Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and eighty-one heads of state have already said

In Karjus' view, it is definitely not a good weapon, not even a qualified weapon.

However, the sense of oppression it brings on the battlefield, as well as the inaccurate but powerful firepower, can definitely be said to be an unprecedented challenge for the German armored forces.

At least its appearance provided the Soviet military with a theoretical means of destroying German tanks at long distances.

The infantry was scattered and deployed around the village. No one knows if there will be secret Soviet artillery positions nearby, and no one can afford the loss of a surprise attack.

This damned Soviet giant tank is still to be kept and guarded by soldiers. The technical department as well as the senior officers will come to visit, in order to learn about this weapon of the enemy as soon as possible.

The company commander's tank and Kent's No. 112 did not enter the village. The two of them' Panther tanks were parked outside the village, but they followed the battalion headquarters to the edge of the village.

The Soviets' appearance of new weapons did not actually cause much damage to the German army - not even a single German tank was destroyed.

In fact, from the start of the battle to the end of the battle, it had almost no effect except to frighten the German armored soldiers in a cold sweat and kill a few infantrymen.

But it was true that its appearance caused a lot of trouble for the company commander. It attacked with two consecutive artillery pieces and almost smashed the company commander's car into the sky.

"Hey! Karjus! Thank you!" The company commander came up and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"You killed this big guy. I don't know if it will give you the record of two tanks." Kent looked at the big guy not far away and said with some envy.

Because of the smoke and the angle of view, Kent did not find the Soviet tank that fired until the end.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end of the battle, this unfortunate crew did not have any outstanding performance except for a high-explosive bomb and a smoke bomb.

In the distance, infantry soldiers of the Wehrmacht were cleaning the battlefield. The bodies of more than a dozen German soldiers were placed on the ground. Several soldiers were digging holes to bury these warriors who died in foreign countries.

The blood spread and penetrated on the soil, the air smelled of sulphur, and there was some fragrance of blood.

The battalion commander was now studying a map of the Soviets with the officers at the battalion headquarters, and the markings on the map indicated that the road across the village extended to the far side of the forest.

This road connects to another small village, and beyond that village, not far east, is another town.

That town was called Smilovich, and if they captured it, they would have surrounded Minsk on almost three sides.

Therefore, the battalion commander is now discussing whether to gather some tanks and cooperate with the infantry in his hand to attack the next village.

Now they have a Panther tank of the 1st company that just arrived, and two No. 3 assault guns.

Counting these heavy weapons and equipment, they can scrape together 4 tanks and 2 assault guns to attack the next village.

But everyone's opinions are somewhat different, mainly because of the encounter with a huge Soviet tank - kv-2.

This tank was produced by the Soviet Union around 1940 and was the product of corrections for the insufficient armor of the t-26 tank.

It is a position attack chariot modified from a larger tank turret on the chassis of the kv-1 tank.

From the day it was born, it was not built to attack enemy tanks, it was aimed at immobile German border bunkers.

It is a pity that after the outbreak of the war, before these tanks reached the front line, and before the Soviet Union encountered the heavy losses of the German bunker group, the Soviet Union turned to a state of defense in an all-round way.

Therefore, there are not so many bunkers and fixed targets, waiting for positions such as kv-2 to break through and attack.

Soon, the high-speed advancing German armored forces became the target of these behemoths. Sadly, the kv-2 was not designed to deal with tanks at all.

In order to resist the intensive firepower of the enemy and the attack of anti-tank artillery, the kv-2 combat vehicle is equipped with heavy armor.

In order to attack the enemy's bunker, it is also equipped with a 152 mm caliber howitzer, which can be described as powerful.

However, the kv-2 tank did pay a great price in order to retain these powerful artillery and invulnerable armor.

Due to the uniform body, the kv-2 tank inherits many of the problems of the kv-1 tank in terms of gears, transmission systems and crew compartments.

What's more terrible is that after the improvement, its own weight has increased sharply, and sometimes even reached a terrible level of 58 tons, so it has brought a catastrophic burden to its own running mechanism.

The 373-kilowatt V-12 diesel engine it was equipped with was significantly underpowered, all of which contributed to the serious shortcomings of the Kv-2 tank's mobility in combat.

Furthermore, the turret of the Kv-2 tank is morbidly huge in order to equip that dreaded 152mm howitzer.

This leads to the fact that the speed of this tank is very slow when turning its turret - it is absolutely delusional to expect it to turn the turret to aim at the enemy.

What's even more pitiful is that the artillery of this tank uses a howitzer, so the ballistics are really unsatisfactory.

Relying on this slightly curved trajectory to hit a moving German tank, most of the Soviet crew members had to rely on faith.

Even so, the appearance of the Kv-2 tank caused terrible psychological fear to the German tank crew.

Because at this time, except for the 88mm caliber cannons equipped by the tank troops, almost no weapons could successfully destroy this behemoth.

Before the appearance of this kind of tank, the tactics of German tanks were to destroy Soviet tanks as far as possible, and Soviet tanks desperately approached German tanks to launch their own attacks.

Now, if the kv-2 goes to war, Germany will in turn approach the Soviet tank to find a way to destroy it...


"What? You mean that Guderian's troops really ran into that kind of monster?" When Brauchitch learned the latest news from the front line, he was speechless in shock.

He never thought that an industrially backward country like the Soviet Union could produce a tank that is more powerful than the Panther tank, at least on the surface.

That's why Soviet tanks have always performed so well in the game - they've always failed at uncountable stats and been strong at paper stats.

Judging purely from the firepower and armor of Soviet tanks, it seems that Soviet tanks have always been very superior.

However, if you add, for example, the sighting system, the fire control system, the reaction speed, and the ergonomics, etc., the Soviet tanks will not be very good.

Therefore, when a person plays a tank game, it is impossible to experience the pitfalls of the Soviet tank simulated by the game.

Obviously, a player who plays Soviet tanks can't change to a junk keyboard whose keys often don't respond, and then don't play games while sitting on a wooden bench on the sofa, right?

Unfortunately, these things are not things that Brauchitch needs to care about. What he needs to care about is why the troops on the front line will report this tank as a new type of tank.

As early as more than 40 days ago, he clearly remembered that the head of state held a combat meeting, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of Soviet tanks.

At that meeting, Adrian, the intelligence officer of the Supreme Command of the Führer, took out a sketch of the kv-2 tank, as well as other performance data, and explained it in detail.

It seems that many army generals, like him, did not emphasize this matter as an important matter at all, which caused the grassroots troops to be at a loss.

In this battle between the Soviet Union and Germany, both sides wanted to launch an offensive operation before the other was ready.

But in the same way, both sides, like their opponents, are not ready for a real offensive battle.

All deployments have been chaotic to varying degrees, and there have been various errors in the coordination of the Air Force and the Army, including the arrangement of the logistics force.

And among these mistakes the enemy's tank intelligence is naturally likely to be forgotten in the corner.

I have to say that this is definitely a worse war than anyone else: the Germans are already messed up, but unfortunately the Soviets are even more messed up, and they have even rigidified the basic local arrangements.

The continuous resistance became a fueling tactic, allowing the Germans to take the opportunity to annihilate a large number of Soviet active forces. The failure of the Soviet Union is the failure of every link from top to bottom, and no one is to blame.

"Hey! Training Division? I'm Brauchitch! Yes! I want your chief..." Brosich thought of this, grabbed the phone, and inquired about the relevant departments.

When the other party answered the phone, Brauchitch scolded: "The troops on the front line encountered the kv-2 heavy tank that the intelligence department said! They have not heard of this weapon, and reported it as a new weapon!"

"Sir! We have too little time! The key is to keep confidentiality in mind, and we can't mobilize lower-level commanders to deliver news..." When this matter was brought up, the general on the opposite side who was in charge of the matter complained bitterly.

Listening to his almost crying voice, Brauchitch seemed to understand the helplessness and grievance: "Your Excellency Marshal, we just want to popularize one-third of the armored troops, and the war begins!"

"Alright! Alright! I didn't call to make you complain! There is no need for secrecy now! Hurry up and spread the information! Including the performance of the enemy's tanks! Don't make trouble again!" Brauchitch growled depressedly .

The general on the other side of the phone hurriedly assured: "Sir! Don't worry! I will definitely complete the task!"

Depressed and hung up, Brauchitch felt that it was necessary to report this matter to the Führer, so he stood up, prepared to put on his military uniform, and went to the Führer's office across the corridor.

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