Imperial Overlord

: Four hundred and ninety-four dawn

It's not just the British who are struggling, the German side also seems to be very lively. Dönitz is now disheartened and hesitating how to report this tragic victory to the Führer.

During the nighttime engagement, a total of 29 small German U-boats joined the battle.

These 29 U-shaped submarines fired a total of more than 70 torpedoes, only sunk a destroyer, two cruisers, and severely damaged a battleship.

Such a poor result, on the one hand, has something to do with the strict defense of the British Navy, and on the other hand, it is also due to the failure of torpedoes.

Because Germany's new torpedoes frequently fail, Germany's ocean-going submarine force, most of the time, will ask someone to find a way to replace the torpedo with a model with a collision-triggered fuze.

Most of the new torpedoes that no one liked were concentrated on small U-boats for coastal defense patrols and reconnaissance.

As a result, the chaotic mobilization and strict secrecy procedures made the troops participating in this battle never think of the weapons in their hands...

Compared with the chaos of the British army, the German army seems to be even worse. It has to be regretted to admit that the tragic battle to land in the UK started out as a process in which both sides kept getting worse than anyone else.

The problem with torpedoes is second, driving away the disturbing British fleet and causing heavy damage to a battleship. Although this battle result is not striking, it is reasonable.

But the problem is the loss. Dönitz can now confirm that he has more than 10 small U-boats, which were sunk by British destroyers.

how long it has been? It seems that from the start of the war to today, Dönitz has not encountered the loss of more than ten submarines in one day.

The night of February 14, or the early morning of February 15, could be said to be a disaster day for German submarines. In this short period of time, German submarines have created their own loss records, and it is estimated that they will not be refreshed again in a short period of time.

Goering's side was also not very happy. Kesselring lost more than 170 planes that night, most of them transport planes, and some JU-88 bombers responsible for attacking British warships.

The reason for the loss of so much is, on the one hand, the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery fire, and on the other hand, the reason is not so pleasant.

Because of their inexperience, many pilots lost their planes and crashed, and some collided with other people's planes in mid-air.

What is even more embarrassing is that most of the aircraft that attacked the British warships were unsuccessful, but the British shot down many aircraft.

Inexperienced in night attacks, the pilots of the German JU-88 bombers ended up venting their anger at the two British battleships that were no longer navigable.

The remaining British battleships, under the watch of German planes, left the minefield without any risk, drove further away, and finally disappeared in a dark night.

"Actually, didn't the Führer say that he is not willing to use submarines to challenge the other's main fleet." Behind Dönitz, an officer of the Navy's submarine force opened his mouth to comfort his boss.

Before this battle plan, the Führer had already told Dönitz that if there were other options, he would definitely not agree to deploy such a dense number of submarines to a certain area when the enemy was prepared.

Submarines are very powerful in breaking wars. One submarine or several submarines can bring enormous pressure to a route.

If it cooperates with other combat ships, the submarine's ability to paralyze the communication line will be doubled, which is the main reason why Li Le is eager to let the aircraft carrier Zeppelin join the battle.

However, when faced with the enemy's defensive main fleet, the role of submarines becomes very small. Especially the small U-boats that are not outstanding in performance, there is almost no way to face the enemy's impregnable walls.

It is precisely because of this that on such an important night, the German submarine force can only use the method of replacing wounds to drive their enemies out of the combat area.

This may be the most embarrassing German submarine win, and it may be the most dignified German submarine win.

Two days later, the final losses in the English naval battle were counted, with a total of 14 German submarines lost. However, they drove the British fleet out of the landing waters and completed the task assigned to them by their superiors.

At dawn on February 15, the sun appeared in the sky, illuminating the land of France. As the head of state of Germany, Li Le could finally sleep peacefully at this time, and the airport where the German fighter troops were located became noisy in the sunlight.

One after another, the FW-190 fighter jets began to take off, and with the light that was not so clear in the sky, they flew to the west, which was still dark.

The sun rises first in France and then illuminates the land of England. So to the British people's helplessness, the German planes will rush to the battlefield first to perform the task of protecting the airspace.

When the sun was shining on the sea, a huge British warship was cocked high at the end and was slowly sinking into the sea.

The battleship Sovereign finally failed to withstand the ravages of various German weapons and ended its life across the seas.

While HMS Sovereign was slowly sinking, HMS Prince of Wales had been sinking for a long time. It overturned not far away, and soon disappeared into the sea.

In the second half of the night, the war at sea continued. British destroyers and cruisers swept the sea again and again, interfering with German maritime transportation.

These destroyers and cruisers that went south were originally following the main fleet, but they were blocked in the strait. They had no choice but to retreat into Portsmouth and frequently came out to find the bad luck of the German fleet.

It is a pity that the German fleet was rarely dispatched at night, and there was a plan to rush to transport after the British fleet withdrew in the middle of the night, but because the British fleet was too strong, it had to be abandoned.

Speaking of which, this is directly related to the bombardment of the German landing site by the British fleet: Dover is now almost in ruins, and the port and dock have long been out of use.

Even if the British repaired it themselves, the port would not be available for a few months. Although Germany has the technology to start the dock, it will take several days to clear the debris.

At the same time, the British navy also shelled several small floating piers in the beach area that the Germans used during the day.

All of these piers were sunk, none of them were intact. So the Germans were now unable to land ships on the British coastline, even if they had the opportunity to do so.

When the sky turned white, the torpedo boats and destroyers of the British Navy, as if they had seen the ghosts of the sun, disappeared in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

German planes appeared one after another over the strait, and the transport ships scattered on the entire coastline began to get busy again in the light.

Last night, Reed's military radar, combined with planes and submarines, prevented the British fleet from attacking the landing site, and it also dispelled the British fleet's idea of ​​attacking German transport ships on the French coastline.

The preservation of these precious transport ships was another important achievement of the German navy and air force who fought hard all night yesterday.

Two large transport ships that had been prepared for a long time dragged two huge floating piers towards the sea near Dover and drove at full speed.


Lyman slapped the dirt on his helmet, letting the dirt lifted by the shells fall down.

The artillery bombardment last night left him with lingering fears. The intensive explosions dampened the German army's high fighting will.

"Gunther?" Seeing Gunther lying in the foxhole, wrapped in a coat and motionless, Lyman couldn't help but called out to the other party.

Hearing someone calling his name, Gunther struggled to sit up suddenly, the dirt from the helmet fell onto his blanket, and there was a clattering sound.

"What's wrong? Platoon Commander!" Gunther pulled out his rifle, looking at Gunther and asked with a confused look.

"It's okay! Help me count the number of people! I need you to confirm the status of everyone." Sleeping in the wilderness in the cold February made Lyman feel the deep malice brought by the war to him.

Last night he not only listened to the roar of the enemy's artillery fire in the middle of the night, but he could only fall asleep in the cold foxhole wrapped in a thin blanket.

But what annoyed him was that Gunther, who was beside him, slept in the sound of cannons as dense as raindrops, and he was a steady sleeper.

If it weren't for the sound of gunfire covering up his thunderous snoring, it is estimated that Lyman would have shot and killed the comrade-in-arms who was causing him trouble at this moment...

When skydiving, everyone carried thick fabrics such as Many paratroopers also have coats and other equipment. Among the materials that were dropped later, there were also many tents and clothes to keep out the cold.

However, I heard that a lot of food that was thrown into the village by mistake was taken for granted by the local residents. None of them had much food reserves, and in the face of German interrogation, no one could spit out the flour they had eaten.

So yesterday, the Germans committed a lot of murders, arson and slaughter. Of course, the British civilians did not forget the "Churchill shit-type" grenades that Churchill gave them.

The lively night of February 14th and the lively morning of February 15th. The Germans killed a full 390 people that night and eliminated more than 3,000 suspected enemy elements.

The good news is: it's dawn and it's all over. It seemed like a nightmare, and finally ushered in the moment of waking up.

Seeing a big pit left by a British howitzer not far away, Lehmann was very grateful for his luck. If the cannonball deviates by more than ten meters, then he will not be able to see today's magnificent sunrise.

God bless, Lyman prayed secretly in his heart, looking very pious, but there was a taste of dispensation.

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