Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and seventy-three Britons have to repay their debts

"I have sent this plan to Mr. Prime Minister. As for whether it is passed or not, it depends on his cabinet and his own choice." As the commander of the British Navy, Somerville can really do things. Not much.

He had to report his plan, and after a long wait, until Attlee's cabinet agreed to his plan, he could execute it.

And things are more complicated if Attlee's cabinet hesitates and engages in lengthy wrangling. Maybe a few months time, there will be no decision in this regard.


At the same time, not only Somerville is worried, but the new British Prime Minister Adrian is also worried.

And the things that he was depressed about were far more depressed than those of Somerville.

Germany's war reparations, although not a huge sum of money, also made the decadent Britain stretched, and how to deal with him also had some headaches.

Meanwhile, British refugees migrating from the south to the north are consuming the last bit of blood in the country. If you don't think of a good way, these people will become the source of chaos.

In addition to economic problems, there are serious international relations problems that will test the new British Prime Minister.

In fact, the United States, as a former ally, has never expressed its position on whether to recognize the new Britain whose position has been ambiguous.

This matter, judging from the fact that the United States has not recognized Vichy France, will not be resolved in a short time.

In other words, the United States will no longer easily maintain trade relations with the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom will no longer be able to get the resources it wants from the United States as easily as before.

Not to mention other things, when the United States sells things this time, the United Kingdom is not allowed to use loans, and it must be settled in cash, which is enough for the United Kingdom to suffer.

Now, how can the UK have a large amount of cash to support it to go to the United States to make big purchases? If anything, the Churchill government would have used it long ago...

Without the support of the United States, the support of Germany is not as strong as that of the United States, which makes Attlee's cabinet face a very serious practical problem: the collapse of people's livelihood.

If it is only the issue of the collapse of people's livelihood, it is estimated that we can get some comfort from the current boss Germany to cry and make trouble.

But in addition to the United States, Australia and Canada, two already unstable members of the British Commonwealth, have chosen to remain silent on the British issue.

That is to say, except for Burma and India, which have clearly changed their flag and continued to fight against Germany, as well as the former British colonies in the Middle East, all other British colonies have not expressed their recognition of the current Britain...

Under this premise, it is only a beautiful dream for the United Kingdom to obtain economic compensation from the colonies.

Britain, which is difficult to ride a tiger, now has half of the capital in the hands of the Germans. Every time Attlee thought about this, she felt a dull pain in her crotch.

As if his life was in the hands of others, Attlee, the British Prime Minister, felt that he was not a complete man at all.

Every time he saw the bridge on the Thames, the bridgehead with the machine guns erected and the barricades across the bridge, Attlee would be depressed for a while.

"God, Somerville actually sent such a document..." He held the document, not knowing whether to agree or reject it.

If he refuses, he has kept the integrity of the United Kingdom, and at least can get a good sympathy score in future trials.

But once Somerville's request was rejected, the process of rebuilding in Britain would be delayed, countless people would starve to death in the summer, and national unrest would be inevitable.

Of course, if he agreed, it would appear that Britain would have an immediate opportunity to resume production, and the pressure on the whole country would be relieved.

The people will have jobs, and the government will have precious stability. The only regret is that the Germans will have more arms and weapons with the help of the United Kingdom.

That's how things are sometimes, and there is no perfect choice. At the same time of self-help, it will also be accompanied by embarrassing behavior of the enemy.

"If one day, I'm tried and found guilty... When I'm hanged, someone will cry for me, right?" Attlee murmured, then closed his eyes.

His hand involuntarily touched the steel seal on the desk in front of him, and pressed it into the corner of the document with force.

Because of the excessive force, the steel bar almost smashed through the paper used for the document. All of this, Attlee did it with his eyes closed, and it was obvious that he was reluctant.

The entangled British Prime Minister finally chose to give in. Once an animal chooses a direction, it will habitually go down.

It seems difficult to compromise one step at a time, but when a compromise is made, it becomes quite easy to compromise step by step.

By the time Attlee opened his eyes, he had already made a difficult choice. So he picked up the pen in front of him and wrote his name.

The British Prime Minister finally agreed with Somerville's and decided to use the method of producing weapons and ammunition for Germany to inject the driving force of restoring power into his country.

The good news for Attlee is that his cabinet is a puppet cabinet, most of whom are anti-war wall-sitters.

When the Germans were strong, they chose to cooperate as a means to save their lives or protect the country. Rejecting such a resolution is basically impossible for them.

Because of this, this report was quickly passed by the cabinet, and it actually took only one day.

There are two people, the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the Navy, who have no reason to refuse. Soon a British envoy arrived in Germany and proposed British ideas.

According to the British idea, the scope of cooperation between the two sides is quite huge: the United Kingdom is willing to help Germany build a navy, provide maintenance services for warships, produce qualified large-caliber artillery shells, and so on.

This includes spare barrels for 381mm caliber guns, 356 shells for 381mm caliber guns, and it's all-encompassing.

In manufacturing, Britain was even willing to supply Germany with engines, cars, and small naval ships. Including torpedo boats and submarines, the Germans were eye-opening.

As long as Germany is willing to provide the corresponding ore, and is willing to use wheat and other grains, they can buy these products. Even the British are willing to use these things to repay their war reparations...

After hearing the news, Deputy Minister Speer even thought that the British were really crazy-even if the British dared to produce these things, he would not dare to hand them over to the British to produce them.


Long Ling is sorting out his thoughts and preparing for a new round of outbreaks. Today's update is because Long Ling forgot to set the update time. Let's update together, I'm really sorry.

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