Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and fifty-one cracks on the iron plate

Are Junkers a monolith? They used to be monolithic. These people controlled the economy of the Third Reich and exploited the poor working people in the name of the state.

This exploitation is for generations and is taken for granted. The Junkers aristocrats are in high positions and have long been integrated with the country.

When Hitler came to power, these Junkers aristocrats, although they did not contribute to the flames, also adopted the necessary policy of appeasement.

Their control in the army is sometimes even unimaginable. Much of the long-standing conflict between the Army and Hitler was an extension of the Junkers' struggle for power.

So, are Junkers aristocrats still monolithic? Obviously not. No group, internal or external, is an insurmountable fortress.

Fighting for power is nothing more than fighting for the enjoyment and benefits brought about by power. When the head of state allocated more interests, he naturally attracted many Junker nobles who were willing to cooperate.

These aristocratic groups were originally in the Junkers group and were not the mainstream, but their boats were small and easy to turn around, so they naturally got on the big boat started by the head of state more quickly.

Anyone familiar with history knows that in the emerging field of science and technology, the larger-scale industrial manufacturing field, the cake after 1950 is actually almost infinite.

Not just a business can't finish it, even a country can't finish it. Even if this country is the super empire, the United States, it cannot dominate any field.

Li Le comes from the 21st century. He knows how huge the cakes will be in the future, and he also knows how to dig those giant cakes that no one has ever encountered before.

When the first signs of these cakes appeared, the Junkers nobles who followed the head of the state and cooperated in unison could get enough benefits in the first time.

For example, the Libyan oil field is one of them! I believe that the head of state, those petty aristocrats who are willing to gamble, have grown up now. They have the output of Libya's oil fields and can allocate more production resources, and undoubtedly have a heavier voice.

Several nobles who have obtained the right to exploit Libya's oil fields, plus the nobles who have invested and built in Libya, as well as nobles who are willing to pay to build a fleet to transport in the Mediterranean Sea, now have so much money in their pockets that people are envious.

They are now the most loyal followers of the Fuhrer, or they are the most loyal followers of the Golden Mark.

Because of their existence, the current Junkers nobles are far less terrifying than before. Emerging aristocrats have replaced many old aristocrats, and the Junkers group that controls the army has now begun to gradually split.

"I heard that the Führer has a mysterious unit called Shadow..." The general looked at the USS Dreadful aircraft carrier that was launched in the distance, and said again.

As if to mention an inconsequential matter, the shadow troops are now considered an open secret within Germany.

Everyone knows that Adrian's troops can only be the tip of the iceberg of shadow troops. In the enemy's country, in any unknown location, there may be the shadow of the head of state.

Those shadows can bring back countless detailed and terrifying information. In some rumors, it is even said that the head of state controls countless ghosts and knows all the secrets in this world.

People with higher education do not believe in such mystical claims, but they firmly believe that the head of state knows exactly where the next undeveloped oil field is.

"I don't know much, but Mr. Levi told me yesterday that he bought a large piece of land in the Persian Gulf..." The general looked at the warship swaying on the sea in the distance, and said to his cronies beside him Two seemingly unrelated things.

Hearing the shadow, and hearing Mr. Levi again, the young officer immediately realized something: "You mean?"

"I didn't say anything, but the Führer also has Speer and Goering. Anyway, everyone you know has investments there. Only a fool doesn't know yet. The Führer pinned his hopes on the Persian Gulf. "The general was triumphant that he knew the inside story, showing off.

"Persian Gulf, if you don't say it, I really think it's a place where birds don't shit." The young man nodded: "Since Mr. Levi made a bet, my father would also intervene if he wanted to. "

"That's right, when the time comes, it will be beneficial, but don't forget me." After the general finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the distant pier with a smile.

There, there is the commissioning ceremony of the new captain, and he has to attend. For some things, it is enough that everyone knows what is going on, and there is no need for too much communication.

The German navy is gradually getting stronger, and with more fuel, even if the current number of warships is maintained, the German navy is stronger than any era in history.

And the direction that everyone has been working hard for, isn't it to make the navy stronger? What the old Junkers can't do, let the new Junkers do it!

Oil is just a point of interest growth, and the distribution of oil is only a very small part of the new interest group constructed by the head of state.

The development of new idea components, the benefits contained in them should not be underestimated. The German Ministry of Propaganda has already begun to rigidly popularize the radio, laying the groundwork for further propaganda.

In Berlin, cinema is also thriving as a cultural industry. The directors and actors of various war films cultivated by the state have long become an inseparable part of people's lives.

These people advertise a wide variety of products including soaps and fragrances, including luxury brand leather bags and trench coats.

Talkie movies made people flock to them, and female stars from Italy, France, Britain, and even Romania took turns to stage the forbidden love of the military, making the soldiers cheer and get carried away.

Goebbels has already begun to prepare to build a TV broadcasting station, ready to fully popularize the new image product of TV.

Televisions and Volkswagens have become the new slogans of the National Socialist Party. The Third Reich, which has just solved the problem of food and clothing, has made great strides toward the four modernizations.

Hidden behind these new things is the progress of the electronics industry and the mechanical processing industry. After three years of accumulation of these technologies, they can almost burst into brilliant sparks.

These sparks are enough to promote the advancement of military technology and give birth to epoch-making weapon systems such as precision-guided missiles and high-precision radar.

But don't forget, the Styx anti-ship missile was born more than ten years after the end of World War II, and has become a sea killer that people talk about.

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