Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and forty-four fighting Krupki

Just as Li Le arrived in Bavaria to sell his views on Germany's future jet fighter, Krupki's street battle kicked off.

In the small villages and towns that were originally not spacious, the attacking German Panther tanks burned in the fire.

Relying on their own flesh and blood, Soviet soldiers took on the most advanced Panther tanks of the German 2nd Panzer Division.

They converted vodka into molotov cocktails, and then rushed forward with such a rudimentary anti-tank weapon to die with the German tanks.

The battle became very **** from the very beginning. On the one hand, the Soviet army, who had received Krupki's order, would not retreat, and on the other hand, the German army, who did not intend to waste time, was determined to win.

After only a few minutes of fighting, there were basically no houses in good condition in the villages and towns.

There were crumbling ruins everywhere, corpses lying on the ground everywhere, and soldiers who were alive and fighting constantly moving among the corpses.

The German army threw 20 Panther tanks to attack the village and town in one go, while the Soviet army invested tens of thousands of soldiers to defend the line in this small village.

There is a huge murderous intention hidden at every corner, and the Soviet army has deployed defense lines in various places, waiting for the arrival of the German enemy.

It is a pity that it was not the German soldiers or tanks that came first, but the 40 150mm caliber howitzers under the administration of the Guderi Installation Armor Group, which shot rain-like shells.

These large-caliber artillery shells fell from the sky, blowing up the barricades built by the Soviet soldiers into ruins, and also turning the houses in the villages and towns into ruins.

Subsequently, a fierce battle was launched among these ruins, and the German grenadiers began to advance slowly.

The advance of the grenadiers was not smooth, because the Soviet artillery fire was also quite violent. Every step forward has to pay a heavy price, and every piece of ruin has to go through repeated competition.

The crater is next to the crater, and the corpses are stacked next to the corpses. The unique sound of the Führer's saw echoed in the smoke, and bullets like raindrops swept out of sight.

"General... The attack didn't go well. We had a battalion that was replaced and rested due to losses." An officer ran behind Guderian, who was inspecting the battle on the front line, and reported the attack.

"How much did you lose?" Guderian removed his eyes from the goggles of the artillery team, looked at his subordinates, and asked slowly.

He knows that attacking here will cost a heavy price, but once he wins here, the benefits are also very attractive.

After capturing Krupki, there would be no obstacle between his troops and Orsha.

"General, our army has killed more than 200 people, and most of the ruins are still in the hands of the Soviets." The officer said a little uneasy.

Before, attacking a similar place, the extent of German losses was not so exaggerated.

You know, just now, Guderian also got the news that there were already 3 Panther tanks, which were destroyed by the Soviet army during the attack.

If you count the assault guns and armored vehicles that reinforced these tanks, the Germans have lost about 10 armored vehicles of various types near this town.

Frowning, Guderian glanced at the officer who reported the news: "Let the 2nd Armored Division continue to attack! Krupki must be captured within two hours."

The Germans did not like street fighting very much, because in the environment of street fighting, the distance between the troops on both sides was very close, the defense lines were intertwined, and the firepower of Germany's superiority could not be exerted.

Everyone thought that the German troops could not fight in the streets, so they performed very badly in several street fights against the Soviet Union.

In fact, this is not the case. The quality of the German army in street fighting is also very high. In fact, most of the time, the German army can play a high battle damage exchange ratio in street fighting.

But why did the German soldiers still give the impression that they were unsuitable for street fighting? Because compared to street fighting, the German army fought better in the field during the offensive period.

No comparison, no harm: no German officer wants to spend his precious troops in street battles rather than annihilating the enemy with ease in the field.

The same is true for Guderian. He now understands the good intentions of the Führer who ordered the infantry to practice street fighting hard half a year ago.

Using armored troops and elite grenadiers to fight in the streets is really an uneconomical choice.

Compared with these elite troops, those cheap infantry are the best choice for street fighting.

In particular, those "specialized troops" who have been trained in street fighting and carry a large number of special weapons for street fighting.

These units have undergone extensive combat-like training and are armed with submachine guns and oval grenades, with a higher percentage of snipers and bazooka shooters.

And they have machine guns for urban street fighting, as well as new weapons and equipment such as recoilless guns - fighting in the city is completely different from fighting in the wild.

"It's too late to wait for the fortified troops to come up, put in more Panther tanks, and crush the enemy's defense!" Guderian doesn't plan to waste his time in Krupki, but his troops are going to fight in May. Down to the city of Moscow!

After hearing the order, the officer turned and left Guderian's front-line observation command, and a new round of German offensive began again.

The shells fired by the heavy artillery roared down, exploded in the village, and set off a thick black smoke.

A Panther tank next to each other crushed the corpses and rubble, covering more and more German infantry, and began another attack.

Stuka roared in the sky, swooping down recklessly, attacking the exposed Soviet heavy artillery positions.

At the same time as they made their exploits German artillery had plowed through the Soviet defensive positions again.

The Soviet army endured under the fire, moving his body little by little, rolling between the craters.

In the process, the German soldiers were already approaching, and Hitler's shredder started roaring again, and the tracer bullets rammed through the smoke.

"Tutu! Tutu!" The bullets hit the sandbags and rubble, splashing everywhere. The Soviet soldiers began to fight back non-stop, and a more tragic battle kicked off.

At this time, on the other side of the battlefield, the 505th tank battalion where Karjus was located had captured Krupki's flank and took down an important Soviet artillery position.

"Report! A call from the 505th Battalion. They have captured 10 Soviet 122mm artillery pieces and are consolidating their positions." An officer came in, saluted and started reporting.

Finally, the good news reached Guderian, which strengthened his confidence to continue the onslaught. 10

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