Imperial Overlord

: Four hundred and ninety-six regret not learning Mandarin

The battle continued on the front line, and it did not become euphemistic because of the quietness and peace behind. Lehman's troops were forced to retreat at breakfast and replaced with new troops to continue fighting with the British.

There were originally an entire platoon of soldiers, but now there are only 27 pathetic people left. Lyman took his weapon and sat beside the roadbed, stuffed the dry bread into the lunch box, mixed it into the hot vegetable soup and ate it happily.

The 1st Parachute Division was the first German unit to enter the fighting area when the fighting began on 14 February. Until now, they had barely eaten a good meal to celebrate their hard-won victory.

There are more than 7,000 paratroopers in the entire paratrooper division, and there are only less than 5,000 left. They fought the enemy's artillery and tanks with their flesh and blood for a day or two, and most of them had not received a decent rest.

Listening to the rumble of artillery fire not far away, Lehmann was glad that he had survived another day. He looked at the heat in the lunch box and was very satisfied with his combat performance.

"Platoon commander! Good stuff from above!" Gunther came over with a pack of cigarettes and showed off to Lyman.

In fact, German soldiers have always hoped that they could seize some cigarettes and other materials in the UK to supplement their daily necessities. But when they came to the UK, they found that it was much poorer than they thought.

Few British soldiers could pull out a cigarette, and some higher-ranking officers had no such luxury. Instead, many Germans had to distribute cigarettes to British prisoners as a way to soothe the other's nervousness.

In order to allow the soldiers to fight with high spirits, countless cigarettes, sweets, and even milk were transported to the UK. The supplies the Germans got here were quite rich, and it also made everyone's fighting spirit very high.

Compared with the German team's breakfast, the British team's breakfast is much more embarrassing. Soldiers on the front line had only ordinary bread, and most of them even had to eat brown bread to satisfy their hunger.

Even in London, within the High Command, the breakfasts that Charles and Sir Dill ate were unbelievably shabby.

"The Germans didn't take a step back... This shows that the other side has sufficient troops, which is bad news for him." Sir Dill looked at his men and said hoarsely.

The scandal of the bombardment of Margate by the British fleet has yet to spread, which is good news for the British top brass.

However, with the passage of time, the news that the German team has advanced to the periphery of Maidstone spread like wildfire and spread in the streets of London.

Refugees leaving London heading north were everywhere, crowded with cars and crowds, hovering over their heads, ignoring the occasional German reconnaissance plane that appeared in the sky.

"In any case, we must try our best to compress the German defense line back to Ashford and Canterbury today! If we can't do that, the Germans will really gain a firm foothold with us!" On the map, Sir Dill, who was not even in the mood to eat, arranged a counterattack mission in a depressed mood.

Now, at least the artillery advantage of the British ** team is still there, and the military advantage also occupies an absolute advantage. If you don't resolutely fight back at this time, when will you wait?

"The local 1st Army Group is now unable to counterattack. To attack, we can only wait for the 2nd Army Group on the flank to be in place." A general opened his mouth and said to his boss.

Compared with the dazzling senior commanders of the British Navy during World War II, there are not many famous commanders in the British Army.

Counting Montgomery, who was famous in the world for bullying less, Wavell, who could barely be regarded as a character, and Auchinleck, who was half-ruthless, there are not many sincere people who can stand on the stage.

It is a pity that, even if Mountbatten is included, none of these famous army generals are in the UK.

Auchinleck and Montgomery are now in the Middle East, Wavell is now in Rommel's POW camp.

This also led to a very embarrassing problem, that is, Sir Dier really did not have a general who could support the front-line command to face the German All-Star lineup.

The German offensive commanders of Dietrich, Hauser, and Ike and Student were so powerful that, on a tactical level, the British had an advantage in force, but they were always in a passive position.

On the other hand, the Navy's noon operational discussion meeting was even more decadent. News of the sinking of HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Sovereign was confirmed this morning.

There are survivors of both ships, but they are now either on German transports, or on German submarines.

Such a sinking victory cannot be denied. Germany will report it as soon as possible, and the certified evidence is there. The British government can only recognize it with its nose, award medals to the dead and send condolences to their families.

Acknowledging the news of the sinking of the two battleships is tantamount to acknowledging the failure of the naval fleet to block the English Channel.

The failure of the navy is probably equated with the success of the German landing. Once the news spreads, it is estimated that the chaos in London will be twice as much as it is now.

"The port of Portsmouth has just been attacked by German airstrikes again. We have 2 cruisers and 3 destroyers sunk, and the remaining warships have to continue to retreat south." A naval commander reported the latest battle situation.

Unlike speedboats and gunboats, which are easier to hide, larger destroyers and cruisers cannot be hidden perfectly.

Moreover, Portsmouth is too close to the combat radius of German aircraft, so it is also a frequently visited place. In such places, temporary camouflage was actually not very useful for German pilots.

It's not easy for Daoding's side, and the number of his planes that can fight is getting smaller and smaller. According to his plan, the current number cannot even ensure air dominance over London.

If the German army builds field airfields on the front line, the problems encountered by the British side will be even more serious. As long as the field airfields are completed, the range problem of German aircraft will no longer be a problem...

"Find a way to continue to fight back in the direction of Canterbury and Maidstone! If the 1st Army can't complete the task, the troops drawn by the 3rd Army will be on the top!" Back on the army side, Sir Dill has given gave his order.

The Navy failed, and the Air Force was equally unable to turn the tide. Now there are only one million troops in the army who are left to defend the country.

The 3rd Army is a garrison near London, and it can be regarded as the general reserve of the British army in the entire coastal defense area.

Although this group army has a lot of troops, and it has also assigned a lot of elite infantry, but this group army does not have many heavy weapons, it can only be regarded as a second-rate reserve.

Such a force was originally stationed near London and used to support people in the field. Now let them enter the war zone and fight the German elite to the death, which can only be said to be an attempt by Sir Dill to go to the hospital in a hurry.


Meanwhile, behind the ghostly branches of a dry bush, the German artillerymen were making their final battle preparations.

"Baby! It's all up to you this time! Since we equipped you, we haven't seen it all fired once." A soldier tore off the canvas covering the new weapon and muttered to himself. said his own weapon.

A device similar to a steel rail is exposed to the air, and it is divided into upper and lower layers, and it is covered with barrel-shaped rockets the thickness of an arm. These rockets have fins on the tail and look very modern.

"Fixed and ready! It's ready to launch at any time!" After the report was over, the entire launch site fell silent.

The organ rocket launcher, this thing is a new weapon built by the head of state personally, and it is also the first time that the rocket launcher has appeared on the battlefield.

Even the artillery units that fired this kind of rocket artillery have not fully seen what this kind of weapon looks like when it is fired. During their daily experimental training, most of them only fire one rocket projectile to find the feeling of this kind of weapon. .

After all, this kind of weapon is also very expensive, I heard that a salvo cost a lot of money. Everyone was cautious, pulling the launch starter to a distance with a wire, and digging a launch shelter with a shovel.

"Three, two, one! Launch!" After receiving the news that the enemy infantry had launched an attack again, the organ rocket launcher who had estimated the coordinates pressed the start switch.

"Whoosh!" The first rocket began to charge towards the target along the rails. The second rocket didn't waste any time, and flew out.

With the slight shaking of the mechanical supports on both sides of the car, along with the flames ejected from the tail of the rocket, the surrounding dust was blown away, mixed with the white smoke remaining from the combustion powder, and it spread out to cover the figure of the launch ~ Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! "Rhythmically, these rockets flew into the distance one by one, the first launch vehicle was invisible, the second launch vehicle in the distance, and the third launch vehicle, at this moment. It was also covered up by the diffuse dust.

It wasn't until the last rocket flew into the distance and the entire launch position became quiet that the German artillerymen dared to stick their heads out of the bunker.

They still haven't figured out whether their organ rocket launchers are attacking the enemy's position or where they are.

"My God, you scared me to death." A soldier of the Organ Rocket Launcher got up from the place where he was lying down, flicked the dust off his body, and said in a daze.

He squinted his eyes and looked into the distance, trying to search out the miserable words as much as possible, trying to describe the target area aimed at by the organ rocket launcher, until he finally gave up, and began to regret not learning Mandarin well...

Today, Long Ling was really unlucky. He could have written it at about 11:30, but the computer crashed and the file was lost, and then he wrote it until now. The lost manuscript was made up and updated for half an hour late. I'm really sorry.

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