Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and eleven declared war

Will Americans sit back and wait after a defeat? Obviously not! On April 13, 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor, the President of the United States delivered a declaration of war to Congress.

Just looking at the date on this day is quite unlucky for the Western world. Thirteen is an unsatisfactory number, but Americans will have to respond on this day.

The United States, which almost single-handedly provoked the world war, finally tasted the evil consequences of its own brewing.

It was drawn into the war, and the world war was divided into two parts, in two different parts of the world, unfolding at the same time.

On one side, the Pacific War between Japan and the United States, and on the other, the Soviet-German war between the Germans and the Soviets.

If you insist that these two wars are one, it is not impossible, because there are several unfortunate countries involved in these two wars at the same time...

These unfortunate countries are: the poor British government in exile and the poor French government in exile.

Therefore, later historians prefer to call this day the flashpoint of the World War. They believe that the world war broke out on this day, all the most important countries in the world were involved in the war on this day, and no one was spared.

Another group of people would like to believe that before the war between Germany and the Soviet Union did not start around March 20, the previous war between Britain, France and Germany was actually over.

Therefore, according to this judgment, there are also many people who advocate that the war between Britain, France and Germany is called the war of Europe.

The war that followed was called World War II. However, most scholars believe that the subsequent war was actually the follow-up of the British, French, German, and European wars, so it should be collectively called the Second World War.

In any case, the latter war, which was determined to be called World War II, is now truly beginning.

Inside the largest venue of the Congress, the flashlights of reporters are constantly flashing. Roosevelt stood up with the help of Marshall in his speech position.

He is about to deliver the most famous speech in history here, to encourage the American people, who have fallen into passive, to fight the Japanese enemy firmly to the end.

The president of the United States, who could no longer stand on his lower body, stood up with his disabled legs and let the sweat on his face drip onto the podium like raindrops.

Roosevelt knew that what he insisted on and what he had to perform would unfold in the future, and he firmly believed that his decision would help his beloved country win the future.

Therefore, at this moment, he insists on standing, insisting on using his own spirit to inspire all the American people.

On this day, the American people are excited, and all discordant voices are drowned out by the word war. The United States has never been so united in preparing for a war, and has never been so eager to win a war.

In the past, the United States preferred to watch the war in Europe from a distance, and even stretched out its own black hand behind it.

But those are the wars of other people's families that are played and arranged by a few people. It must personally join in this world war that does not know the outcome.

Standing in front of countless flashes, under the gazes of countless people, Roosevelt spread out the speech in his hand.

He faced those angry, desperate, painful, overwhelmed eyes and began his war speech.

Everyone knows that after this speech, the world will change, and everyone knows that their country will join the war after this speech.

After several seconds of long waiting, President Roosevelt finally opened his mouth slowly, ready to use his dry voice to shout the most powerful voice.

After the Pearl Harbor incident, he had too many things to deal with. He didn't rest that night. Just an hour ago, he was still sorting out the damage report of the Navy in Pearl Harbor.

That's a desperate number, Roosevelt didn't even dare to look at the casualty figures, and the familiar names of the sunken battleships...

Just as he spoke, he remembered these, the names and numbers that had filled his mind just now.

More than 20,000 soldiers and civilians were killed and wounded, and the number of soldiers killed in action was close to 8,000.

USS Arizona sinks...

Enterprise sinks...

The Lexington sinks...

The Pennsylvania sinks...

Finally, he opened his mouth and said slowly but powerfully:

"Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate and House of Representatives:"

"Yesterday, April 12, 1941... a day of shame that we must always remember."

"The territory of the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy and Air Force! ... History will prove that this was a long-planned sneak attack!"

"Hawaii's proximity to Japan suggests that this Japanese attack was carefully planned over days, if not weeks."

"During this period, the Japanese government has deliberately deceived and confused us with false statements and expressed desire to continue to maintain peace!"

"Yesterday, the Japanese government has launched an attack on Malaysia!"

"Yesterday, Japanese troops attacked Guam!"

"Yesterday, Japanese troops attacked the Philippine Islands!"

"...hostilities have existed. Needless to say, our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger!"

"However, our entire nation will always remember the nature of this attack on us. No matter how long it takes to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people, with their righteous forces, must win an absolute victory!"

"Believe that our armed forces depend on the steadfast determination of our people! We shall have a great victory, may God help us! I ask Congress to declare that from April 12, 1941, when the unprovoked and vile attack of Japan began , there is already a state of war between the United States and the Empire of Japan!"

"The United States will definitely win this war!" He put away his speech and stood on the high platform, looking at the reporters and lawmakers in front of him.

"Declare war! Declare war! Declare war! Declare war!"

"War! War! War! War!"

Everyone present shouted slogans, no one would make fun of their country at such a time.

The U.S. congressmen, who always do some gimmicks on weekdays, expressed their positions with their actual actions.

They unanimously approved the decision to declare war with Japan, and stood firmly on Roosevelt's side, ready to fight their enemies to the death.

And when this congressional resolution was passed, the United States of America was already involved in the war, and it was at war with Japan on the other side of the Pacific Ocean!

Compared with Roosevelt's impassioned congress, Li Le, who did not have the exact report on Pearl Harbor's loss, could only roughly assess the Japanese's victory in his own office.

He anticipated the variable that the oil depot was destroyed, and then estimated the fact that the loss of the US Pacific Fleet must be not small this time.

But he couldn't confirm that the Japanese really sank all the American warships, so he couldn't decide whether it was Japan or the US at this time...

In this case, Germany's attitude can only become ambiguous. The German Führer made a hasty statement on April 14, expressing Germany's unwillingness to be involved in the Pacific War.

In response to Germany's neutrality, the United States raised flour for 30 ships and sold it directly to Germany at a cheap price, breaking the ice between the two countries.

You know, after Germany provoked World War II, the United States imposed sanctions on Germany's continuous expansion with an embargo.

This time, the United States took the initiative to show favor in order to stabilize the situation in the Atlantic Ocean, and Germany also laughed at the protection fees paid by the United States for the Atlantic Ocean.

Different from history, the fake Hitler who dominated the magpie's nest, Li Le, the head of Germany, did not impatiently declare war on the United States, but chose to remain silent.

How could he not remain silent? Germany, which lacks naval personnel, will not be able to support the navy left by the British in a short period of time, and of course it will not be able to fill the warships it is about to launch.

By the time these warships become combat capable, it may be 1942 or even 1943.

Therefore, the Germans have neither the fundamental ability to threaten the United States nor the need to trouble the United States.

Helping Japan to block the United States' Caribbean routes is actually more than worth the loss. Even if these routes are cut off, with the Panama Canal and the land transport of Mexico, the logistics supply of the United States will never be cut off.

What's more, the Americans can choose to take the West Coast route: Japan does not have the ability to cut off the US West Coast route, so it is impossible for Germany to achieve the campaign objective.

In this case, it is in Germany's vital interest to honestly let the Americans turn their attention to the Pacific Ocean.

The United States, which lacked Britain and suffered heavy losses in Hawaii, did not push the envelope, but tried to maintain what seemed to be peace in the Atlantic Ocean.

Also on April 14, Hong Kong, which had almost no British troops, was almost emptied by Elizabeth, and fell into a new colony of Japan.

What's interesting is that after attacking the French and British concessions in Shanghai, the Japanese left behind German Lend-Lease, and also gave very loose access conditions, and sent troops to provide the necessary protection...

Of course, Vietnam, the nominal jurisdiction of the French government in exile, was also turned upside down by the Japanese.

By May, some of the African colonies that were originally attached to the French government in exile, after seeing the fate of Vietnam, changed their flags and became supporters of Vichy France.

Unexpectedly, Japan's expansion in the Pacific and Southeast Asia has allowed Germany to achieve the best effect of defeating the enemy without fighting in the far-flung African regions.

Of course, for Germany in April, these effects are already something of a later story. Now Germany is working hard to complete its established combat plan and annihilate the Soviet army around Minsk as much as possible.

And Guderian, who was in charge of the striker's attack, was thinking about how to use the least cost to pass Borisov and attack the more distant Orsha.

Zhukov, who had just arrived in Orsha, painfully issued a new combat order after learning that his preset position, Borisov, had been bypassed by the Germans.

He ordered the Soviet troops to retreat, retreat to the Krupki area, reorganize the defense line, and face the Gudry installation armored army whose attack speed was beyond imagination.

After receiving reinforcements, he now has about 150,000 troops in his hands, but he has to defend the length of the defense line where the original 400,000 troops were stationed.

The situation was not optimistic for him, as Budyonny's counterattack on the southern flank had failed, and the German flank repelled his attack and launched a ferocious counterattack.

As a result, Budyonny almost lost Lviv. Now he no longer dares to attack He can only constantly strengthen his defense line to deal with the increasingly fierce German attack.

The result of this was that the Soviet army of about 2 million remained in the south and did nothing, but Zhukov could only use a very small number of troops to face the German army close to Smolensk.

Moscow is at stake, and Leningrad is on the verge of becoming a front-line city... The few large cities in the Soviet Union are now almost within the reach of the Germans.

It's only now April, and there are still 7 long months until the winter when the Soviet army hopes to stop the German offensive! ——

In addition, in this chapter, Long Ling used the US President's declaration of war. After all, it is a historical classic. Long Ling is more inclined to pay tribute, so he used it again and again.

Because it is used again and again, the number of words in this chapter of Longling has been intentionally written more (the extra words are less than 1000 words, and there is no charge).

I made up for the number of words in the speech, so you don't have to complain that Long Ling is not kind...

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