Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and thirty negotiations

"No problem!" The price was acceptable to Hess, knowing that these things cost almost nothing to produce.

These things are produced by prisoners of war, because the production volume is large and there is basically no quality control, so you can imagine the quality.

In Germany, such products from remote areas are generally circulated as rewards in remote areas.

For example, the POW production factories in the Polish concentration camps will distribute cigarettes or fine wine produced by Xi if their production is good.

No one cares about the taste and quality of the plough distributed to the prisoners of war. Even if those who received the reward were not happy, no one would complain to the SS guarding them.

Then, the slightly better second-line troops, as well as the advanced German occupation areas, such as Norway or France, Belgium and the Netherlands, etc., get the high-end goods produced by each other.

Finally, the living materials produced in Germany are either sent to the front line or kept for personal use, and rarely participate in the overall circulation of Europe.

Libya and Egypt and other regions are trying to find ways to join this circulation cycle, which is a good way to save money.

Hess is in charge of the production of these things in the country, including canned cigarettes, cooked food, etc. - he, the deputy prime minister, has a huge scope and power.

He is now obedient to his own head of state, and feels that he has been reused. The previous feeling of being ignored because of the war was swept away, and now he is the most devout supporter of the Fuhrer.

Under his infection, 80 percent of administrative officials have found an opportunity to express themselves in a state of war.

Because the head of state has emphasized more than once at the meeting, the decrees that are accessible, the good logistics, the sufficient supplies and the developed agriculture are all necessary guarantees for the victory of the front-line war.

Originally, the distribution of materials did not need someone at the level of Hess to finalize it. However, the whole of Europe has not been completely freed from the war, and the distribution of any material needs to be careful.

Although there are smuggling and shady transactions in private, the official rationing quota can be regarded as a very important means of checking and balancing and attracting people.

The two sides also discussed some specific issues, including the opening of a channel in the United Kingdom to ensure that supporters of the National Socialist Party in the country can freely travel south.

This issue made Attlee nervous. He didn't want to lose the population, let alone lose the industrial population and the agricultural population.

You must know that most of the supporters of the radical National Socialist Party are young people of working age, and few elderly people trust the radical party.

But on this issue, he did not insist on the determination to refuse. As a radical group, National Socialist supporters are often riotous, as few as the stormtroopers before Xianle came to power in Germany.

In the principle of stabilizing the country, it would be a good idea to throw these troublemakers to the Germans.

Therefore, in Attlee's view, it is not that these people cannot give, but they are exchanged for benefits, and try to get some benefits.

The two sides debated the issue for more than ten minutes, before Attlee agreed to approve a cap of 1,000 a day to allow National Socialist supporters to travel to southern England.

In exchange, Hess promised Britain, on behalf of Germany, to approve 200 southern British civilians a day to settle in northern England.

Of course, this exchange agreement is not permanent. If the number of Britons heading south was less than 500, then Britons heading north that day could not be approved.

Such population movements, while increasing the vitality of the region, also facilitated the crossing of the border by spies and others with ulterior motives.

There are pros and cons, and this is an inevitable outcome. Sooner or later, the long ceasefire confrontation line between the two sides will be diluted, and the flow of people will become smoother sooner or later.

There are more topics to come. Hess's purpose of coming to the UK on behalf of Li Le, the German head of state, is not just a visit.

He has to take the lead in solving many problems, including a series of cooperation between Britain and Germany to help Germany build cruisers and destroyers.

Li Le does not intend to let the distant United States go. He intends to kill the United States once and for all before the birth of the atomic bomb.

Killing the United States requires a huge fox. Relying on Germany's stupid shipbuilding capabilities, it is impossible to compete with the United States' production speed of warships like dumplings.

Before the United States can defeat Japan, Germany will have to integrate European shipbuilding capabilities. Fortunately, the number of warships is comparable to that of the United States.

Only with enough foxes can Germany defeat the American foxes in the ocean and force the United States to admit defeat.

So, including France, Li Le and his fox love general, Marshal Raedel came up with a bold plan.

The Third Reich intends to restart an improved Z-shaped shipbuilding program, producing more aircraft carriers and battleships, as well as more cruisers and destroyers, to compete with the United States for maritime supremacy.

Li Le predicted that the United States may win a unilateral war against Japan in 1944 or 1945.

So Germany had to have a powerful fox comparable to the American fox by the end of 1944. Dozens of aircraft carriers, dozens of battleships This is not an eye-opener.

"Three cruisers are enough to repay the war reparations we pay to your country every year." Beside Attlee, the foreign secretary in charge of British foreign affairs, Sir Anthony Eden, waved his hand and said.

Hess smiled and kept his mouth shut. The foreign affairs attaché beside him sneered and said, "Don't forget, we provide the steel for the production of these cruisers!"

The two began to bargain, Hess looked at the inferior black tea in the quilt, and took a sip to moisten his throat.

There was still a quarrel over there, but Hess looked at the portrait hanging on the wall of the underground conference room with great interest.

Attlee didn't say anything, secretly speculating in his heart whether Hess was really wandering the world, or whether he was pretending.

The British side is asking for sky-high prices, and the German side pays back the money on the spot. In fact, the two sides have no directional differences: the UK needs to process things for Germany to make profits, and Germany also needs the UK to alleviate the lack of production capacity in its own country.

Germany's request is that Britain should help Germany build 10 cruisers and 30 destroyers a year.

Of course, these warships are not very advanced weapons and equipment, and the requirements of the Germans are also very rational.

Most of the destroyers are anti-aircraft and anti-submarine models. They are equipped with a large number of anti-aircraft guns. In fact, such weapons do not account for much tonnage.

Marshal Redel, or the head of state, emphasized the seaworthiness, comfort and range performance of these weapons and equipment.

For anti-ship operations, the head of state is actually reluctant to hand it over to destroyers. He is more willing to pin his hopes on the secret weapon three years later, as well as his own Fox Air Force and battleship.

Under this guideline, the German cruiser is actually not very powerful, and it is more responsible for the air defense mission around the aircraft carrier.

Destroyers are mainly used for anti-submarine warfare - Li Le is not a fool, the Americans are trained in Germany, and the submarine tactics are a perfect one.

The Japanese suffered from the anti-submarine, which was quickly cut off by the United States and defeated cleanly.

If it was Germany in the previous life, there would not be many sea lines of communication, and on the contrary, it would not be afraid of American submarine warfare.

But now it is different. The transportation route on the Mediterranean Sea is a very important artery in Germany.

If the Americans attacked the main artery, causing massive bleeding, Germany's war potential would be greatly reduced.

Therefore, in Li Le's view, it is very necessary and unwise to build an anti-submarine fleet.

When it comes time to compete with the US for control of the islands, shipping routes will become very important. Whoever can protect his transportation from being cut off by the opponent's submarine will be able to take the initiative in the battlefield.

In terms of anti-submarine training, the United Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the most experienced countries in the It is a master who was beaten by the Germans, and naturally has many unique insights.

Therefore, in Li Le's view, it is very necessary and unwise to build an anti-submarine fleet.

When it comes time to compete with the US for control of the islands, shipping routes will become very important. Whoever can protect his transportation from being cut off by the opponent's submarine will be able to take the initiative in the battlefield.

In terms of anti-submarine training, the United Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the most experienced countries in the world. It is a master who was beaten by the Germans, and naturally has a lot of original ideas.

Therefore, in Li Le's view, it is very necessary and unwise to build an anti-submarine fleet.

When it comes time to compete with the US for control of the islands, shipping routes will become very important. Whoever can protect his transportation from being cut off by the opponent's submarine will be able to take the initiative in the battlefield.

In terms of anti-submarine training, the United Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the most experienced countries in the world. It is a master who was beaten by the Germans, and naturally has a lot of original ideas.

Therefore, in Li Le's view, it is very necessary and unwise to build an anti-submarine fleet.

When it comes time to compete with the US for control of the islands, shipping routes will become very important. Whoever can protect his transportation from being cut off by the opponent's submarine will be able to take the initiative in the battlefield.

In terms of anti-submarine training, the United Kingdom is undoubtedly one of the most experienced countries in the world. It is a master who was beaten by the Germans, and naturally has a lot of original opinions.

When it comes time to compete with the US for control of the islands, shipping routes will become very important. Whoever can protect his transportation from being cut off by the opponent's submarine will be able to take the initiative in the battlefield.

In terms of anti-submarine training, the United Kingdom undoubtedly

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