Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and twenty-three I can't think of a reason for them to refuse

This may be the most humiliating treaty in history, and the last treaty signed by the United Kingdom. . fastest update

I don't know if British diplomats thought that when they signed a series of unequal treaties with the Qing Dynasty and signed the "Peace of Versailles" with Germany, they would one day be held on the negotiating table by the same, Being held at a gun to the head to sign an unequal treaty that made them miserable.

Germany not only wants to hand over almost all the existing warships of the British Navy as a victorious country, but also countless British overseas colonies or military bases including the Middle East.

Everything Britain could threaten Germany, including Gibraltar, was now under the **** red flag of the Third Reich.

Of course, the United Kingdom is not unable to get everything, including India, Canada, and colonies including Australia, Germany is not interested.

The bad news is not that Ireland and Scotland will be independent later, which is impossible for the United Kingdom to accept.

If this clause was not accepted, the Germans demanded the occupation of London. This kind of bargaining made the Duke of Hamilton cry without tears. He fought hard, hoping to obtain better conditions for his motherland.

"This is impossible! My head of state! The disintegration of Britain is unacceptable." He shook his head and said to the fake head of state Li Le on the side.

"Don't be so sure, you were still saying just now that it is impossible to cede Gibraltar." Ribbentrop smiled and joked.

As if being stabbed in the heart by a dagger, Duke Hamilton was so excited by Ribbentrop's words that he glared at Ribbentrop before saying, "We are willing to pay other prices, but we won't accept it. dismembered."

No country is allowed to be divided, and no one wants to see their motherland become two or more pieces.

Although the United Kingdom is eager to seek peace, it is only temporarily passive. They are still thinking about making a comeback. How could they give up all opportunities to cheer up?

If a treaty that is willing to split is signed, it means that this war will determine the future fate of Britain.

At that time, the power between Britain and Germany will no longer be equal, and revenge will be out of the question.

"Then, Germany takes a step back, and Britain takes a step back!" Ribbentrop suggested to Duke Hamilton with a plan that had been prepared for a long time.

He pointed to the documents spread out on the table, and continued to give his own conditions: "We only want the south bank of the Thames, and the United Kingdom must make Ireland completely independent!"

Ireland has never been under British rule, only part of Northern Ireland has always been under British rule.

Giving up Northern Ireland and recognizing the independent status of Ireland is not so unacceptable in the UK.

But the subsequent surrender of the south bank of the Thames made the Duke of Hamilton feel a little bit on pins and needles. That means giving up half of London, which is definitely not good news.

Swap Scotland for half London? Hamilton gritted his teeth, shook his head and said, "I need to consider this proposal. I think your country should be more tolerant in other aspects, so that we can reach an agreement as soon as possible."

"The matter of renting Liverpool and Scapa Flow ... I can't agree. Liverpool is in the heart of our country, and it is impossible to allow the German garrison to enter." Now that he is ready, he intends to exchange half of London for more benefits, Hamilton Decided to recover the loss in other ways.

The humiliation of half London is not unacceptable, the key is how much benefits can be exchanged for Britain at the negotiating table.

The Germans have not yet asked for war reparations, and they must fight for it. Britain has run out of money to lose capital, and it will take a lot of money to restore local production.

The good news is that there is no need to support one of the largest fleets in the world. Without this burden, perhaps the UK would be able to cheer up sooner.

The bad news is that without a huge fleet, India and Australia and Canada, which must have been swaying long ago, are expected to draw a clear line with the United Kingdom.

"In terms of reparations, the United Kingdom can pay a nominal $10 million a month, which is already very low." Ribbentrop accepted it as soon as possible, and gave a fairly low reparation request.

Of course, the Duke of Hamilton could not immediately nod in agreement, and the two immediately bargained with each other.

"$500,000! We can only give so much! We are still starving, there is no guarantee of colonial order, and Britain does not have such huge funds to pay your country's losses!" He stretched out a hand and spread it out Five fingers, shaking a bit, said.

Not to be outdone, Ribbentrop also stretched out five fingers: "We can make some concessions, $5 million! No less!"

Before the war, the pound had been one of the few stable and stable currency units in the world.

But after the Battle of Britain began, the pound began to depreciate. In this negotiation between the two sides, all the money involved are in US dollars, in order to fear that the pound will fluctuate again.

In contrast, in the treaty signed by Germany and France, the indemnity is settled in francs as the currency unit. It can also be seen from this that the non-resisting French economy actually did not suffer a fatal blow.

In the past few days, because of dividends from Libyan oil fields, the French economy has even shown some signs of revival. The economy of Vichy France is recovering, a fact that the French themselves feel.

With this fact as a basis, the law and order in the German-occupied areas became stable. Many French people have accepted the fact of defeat and began to acquiesce to their current status as a servant state.

The two were arguing and arguing until $3.3 million before they stopped. Hamilton also knew that the Germans' demands could not be less, so he could only agree.

In fact, compared to giving up half of London, the annual war reparations of $3.3 million can only be regarded as a form.

Such a low amount of compensation is almost indistinguishable from the waiver of compensation. The British people will not talk about this reparation. What they care about is the ceded land.

The treaty stipulates that the two sides will delimit the area of ​​actual control by the road between Bristol and London, and the Thames River as the boundary.

The British were to cede all areas south of the Thames and to recognize the 199-year power of the German garrison in these areas.

Even the treaty stipulates that if the German army is willing to pay a certain fee after 199, the garrison authority can be extended for another 99 years.

During the effective period of the treaty, the number of German troops stationed in the occupied area can be changed without the consent of the United Kingdom, but the upper limit cannot exceed 200,000.

At the same time, the additional clause of this article also clarifies that if the British increase their troops on the British line of actual control, the German army has the right to break the upper limit of 200,000 troops.

The content of another clause also clearly stipulates the number of British border guards, which should not exceed 300,000 people, and must be inspected by the German police investigation team at any time.

It was a non-stop treaty even harsher than the Treaty of Versailles, and when it was signed, Germany and Britain seemed to be brewing the next war.

Therefore, when signing this treaty, the United Kingdom is working hard to ensure that it has a chance to turn defeat into victory in the next war.

When Germany signed the treaty, it weakened Britain as much as possible, paving the way for a more tragic war that might break out later.

"So, since the content has been discussed almost less, then we should also see the sincerity that the UK has given us, right?" After interrupting the two people's bargaining, the head of state Li Le, who was sitting on the side, suddenly said. .

Li Le's words caught the two of them for a moment, and then Ribbentrop nodded with a smile, and said in agreement: "We have reached a preliminary agreement, so it is time for your country to fulfill its promise and hand over your sincerity!"

The so-called sincerity is two British battleships. The Germans wanted by name the faster battlecruiser HMS Repulse, as well as HMS King George V, the flagship of the British Home Fleet.

Of course, because the Duke of Hamilton rejected such an overlord clause last time, Germany has asked for another aircraft carrier Ark Royal this time, and it is not enough.

Duke Hamilton's face was bitter, thinking that this was the beginning of all disasters, and it was not a good feeling in his heart.

He nodded and said to the two in front of him, "I'll send a telegram to the country. If they agree to the peace treaty, they can be refined and signed..."

Then he paused and continued, "But if our country vetoes this proposal, it's not my responsibility."

"Of course!" Li Le nodded, stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, and shook hands with Duke Hamilton: "We will wait for your good news."

After finishing speaking, the head of state, who was still smiling, threatened himself: "But you have to be quicker. After all, we haven't started negotiations, and our attack will not stop."

The pale-faced Duke Hamilton could only close his eyes and nod his head. It was the end of this humiliating negotiation, and he left the reception room of the Prime Minister's Office with a few hastily recorded documents.

"Do you think they can agree to a treaty like ours?" Li Le discussed with Ribbentrop for a long time before this meeting. But at this moment, he still has no bottom in his heart, so he can only ask his subordinates.

Ribbentrop recalled Hamilton's anxious and desperate expression just now, and he was silent for a few seconds before answering the Führer's question: "I can't think of any reason for them to refuse."

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