Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and three first wave

When the Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft was designed, it was a very advanced carrier-based attack aircraft. I have to say that in some details, the budget-conscious Japanese designers are still very creative and talented.

Japan is one of the first countries to build an aircraft carrier, and there is no doubt that it is at the forefront of the history of naval aviation in the world.

Therefore, the Japanese Navy is very experienced in the use of aircraft carriers.

According to the summed up use experience, the Japanese Navy found that it is very troublesome to deploy various types of attack aircraft such as horizontal bombers and torpedo attack aircraft at the same time on a small aircraft carrier.

Therefore, the Japanese took a unique approach and developed a general-purpose attack aircraft such as the 97 Ship Attack. It can carry torpedoes as well as bombs to carry out various types of attack missions.

At that time, or modern times 70 years later, it was a very advanced idea of ​​carrier-based aircraft equipment. Aircraft carrier powers such as the United States and Britain and France have demonstrated the forward-looking nature of this design with actions.

Of course, without the aid of modern radar and computers, the multi-role use of an attack aircraft in the 1930s would have tormented not the planes themselves, but the elite pilots who flew them.

Imagine that the more functions an aircraft has, the more complex the training subjects of the pilots themselves, which have very high requirements for the training and supplementation of subsequent pilots.

It just so happens that Japan has no accumulation in this regard... This is also the main reason why the Japanese Navy lost too many pilots, and the supplement of attack aircraft pilots was completely interrupted.

But now, Japan has not lost too many elite pilots, so the disadvantage is not yet visible.

It is precisely because of this that the multi-purpose attack aircraft's versatility, excellent attack methods, and various advantages were vividly reflected in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

A Japanese 97 ship attack pilot aimed at a huge warship docked in the harbor, his sight scale was pressed on the island of the warship, just fine.

Then, he pressed the bomb-dropping device, and a huge bomb detached from his plane, fell quickly, and crashed into the parked battleship.

"Boom!" As the bomb crashed into the cabin of the battleship, the delay fuze stopped working, and the bomb exploded hugely inside the battleship, destroying all nearby cabins and various equipment at once.

The heavy armor of the battleship was twisted in the explosion, and the battleship Arizona was already capsizing in the distance, and the battleship had just begun to flood.

The USS Pennsylvania was over, that was the first thought in the minds of all American sailors who saw it explode.

The huge explosion tore the broadside of the battleship, and the speed at which the sea water poured into the battleship made the American officers and soldiers standing on the shore feel deep despair.

The Japanese attack came so suddenly that the American soldiers had no idea that they would suffer such a violent attack on such a day.

The first batch of Japanese aircraft involved in the attack was as many as 190. The Japanese navy increased the number of aircraft dispatched this time, in order to attack as many as possible the United States parked in the port during the first surprise attack. battleship.

The USS Enterprise is slowly sinking, as is the USS Pennsylvania. The Japanese attack had only just begun, and the United States had already lost three capital ships.

This kind of loss speed is unbearable for anyone. Admiral Kimmel, the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Navy, was awakened by the explosion and the ringing of the phone when he was told that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor.

"What are you kidding? The Japanese attacked the port? Did they organize troops to fight back? How many enemies are there?"

His subordinates were obviously also a little dizzy, and replied blankly: "Sir! I don't know! There are explosions everywhere, I don't know what happened!"

"What do you mean you don't know? Hurry up and figure out the ins and outs of the matter! Let the troops enter a state of counterattack immediately! Quick!" General Kimmel scolded loudly, and then took the guards and walked to his headquarters.

In front of him were American officers who were running around asking about the situation, and some female secretaries who didn't know what was going on were looking at him in panic.

Just when the top U.S. executives were still confused, the pilots of the Japanese Naval Air Force set their target of attack on the next U.S. warship.

Docked next to the USS Enterprise, the battleship USS Maryland was the next target for the Japanese planes, and the torpedo came from the other direction, just in time to hit the American warship.

The heavy armor prevented it from overturning immediately, but the trauma was definitely not small. The sailors on the battleship were frightened and fled east and west on the deck, but no one remembered to fight back with the weapons around them.

Of course, it was not that no one fought back. The soldiers on the shore fired rifles at the Japanese planes in the sky, and there were also sailors who were trying to find a way to return to their battleships to fight.

An American destroyer opened fire first, using the anti-aircraft guns equipped on the battleship to open fire into the sky.

However, such counterattacks were negligible under the Japanese attack, and did not pose any decent threat to the Japanese attacking forces at all.

Watching one after another of their own country's cutting-edge and expensive battleships, damaged and struggling under the Japanese attack, every U.S. Navy officer and soldier was extremely angry.

Regrettably, anger is anger, and modern warfare alone cannot defeat powerful opponents by virtue of anger alone.

Under the angry gaze of the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Lexington, docked next to two cruisers, was hit by two torpedoes.

Crying and howling could not stop the frantic attack of the Japanese navy at all, and the U.S. Navy was thrown into complete chaos, with warships being hit one by one.

The battleship Arizona completely capsized, and the sea beside the battleship was tumbling as if it were boiling.

The corpses of sailors floated on the sea, like ants in the flood. It was so dense to see that it was very sad.

The blood was mixed in the heavy oil leaked from the battleship, and there was no trace of red in an instant. The sea water was polluted by the oil, and the entire harbor was filled with combustion and explosions.

"Help! Help!" An American soldier was struggling in the sea water, he shouted desperately, but the sea water poured into his mouth.

There are too many sailors who can't swim. On a huge warship, there will always be two or three unlucky people, the landlubbers who can't swim.

However, after they fell into the water, the sea would not sympathize with any small human being. The salty water devoured every life, and it has always been so, with no sign of pity.

"Asshole! Asshole!" An American soldier who was originally on duty kept swearing while pulling the bolt on the Springfield rifle in his hand.

And beside him, the comrade-in-arms who had already been hit by bullets was lying on the ground, and the corpses had begun to cool.

In the sky in the distance, the Zero fighters, like bald eagles, swooped down one after another, using their machine guns and machine guns, to fire at the American soldiers on the pier.

Blood was everywhere, corpses were everywhere, buildings were on fire for unknown reasons, and thick smoke billowed throughout the port.

The Americans lost the battle, and they've lost it from the start. Until they lost their bodies, they were not ready to fight losses.

The command plane of Japan's first attack echelon hovering in the sky, Mizuo Fuchida, who was in charge of the frontline command in the cabin, grabbed the radio and shouted the most famous line: "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"


Drifting on a Japanese battleship outside Pearl Harbor, Yamamoto fifty-six hands behind his back, waiting for the news of victory.

This time, with all his strength, he was betting on the future of the Empire of Japan. So it seems that he is very calm, but in fact he is very nervous at this moment.

Once this attack fails, the Japanese navy will face full retaliation from the U.S. Navy.

If it is the U.S. Navy in its heyday, the Japanese Navy is not sure to win! Even, at this stage, he doesn't even have the ability to defend.

Because any follow-up attacks and deductions by Japan are based on the premise that the fleet won at Pearl Harbor this time.

"God bless my emperor... I hope the Japanese Empire can conquer its own destiny again!" Yamamoto fifty-six closed his eyes and prayed frantically in his heart.

"Your Excellency General!" His subordinate walked into the headquarters, stood behind Yamamoto Shishio, lowered his head and reported: "The front-line troops sent back news... The content is the code name representing success 'Tiger! Tiger! Tiger! '. We... won!"

"Have you won?" Yamamoto, who opened his eyes and revealed golden light whispered softly, nodded and said, "Very good!"

Anyway, he won the bet! Japan once again defeated a formidable opponent and fought hard to win its own glorious future.

What a poignant script, if it can be made into a movie, it will definitely cause a sensation in China, right?

The samurai of the Empire of Japan, the loyal and brave soldiers of His Majesty the Emperor, once again continued to write the myth of the invincible empire... It really feels good to think about it.

Slightly intoxicated for a moment, Yamamoto fifty-six walked out of his beautiful fantasy. Without looking back, he instructed the officer behind him: "Order Nagumo Chuichi, dispatch the second wave of attack echelon, and expand the victory!"

"Hi!" The officer bowed his head, and after answering, turned around and walked out of Yamamoto's combat command room.

"The rest, just look at this..." Looking away from the sea, Yamamoto Fifty-Six lowered his head and looked at the extremely secret document in German that was spread out on the table in front of him...—

Thank you for your understanding, Longling will make up for it as soon as possible! Thank you all!

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