Imperial Overlord

: 556 Uranium Project

Germany actually has an inherent advantage in developing nuclear weapons. It is also a German scientist who first proposed the theory of nuclear fission in 1938.

It is a pity that the Germans did not become the first country in the world to possess nuclear weapons despite having advanced theoretical foundations.

This matter is inextricably linked to Germany's exclusion of other races and the persecution of many non-German scientists.

You know, the famous scientist Albert Einstein had to leave because of the persecution in Germany.

Actually not just one Einstein, more than two thousand engineers and technologists left the country because of Germany's drastic racial policies.

If the departure of these people has no impact on Germany's advanced technology, it is simply impossible.

In addition to the extreme radical racism that forced a large number of scientists to flee, the wrong path of indigenous scientists is also an important reason.

German physicists headed by Heisenberg stubbornly believed that nuclear weapons were not easy to develop, and the difficulty and investment were not proportional.

There are also various small episodes. For example, the graphite used in the extraction of weapons-grade uranium raw materials was destroyed by anti-war activists, and the extraction failed due to the inclusion of impurities.

Another example is that Heisenberg's calculation formula was wrong, which led to Germany's wrong estimation of the weight of nuclear weapons, and so on.

This series of stories that may or may not have eventually led to the eventual abandonment of the development of German nuclear weapons has become a historical mystery.

The last aspect is the targeted destruction of the German nuclear weapons development infrastructure by the Allies, and the special attack by the British against the heavy water plant in Norway, which is also a classic of special operations.

In this case, Germany's atomic bomb research ultimately failed. But Li Le's current situation is much better than Hitler's.

He killed the king of destruction in Britain, and the probability of the destruction of the heavy water plant in Norway was greatly reduced.

At the same time, he deliberately checked various experimental materials to avoid the problem of experimental materials being destroyed.

Finally, Li Le also pointed out the way forward for German scientists based on the foresight of later generations.

But don't underestimate this road. With this road and without this road, the progress of nuclear weapons development is absolutely incomparable.

What I have to praise is that when the United States is doing things, it has a tenacity that will not die without the heart of the Yellow River. Their persistence can make many countries ashamed.

If the same thing is put on Germany, it really may not be possible. When the Soviet Union followed up on nuclear weapons research, it actually had a huge advantage—the Soviet Union at least knew that nuclear bombs were feasible and could be achieved with the current level of technology.

Under relative conditions, the United States did not know whether nuclear weapons were feasible or not.

Although the research on nuclear physics at that time has been relatively in-depth. The Soviet Union, Germany and even Japan have corresponding nuclear physics research.

However, even if we have a complete set of nuclear weapons development theories and there is no successful case, we can't actually get the answer that the atomic bomb will be successful.

Under such circumstances, the United States resolutely invested 2 billion US dollars and countless electricity to develop and produce atomic bombs, which itself requires great courage.

In some cases, it is often this courage that repels the attempts of many people and countries in certain aspects and fields.

So don't blindly worship how many years the Soviet Union was shorter than the United States in developing the atomic bomb, and how many years shorter my country was in developing the atomic bomb than the Soviet Union, it doesn't make any sense.

If there is no atomic bomb produced by the United States, the Soviet Union and China may not dare to take the step of building an atomic bomb after wasting ten years.

It can also be seen from here that Li Le, a traveler, can bring about a huge turning point for the development of nuclear weapons in Germany in the general direction of nuclear weapons development.

The guidance in the general direction has given Heisenberg and other German scientists the courage to take a step forward. In terms of specific operations, there are major projects undertaken by the head of the state, which can be more powerful than other plans in a stocking state. Ten million times.

In the study of the atomic bomb, the United States has set up a special department to supervise all nuclear projects.

In the beginning, it was the uranium advisory committee for pure scientific research, and then the project entered the engineering development stage, forming the Manhattan Project, which was carried out in parallel with the basic research.

The establishment of the committee alone took the United States two years, but this time was not wasted, because once the procedural unity was formed and the concentration of power was ensured, any department in the United States that wanted to encroach on nuclear engineering must Subject to unified dispatch.

This is not a joke. For example, if the Navy wants to participate in nuclear weapons research projects, it can contribute people and money, but it does not have any command and decision-making authority.

In this respect, the Third Reich is just the opposite. Everyone saves the time of wrangling with each other, but each department does its own thing.

The Ordnance Department, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, various universities, and even some ministerial units have their own nuclear research institutes.

Although the starting point is relatively high, the scientific research force developed is equally strong, but the original resources are not enough, and now it is more scattered.

What is even more depressing is that the research directions of various departments are also inconsistent: high-ranking naval officials such as Raeder and Dönitz have always wanted to use nuclear power for submarines and warships.

On the contrary, the United States basically terminated the research on nuclear power generation projects in 1942 and concentrated on the direction of nuclear weapons.

Now with the addition of the head of state, the power of the already highly dictatorial Third Reich organization is even greater than imagined.

All departments have completed relevant research, and a word from the great head of state has joined a large-scale research institution to contribute to Germany's nuclear weapons program.

This large-scale program is Germany's "uranium program". It planned to build the world's first nuclear weapon for Germany in 1944.

"We have completed the evaluation of Japan's centrifuges and purification equipment... There are some technically available parts, and the relevant departments have begun to practice." When Heisenberg faced the Führer alone, he said more. .

He really admired the Führer in front of him, because this Führer believed in Heisenberg's quantum physics and strongly supported the nuclear research of German physical scientists.

Just as the helm of IG Farben believes that a head of state who understands chemical technology is worthy of support, physicists such as Heisenberg also believe that it is a very happy thing to have a head of state who understands physics.

This is like a monk who finds out that the emperor of his country believes in Buddhism, it is an indescribable heart-to-heart sympathy.

As for why the Führer believed that an atomic bomb could definitely be manufactured, and that it was technically allowed, Heisenberg felt that it was not the point at all.

As a physicist, what he has to do is to lead a large group of scientists to complete the great progress of mankind into the age of nuclear physics.

Of course, whether to enter the age of nuclear energy or the age of nuclear weapons, this is not something he, a scientist, can control.

"Supervise every link. If there is a problem, don't jump to conclusions blindly, and investigate step by step from the root cause, and don't take anything for granted!" Li Leqian urged.

In history, Germany has never produced an atomic bomb. Li Le only has an unstable way of understanding where the problem lies.

He really didn't know whether it was because of the sabotage of the British special forces or because of Heisenberg's malfeasance, which caused the German nuclear physics research to lag.

So he could only ask Heisenberg to help him develop the atomic bomb, while trying his best to supervise every link.

Of course, Li Le secretly arranged another research group to review the German nuclear weapons research step by step. If he encountered any problem, he had to ask it himself.

It's not that Li Le understands nuclear The theoretical knowledge about nuclear weapons he has learned is almost the content of the textbook in high school physics for the college entrance examination.

But he knew the general direction of development, so he could judge on a macro level whether Heisenberg was intentionally procrastinating, or whether he was really doing things wholeheartedly.

In addition, he can also judge according to the progress, whether his country's nuclear weapons research has been interrupted by the enemy, or whether it has been interfered by bad factors.

"I understand, my head of state... The construction of the power plant has been approved by Pell, but the speed of purifying uranium raw materials cannot be improved in a short period of time." Heisenberg seemed a little regretful when he mentioned this.

Germany itself is a power-deficient country. The newly built power plant, Speer must first be used to produce weapons and equipment that are urgently needed on the front line, and then part of it to consolidate people's livelihood.

The development of society is inseparable from electricity. If Germany wants to become the world's first, it must increase its total power generation.

In this environment, the energy consumed by nuclear weapons will not be too much. Li Le was also very helpless about this, because he couldn't suspend the war against the Soviet Union after all.

"Hurry up, we really don't have much time." Li Le had no choice but to let Heisenberg complete the scheduled plan as quickly as possible.

Li Le planned to purify a few kilograms of uranium-235 raw material enough to produce nuclear weapons in 1943, and then use one year to make a real atomic bomb.

He estimates that the United States will develop an atomic bomb that can be used in actual combat around 1945, and Germany must have its own atomic bomb before that.

"Yes, my head of state!" Heisenberg nodded quickly and said - he now has more than 500 million gold marks in development funds, which is much more than building a battleship. So he can't refuse, and there is no reason to refuse the Fuhrer's request...

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