Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and seven lost the initiative

"Mr. President, the latest news, the USS Enterprise was sunk, so was the USS Lexington..." An officer came over and delivered the latest Pearl Harbor news.

From the very beginning, the news was very confusing, with some rumors claiming that the Japanese had landed at Pearl Harbor, scaring top officials in Washington to worry about the safety of San Francisco.

But it turned out later that it was just a rumor. But there is no doubt that the Japanese attacked the port, and it is no doubt that the American Pacific Fleet suffered this time.

"Two aircraft carriers were sunk? We are half of our troops in the Pacific battlefield." An admiral looked at Roosevelt and said.

Roosevelt's face was very ugly, because the advantage of the Pacific Fleet was lost, and the US Navy's operational deployment against Japan was completely useless.

Originally, at least the Philippines and Malaya, which seemed impregnable, had their defenses immediately vulnerable.

The Japanese are likely, or have been, deploying their own forces to these areas. There are so many difficulties the United States has to face, to the point of giving Roosevelt a headache.

"The specific loss situation has not yet been summed up. If we can find the Japanese fleet halfway, maybe we can fight back..." The admiral looked at Roosevelt and said.

Now Roosevelt could not take care of intercepting the Japanese fleet, attacking and killing the Japanese warships to avenge his own fleet.

What he is concerned about now is that if the Japanese have an advantage in the Western Pacific, then the Philippines and Southeast Asia will all become the sphere of influence of the Japanese.

Once the United States loses some rubber production areas, plus the oil and other materials obtained by Japan, will the United States still have the ability to win a protracted Pacific War?

God bless, God bless them to win this war so that America can continue to exist as a world power.

"Sir! The latest news... the USS Saratoga has been sunk, and the Japanese seem to be targeting our aircraft carrier..." Another officer came in and gave an update on Pearl Harbor.

At this time, let alone intercepting the Japanese fleet, praying that the loss will end here may be the most important thing for the top American to do.

"Three aircraft carriers were sunk, and our advantage in the Pacific Ocean was completely lost. Now I have to think about what to do with the garrison in the Philippines!" Roosevelt was not in the mood to care about the Japanese fleet. He was worried It is the hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops stationed throughout Southeast Asia.

Having lost their naval superiority, whether they can retreat safely is a serious question now.

But this is just the beginning. The officer who came to report has not reported everything he knows: "Mr. President..."

He let out a weak cry, interrupted Roosevelt's words, and said embarrassedly, "The battleship Pennsylvania was sunk, and the USS California was also sunk..."

Counting the already known USS Arizona and the USS West Virginia, 4 battleships in the United States have been sunk!

Hearing this news, Roosevelt felt dizzy in his wheelchair. Because the news he heard was almost equivalent to "the Pacific Fleet is over".

It's a pity that he doesn't know yet. In fact, the US Pacific Fleet is really over, and he doesn't even have a main battleship left.

Looking at the several U.S. Navy admirals beside him, Roosevelt's eyes were full of anger: "How did you assure me? That the Pacific Fleet is foolproof?"

He tapped the armrest of his wheelchair with his fingers and scolded: "Our loss now is enough to be called the worst loss in American history!"

In fact, the vocabulary he used was still too elegant, because at this time, the battleship Colorado that persisted to the end had lost any need for rescue.

The whole of Hawaii was burning, and the explosion of the oil depot destroyed the nearby mountains and forests, allowing the fire to spread to various places in one breath.

Including field airfields, including headquarters, and even threatened areas such as Honolulu. Even more deadly, the port was also burning, and explosions filled almost everywhere.

The gigantic warships are now only left with the sunk hull still exposed on the water, and the directly sunk warships are only left with masts and the like.

Those heavy steel plates, built to defend against enemy shells, are now odious obstacles to slaughter their own people.

The heavy iron door could not be opened due to the huge water pressure, and the twisted steel plate was like a cage, imprisoning the sailors inside.

Without any rescue, without any help, these sailors trapped in the battleship could only watch the sea water seep into their cabins little by little, swallowing their little air.

And in the burning harbour, the last cruiser was leaving the port pier little by little.

Standing on the side of the ship, Admiral Kimmel looked at the sunken battleship and the exploding warehouse in the distance with tears in his eyes, and followed the battleship under his feet away without saying a word.

The American fleet lost two cruisers, seven battleships, and four aircraft carriers were sunk.

If you count the lost planes, almost the entire Pacific Fleet was wiped out by Japanese sneak attacks.

The power of the naval air force was manifested, and its huge destructive power made Yamamoto Goshoku excited on the way back to the voyage.

For the Japanese the Americans are finished! The United States, having lost the Pacific Fleet, no longer has any ability to stop the expansion of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army will go all the way south from southern China and invade Southeast Asia such as Lao Guo, Vietnam, Myanmar.

After annexing here, Japan has a large rubber production base, which can feed back local industrial production.

At the same time, based on Northeast China, which has coal mines, and iron ore mining in Anshan, Japan has most of the strategic materials.

If you count the mass-produced oil in the Philippines, Southeast Asia and other regions, Japan actually has no obvious shortcomings in the military industry!

And now, to realize all this, the initiative has been in the hands of the Japanese Empire itself!

As long as the Japanese navy can complete the established battle plan to seize Midway, then the United States will face Japan's impregnable defense.

Of course, Yamamoto can think of these things now, and Roosevelt in the United States is definitely considering these. Anyway, the United States has lost its strategic initiative on both the east and west fronts.

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