Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and eighty-seven forever remember

What makes people laugh and cry is that while Japan is actively preparing for war and formulating a series of military operations against the United States and Southeast Asia, it is still actively negotiating peace with the United States.

Saburo Nomura, the Japanese ambassador, is actively running in the United States, and it seems that he really wants to sign a peace treaty with the United States.

In order to support the Japanese diplomat, German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop even sent two German diplomats to Japan to mediate.

Of course, this was also instigated by the fake head of state Li Le - to paralyze the United States as much as possible and let the United States lose more in the Pearl Harbor incident is Germany's real purpose.

"Yamamoto-kun!" A general wearing the uniform of a Japanese navy general knelt down on the tatami mat laid in the house and bowed to greet him.

"How is the preparation work?" Without greeting the other party's name, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Navy Combined Fleet, General Yamamoto Fifty-six has already asked anxiously.

No wonder he was so anxious, because this time he went to sea to train Japan's secret weapon, and it was definitely worth his gaffe.

The general quickly replied: "The latest supply ship can replenish various materials for the fleet. According to the existing data, it is in line with our tactical arrangement."

After hearing this answer, Yamamoto Fifty-Six nodded with satisfaction, and finally felt relieved.

If Japan wanted to quickly gain a strategic advantage over the United States after the war, it had to attack Pearl Harbor.

This is already the unanimous idea of ​​the Japanese navy, so what Yamamoto fifty-six has to do is to try his best to make this sneak attack possible.

The British battle in the Italian port of Taranto, although unsuccessful, did inspire the Japanese.

They are also going to carry out an attack like this, directly at Pearl Harbor, the safest place for the Americans, to kill the US Pacific Fleet.

The base camp and the navy themselves began to implement their own plans for the attack on Pearl Harbor before Germany landed in Britain.

After Germany had occupied the southern part of the United Kingdom and achieved a comprehensive victory, the senior officers of the base camp could not sit still.

They also want to, like Germany, use a hearty victory to repay the large sums of money invested by the motherland over the years.

Soldiers, don't they just throw their heads and blood for their motherland at a critical moment?

In order to attack Pearl Harbor, Japan still has many technical and tactical problems that need to be solved seriously.

First of all, the first serious problem Yamamoto encountered was the choice of the route for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

By taking the most common route to the south, the Japanese fleet was completely under American surveillance.

This route has a Japanese supply base, but the Americans are also monitoring this base 24 hours a day.

Once the Japanese fleet appeared on this route, the Americans could mobilize the fleet to take precautionary measures.

In real history, the Japanese Navy did not choose this route to complete their attack plan to attack Pearl Harbor.

Therefore, if you want to approach Pearl Harbor unwittingly, you have to take the northern route. There are few islands on this route, and the United States has no way to set up a tight surveillance network.

It is a pity that if Japan wanted to take this route, it could only carry out supplies at sea, which was a new technology at the time.

It didn't take long for the United States to come up with this technology, and they didn't believe that the Japanese could come up with similar technology.

Unfortunately, the Japanese also played this technique, which was tailor-made for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

This time, Yamamoto fifty-six ordered his men to experiment with this technology, in order to verify whether it could be used in long-range surprise attacks.

"Very good! If this technology is mature, then we will have a three-point confidence in attacking Pearl Harbor!" Yamamoto said excitedly.

The plan to attack Pearl Harbor was personally developed by him, which is of great significance to him.

If he can kill the US Pacific Fleet ahead of time, the combined fleet will have control over the sea in the Western Pacific for a long time.

With sea control, he can calmly occupy the selected islands, complete Japan's strategic deployment, and wait for the United States to counterattack.

As long as the United States is dragged into a protracted war, the United States, which cannot be attacked for a long time, will develop war weariness and will face the attack of Germany and Japan.

In that case, the United States can only choose peace of humiliation, and Japan will win the battle of national fortune once again!

The only thing that worries Yamamoto fifty-six is ​​that his family knows about his family affairs-the previous two bets on the national fortune, the opponents were the lonely empires plagued by long illness, but this time it is the powerful United States that is in full In other words, the rotten Manchu Qing and the ruined Tsarist Russia belonged to the kind of opponents who had no ability to sustain them.

But this time, the United States is much stronger and has a much greater ability to fight. Yamamoto fifty-six himself does not know whether he can rely on the attack on Pearl Harbor to achieve his wish.

"I heard that there has also been a breakthrough in the modification of torpedoes?" The general asked Yamamoto, who was smiling.

"Yes, we have improved the torpedo and installed a wooden tail rudder behind the torpedo!" When it came to this matter, Yamamoto fifty-six could not hide the smugness on his face.

After the modification of Japanese engineers, the Japanese torpedo with wooden tail rudder is installed, such as the water depth is much lower than the design index.

It is precisely because of this successful improvement that Japan has the confidence to use air-dropped torpedoes to attack in the shallow waters of Pearl Harbor.

With these two technological breakthroughs, Yamamoto Fifty-Six felt that he was more than 70% sure of attacking Pearl Harbor.

This is a war, and for war, with more than 70% certainty, it is definitely worth trying.

"Although attacking the United States is a very dangerous thing, but for the sake of the Empire of Japan, I am still willing to try." Yamamoto fifty-six sat in his seat, looked at the general in front of him, and said.

"Then, Xiaguan is here, I wish you a successful victory, General!" The general bent down again and bowed his head in blessing.

"Thank you, the navy is drawing troops from the corresponding areas. This time I will personally lead the team and implement the plan!" Yamamoto fifty-six also bowed his head and said.

Having said that, Yamamoto glanced at the other party: "As long as we win this, and General Nagumo, will be forever remembered by the Empire of Japan for this action!"

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