetic energy, gaining faster speed and making more violent attacks.

The process of climbing is to replenish the lost potential energy with kinetic energy. As for the maneuvering of various trajectories, it is also a technical means of alternately using kinetic energy and potential energy in a limited space.

Therefore, when losing potential energy, how to use the advantage of kinetic energy to get rid of the opponent's entanglement; when having the advantage of potential energy, how to use the advantage of potential energy to end the fight as soon as possible, is the most direct difference to measure whether a pilot is smart or not. .

Although Heinz Barr could not utter such a profound theory, his understanding of the performance of his own fighter jets, as well as his judgment on the positions of both sides in the air battle, was close to a correct understanding.

What's more, before he climbed into the plane, he already knew his enemies, and it could even be said that he knew the enemies on the opposite side just like he knew himself.

The data of the Spitfire has long been no secret. The flight speed, even the turning radius, and the highest climb speed are comprehensive.

Backed by modern data, German pilots know much more about the P-40 and Spitfire than the British pilots who fly them.

Barr knows how the other party will use to get rid of his entanglement. As long as he sees the direction of the other party's maneuver, he can guess what the other party wants to do.

This understanding allowed Baal to react as quickly as possible, allowing the prey that could have escaped his pursuit to fall into his control once again.

"We're back to altitude! We're back to altitude!" Barr pulled up his joystick and let the plane begin a steep upward climb.

He seemed to do an incomplete somersault again, aiming the fighter at a higher place. There, a German ME-109E was being pursued by a Spitfire.

The wingman pilot was taciturn, and he followed his lead plane earnestly, carrying out the task of his cover. The two planes rushed into the blue sky one after the other, aiming their noses at the target ahead.

"You attack!" Barr is not a pilot who eats alone. It can be said that every ace pilot who can achieve more than 200 records is not a loner.

The wingman who followed behind replied with a yes, and then began to lock on the target in front. This was also an attack that was determined to win, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.


White was driving his Spitfire, constantly climbing in the sky. He locked onto a clumsy-looking German ME-109E fighter, ready to shoot it down.

Judging from the opponent's flight movements, 80% of the ME-109E fighters were sitting with a novice pilot. The other party's escape route was disorganized and looked nervous.

Yes, it looks like a few. As an old British pilot, White has seen too many novice pilots, not only British novice, but also German novice.

So he didn't want to give up such an opportunity, and the chances of being able to shoot down an enemy plane were not many. He drove his plane up rapidly, and the engine also made a pleasant roar.

The British engine is also the best engine of this era, and even in the future, it may surpass the German engine and become the king of the engine of this era.

His fingers had already touched the firing device, and the opponent's plane was swaying from side to side in his sight, and he was about to enter the middle position again.

As long as the opponent continues to maintain such a shaking frequency, he can give the opponent a heavy blow the next time he locks.

"Okay! Okay..." He also murmured subconsciously in his mouth, and at this moment, a chilly feeling rushed from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head.

White was taken aback by this feeling, as if the plane had been penetrated and the cold sea breeze rushed in.

Subconsciously, the kind of intuition before the advent of the strange danger made him decisively give up this attack.

It only took a moment, no more than a thousandth of a second, for White to stagger his feet, causing the plane to roll over and deviate from the original flight trajectory.

And less than half a second after his plane rolled away, the dazzling straight line drawn by the tracer covered the original trajectory of his plane.

"I'm X!" With a loud scolding, White didn't have time to see where the attack came from, and started to make large-scale maneuvers with his own plane.

He first adjusted his nose so that the plane entered a state of level flight, and then rolled down without stopping for a second, and began to dive.

As a very experienced pilot, White knew that this set of escape moves would make him throw off more than 90 percent of German pilots.

It's not that this complex set of escape maneuvers is effective, but that in general, German pilots seeking efficiency will look for easier targets to kill.

Of course, that was referring to such a large-scale maneuver when the German pilots were in **** state, and White's aircraft had already left the attack range, so there was no such thing as a threat.

However, this time, chasing down his German plane was a little trickier. In the process of diving, White still felt unprecedented pressure.

From the rearview mirror of the plane, he saw the enemy plane chasing him. The enemy plane flashed past at a certain angle, leaving only a momentary shadow.

The opponent's speed was very fast, and he did not give up the pursuit. After White scolded his mother secretly in his heart, he suddenly changed his flight direction.

In vertical maneuvering, the FW-190B has more powerful performance than the Spitfire. In terms of climbing speed, the two sides are comparable, but in terms of diving speed, the FW-190B is much faster.

Therefore, what White is doing now is to use continuous diving as much as possible to make himself and the opponent lose a lot of potential energy at the same time.

Then, take advantage of the comparable climbing performance of the two sides to regain their advantages in the battle to regain potential energy.

Now, the only thing that makes White a little depressed is that there is no wingman to cover him. Under this kind of confrontation, no matter what he does, it seems that he is not taking advantage.

Being able to catch up in this situation shows that the other party is not a rookie either. When the performance of the aircraft was not dominant, but his own technical characteristics were well known to the other side, White knew that his chances of winning were very small.

All he can do is to delay as long as possible, so that the other party feels that hunting him is too time-consuming, and then voluntarily give up this chase.

Driving his own fighter jet, he quickly changed back to level flight after diving, and then continued to dive again. After two consecutive times, he finally saw the leaving enemy plane in the rearview mirror.

"Huh! What a risk!" Intuition saved White's life at the last moment. After he took a breath, he flew his plane and began to climb rapidly.

And not far behind him, the two German fighter jets that had turned away, Heinz Barr's wingman, said for the first time, "The other party is very experienced."

For the taciturn wingman pilot, such an evaluation is already a very good word for acknowledging the other party.

Barr looked at the British Spitfire that was also climbing in the distance, frowned, and said, "He doesn't have a wingman, let's go back!"

The evaluation of his own wingman pilot gave Barr the idea of ​​winning. Although he is not the type to be easily excited, he is still a young man.

Since the opponent is an experienced pilot, he should go up and challenge it to see if he is better or if the opponent is better.

"I'll bite the other party in a while, you cover my back." Although he planned to have a test with the other party, Barr didn't have the conceit to let the wingman not intervene for fairness.

This is on the battlefield, any carelessness may lose one's own life. So Barr never intended to give up his advantages, it was his character.

The kind of stupid X who sees that the opponent's pistol is out of bullets and throws away his own pistol. According to the popular words, this kind of character "cannot survive two episodes".

"After the altitude recovers to 6000, if the other party continues to climb, we will level up!" After he issued an order to the wingman, he steered his plane and raised his altitude.

The ME-109E fighter he rescued just now had already flown to a higher place, and also aimed its nose at the climbing British Obviously not a German pilot The character of this novice fighter pilot also rose a little bit of anger after being shielded by Barr to get rid of the opponent's entanglement.

At least now, he has a chance to dive and attack the opponent. Obviously, the climbing speed of 14 meters per second is not comparable to the diving speed of ME-109E exceeding 600 kilometers per hour.

White, who was still climbing, did not know at this moment that there were already three German fighter jets that had already locked their targets on his plane.

However, even knowing this, all he can do is climb, use the climb to get rid of the pursuit of the two FW-190B fighters, and fight for a chance to fight against the ME-109E fighter.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! The opponent's height is over 6,400 meters! It's still rising! Let's not rush to continue climbing... He always has to lower his altitude!" Looking at the British Spitfire flying higher and higher, Barr said Such a sentence.

Then, he saw above his head, the ME-109E fighter jet that had just been chased, rushing towards the distant target.

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