Imperial Overlord

: Three hundred and eighty-six fleet attack

Sometimes things are so cruel. . The faster the update is, the more afraid of something, the more it will appear...

For example, when you forget to review, the teacher will randomly check the exam, and then let you who can't remember anything go to the back of the classroom and be punished.

For example, when you go out with your roommate to open a black hole, and you are fighting a blind monk with nine kills, zero deaths and five assists, the old professor of the professional class called out angrily, and threatened that those who skipped the class would fail in this subject.

For another example, when I prayed with all my heart that the Germans would be deceived and let their navy stay in Brest, their fleet pulled anchor that night...

Yes, when Churchill dreamed that the German navy would stand still, the German navy, under the command of Lütjens, with all the wealth that could be brought, was mighty.

correct! It's all the possessions you can bring! All the battleships were gone except the battleship Bismarck, which was being repaired in the dock.

In order to maintain the overall speed, the German fleet did not even bring two armored ships, maintaining the flexibility of more than 30 knots under the fast sailing state of the entire fleet.

Lütjens was moved to tears by the battleship in his hand: he was finally able to take his battleship across the Atlantic Ocean unscrupulously.

However, things were not as good as he imagined. In fact, in addition to refilling the fuel, most of the battleships in his hands did not have enough ammunition.

The battleships, including Tirpitz, had only leftover ammunition and had not received a large-scale ammunition replenishment.

The more abundant ones were the two battlecruisers, which had some reserves in Brest for their 280mm cannons.

These reserves were originally supplied to Scharnhorst, but are now distributed to Gneisenau, which is considered to make up for the consumption of the two battleships.

As for the poor Prinz Eugen, and the Tirpitz, the rest of the ammunition was the one brought from the port of Kiel.

Although it has not been replenished, the ammunition in the inventory of these warships is enough for this operation. What worries Lütjens is the various problems after returning home.

On this voyage, the ammunition of the warship is barely enough, but for the next voyage, it needs to be supplemented.

I heard that Redel is desperately mobilizing a special train, hoping to replenish Brest's ammunition inventory. Now we can only hope that the replenishment can be put in place as soon as possible, so that the German Navy will not be paralyzed in Brest.

The shortcomings of the navy's lack of preparation for war are dragging the German navy a little bit. Although the support of the head of state has played a role in alleviating, after all, the navy is not ready for a real fight.

Thankfully, the British navy was not prepared to fight such a war in comparison...

The two armored ships left the port first, took the minesweepers for a walk around the periphery of Brest, and checked the channel of the fleet.

Afterwards, under the surveillance of British submarines, the German naval forces swaggered out of Brest, once again provoking the sensitive nerves of the British Navy.

"It's not good! It's not good!" In the British Naval Command, an officer in charge of the investigation waved the telegram in his hand and shouted the mourning.

He ran to the newly appointed Charles, and pressed a telegram from a submarine on the front line monitoring the movements of the German Navy on the latter's desk.

"Sir... The news just came that the German Navy was dispatched. They increased their speed from Brest and rushed directly to the Atlantic Ocean." The officer said helplessly.

Afraid of what to come, Charles was really dumbfounded when he heard the news of the German navy's departure.

Just now, he knew that the k-3 and ak-3 transport fleets had entered the Atlantic Ocean, and at the same time, there were also two fleets of ak-1 and ak-2 floating in the dangerous range.

The ak-3 is a temporary supplementary fleet from the United States to the United Kingdom, consisting of temporary American transport ships.

This fleet is full of food transport ships, in order to alleviate the British mainland, because the loss of the k-1 fleet and the t transport fleet, caused the shortage of food in the British mainland.

As for ak-1 and ak-2, one is an arms transport ship, which is loaded with military supplies such as tanks ordered by the UK; the other is a supplementary ship for important materials such as steel.

Listening to what these transport fleets are loading, you can know that the speed of these fleets is almost as fast as crawling.

Coupled with the interference of German submarines along the way, the problems of routes and other issues have almost all been known to Germany.

In the past, the British transport fleet had nothing to fear. Even if the German submarine knew the route, it could rely on the **** destroyer to barely complete the journey.

Now, it is not the slow-moving submarine force of the German Navy that is chasing and killing these transport fleets, but a German fleet that can sail at high speed, besieging, chasing, and intercepting the transport fleet!

"Damn it! Including the small transport fleet, almost 10 fleets will be affected and affected!" Charles felt his head getting bigger.

He must take countermeasures now. If one or two of these fleets are lost, then the mainland of the British Empire is almost in chaos.

"Let the local fleet be dispatched immediately..." Without thinking about anything else, Charles could only have the fleet dispatched first to cover the fleet that could be covered from the attack of the German fleet.

"In addition, let the transport fleets that are closer to each other get closer to each other, as close as possible!" In order to reduce losses, Charles had to give up efficiency and once again change the voyage of the entire transport fleet.

Only by gathering the dangerous fleets at sea and using their own home fleet to protect them can the losses be minimized.

Although the German fleet is fast, it is flexible and lacking in strength. Charles knew that the opponent's guerrilla was very powerful, but he was more than willing to fight with the British mainland fleet.

Charles deliberately asked, how did the Germans choose such a good time to let their fleet enter the Atlantic Ocean.

But he kept his mouth shut at a critical moment. Now, words such as spy intelligence are taboo words in the UK.

As long as the German shadow troops are involved, the seriousness of the matter will rise, and eventually it will rise infinitely to the height of the collapse.

In fact, Charles also guessed that the German Navy must have referred to the intelligence of the submarine force, and finally determined the time when the British sea transport was the most frequent, and dispatched its own fleet at this time.

Like the British, the Germans also deployed their own submarines on the east coast of the United States, which served as early detection and provided the wolves with early action parameters.

To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the British Navy's home fleet this time may be stronger than the previous home fleet.

The flagship battleship HMS King George V, with the Barham, Sovereign, Rodney and Vengeance, which had just been assigned to the local fleet, set sail together with three battleships, HMS Warspite.

And this time, the only one left in the mainland was the battlecruiser Repulse. Charles also had his own calculations for not bringing this fast battlecruiser.

The last time the battlecruisers were used in a decisive battle with the German fleet, the Hood and the Prestige lost two precious battleships.

The painful lessons made Charles understand that relying on battlecruisers to compete with the battleships of the German Navy was a very dangerous choice.

Therefore, Charles believes that instead of carrying the only remaining battlecruiser, it is more appropriate to bring a battleship with a slower but more stable speed.

Anyway, the speed of the main fleet of the British Navy is generally slow, so there is only one remaining battleship with a faster speed, and there is no difference with or without it.

Moreover, this time Charles made up his mind not to let his bulky fleet go after the German guerrilla fleet as he did last time.

He intends to gather the transport fleet and arrive at the mainland intact under the protection of the local fleet.

From Charles' point of view, can't your German fleet be able to run, so I won't chase it at all! Just guard your fleet and wait for you to come. If you don't come, there will be no losses in my transport fleet. This exchange is guaranteed to be profitable.

For the sake of insurance, the two advanced aircraft carriers, the Dreadful and the Royal Ark, also sailed with the fleet in terms of strength, and the local fleet was still twice as large as the German guerrilla fleet.

As if there was no loss, the warships dispatched by the local fleet are still unshakable by the German navy. This is the foundation of the strength of the British navy.

Including the cruisers searching for the German fleet and other auxiliary ships, the British Navy dispatched 30 ships of various types in one which is five times the number of German Navy ships.

With this mighty local fleet, is also a famous British naval admiral. He is in real history, Admiral Tom s?v? Phillips, who was appointed commander of the British Far Eastern Fleet.

The change in history made him, an admiral who was originally sitting in the office honestly and served as the deputy chief of staff of the navy, had to take over the position of Charles and become the commander of the local fleet.

As for whether he can avoid the fate of going to the Far East to eat Japanese torpedoes because of Li Le's butterfly wings, it is still unknown.

"Call General Somerville, if he thinks it is possible, he can send the aircraft carrier Radiance to help search the German fleet..." Charles, who still felt that his arrangements were not secure enough, gave Somerville another combat order.

Charles, who tried his best to make a series of tactical arrangements, also knew that he had made a mess of the entire shipping arrangement.

But in order to save his transport fleet, he had to insist on doing so. And after giving the order to change the route of each fleet, the news of the German fleet's departure was notified to Churchill who had already slept.

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