Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and fourteenth

"Boom!" As the 505th Tank Battalion retreated, a T-34 tank approaching on the side fired a deadly shell.

At a distance of about 400 meters, a Panther tank of the 3rd company was pierced through the side armor, and a black smoke came out.

Although three occupants escaped from the tank, this was also the Panther tank of the 505th Tank Battalion, the first time it was pierced through armor and scrapped.

"Damn! Fire! Completely destroy that Panther tank! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Seeing the destruction of friendly tanks, the company commander of the 3rd Company loudly ordered.

Losing two tanks at the same time in a battle is something that has never happened in the 505th Tank Battalion in past battles.

You know, the Panther tank is a kind of tank that pays great attention to defense. Although the thickness of the side armor is lacking compared to the Tiger tank, the side protection of this tank is not weak.

Moreover, the Leopard tank is an epoch-making product produced in advance by Li Le who proposed the future tank design idea. In fact, it is not entirely a product of this era.

In this case, it was still pulled close enough to fire and destroyed, which greatly affected the morale of the German armored forces.

"I saw another tank destroyed! Our flanks! There are Soviet tanks on the flanks!" a German commander shouted loudly on the radio.

Now, the weakness of the German armored forces' reluctance to attack is manifested, when attacking the enemy's organized defensive positions, their flanks are in fact empty and unmanned to defend.

If there is no defense, if all the Soviet troops are defeated, of course, there is no harm.

However, if it encounters the main force of the Soviet Union, the spearhead of the German army is too sharp, resulting in the problem that the wing is not wide enough, and it becomes more difficult.

The 505th Independent Heavy Tank Destroyer Battalion, as the spearhead of the pincer-shaped offensive of the Gudrie installation armor group, is obviously very sharp.

This armored battalion, which is all equipped with Leopard tanks, has an absolute advantage in quality when facing Soviet tanks.

However, when this spearhead was stopped, the disadvantage immediately became apparent: they were just an armored battalion, not enough to secure their flanks.

By this time, the 505th Battalion had only more than 30 tanks left. The width of the frontal formation it can take care of is also very limited.

The terrain here is too wide, so Soviet tanks can outflank a wide range at a distance of nearly 2,000 meters.

The reversing speed of German tanks is not slow, but when facing the flanking enemy forces composed of T-26 and T-34 tanks, it seems a little powerless.

In the past, only the T-26 tank of the Soviet Army could put pressure on German tanks at speed, but the T-26 tank artillery was not powerful enough to effectively suppress German tanks.

This time was different, the T-34 tanks were hidden among the T-26 tanks, taking on the role of the previously slow KV-1 tanks.

It could quickly approach German tank units and fire on a shorter spot: this tactic they used more than once in history, when they were facing German Tiger tanks.

"Damn! What the hell, there are at least 100 Soviet tanks here!" Kent complained loudly on the radio as he reversed.

His tank had just come to a stop and fired a deadly shot. The shell hit the hull of a T-26 tank and pierced the armor of the T-26 tank at once.

This did not effectively prevent the Soviet tank troops from coming up, because those T-34 and KV-1 tanks supported these Soviet tanks to continue to attack!

In Karjus's mind, only the T-34 tanks that could really pose a threat to German tanks were those mixed in with Soviet tanks.

In countless previous battles, the Soviet armored forces would also take such a crowded counterattack, but the pressure on the German armored forces was far less than that of today.

The reason is that the problem was formed because of the addition of new tanks such as the T-34 tank.

In the past, the German tanks fought and retreated, and the fast-moving T-26 tanks could shorten the distance between the two sides.

At this time, the Germans only need to deal with these poor T-26 tanks in a hurry, because the slow KV-1 tanks will be left behind.

When the Soviet T-26 tanks are eliminated, the remaining KV-1 tanks will not be feared at all.

But now, the T-34 tanks are mixed in the T-26 tanks, and the retreat of the German tanks will not lengthen the distance between the two sides.

They will slowly get closer. As the distance gets closer, the 76.2mm caliber artillery on the T-34 tank is similar to that on the KV-1 tank, which can pose a threat to German tanks.

This gave the originally powerless Soviet fast tank troops the possibility of destroying German tanks.

Karjus couldn't even imagine what it would be like if the tanks of the Soviet armored forces were replaced with this T-34 tank...

In addition to Karjus, the rest of the German armored soldiers also knew very well. Although it seemed that the Soviet tanks were densely packed, in fact, there were not many threats to them.

As long as the deadly T-34 and KV-1 tanks can be destroyed, the T-26 tanks will not pose any threat for a short time.

It is a pity that although this is the case, the response is very different: no one will order to give up attacking the T-26 tanks and focus on targeting the more deadly T-34 and KV-1 tanks.

Because in a group of tanks, finding more threatening is a very frustrating job.

In addition, no one can guarantee that when approaching a certain distance, those slender T-26 tanks will not destroy German tanks.

Perhaps, at a distance of a few hundred meters, the T-26 tank cannot pose a threat to the Panther tank, but what if it is at a distance of one hundred meters?

If the opponent hits the track of a German tank by chance, can it also prevent the German tank from retreating and indirectly destroy the German tank?

Therefore, in the battle, it is still not possible to give priority to attacking those T-34 and KV-1 tanks mixed in the enemy tank units.

As a result, the distance between the opponent's tanks was not pulled away by the reversing German tanks, but was pulled in by the Soviet tanks.

"I think, this time we are in trouble!" Facing the crazy counterattack of the Soviet tank troops, Karyus said to his company commander while directing the tanks to fight back desperately.

At this time, four Panther tanks in Germany have been destroyed, and in front of them, the Soviet tanks are still flowing.

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