Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and fifty-four ace diverted

In the rear, the Führer's Knights were established, and there were countless people willing to serve under the Führer, whether they were chaebols or nobles.

The monolithic Junkers aristocracy has long been divided and disintegrated; the army's aristocratic officer corps has now its own master.

For example, Brauchitch, who represents the nobles, now has a very ambiguous position. Many marshals have changed their flags and changed their flags, clearly standing on the side of the head of state.

The ban on not allowing army officers and grassroots officers and soldiers to participate in politics has long been broken by Hitler, and now it has been completely burned by Li Le.

Most of the army soldiers joined the National Socialist Party and became a half-SS existence. In the SS, it was even more exaggerated, and everyone followed the leader of the Führer.

The contradiction was subtly hidden under the victory by Li Le, and the crack was closed before it surfaced.

At least on the surface, the German high-level people are in harmony, and there is no unpleasantness at all.

Leaning against the door of his car, Karjus was really bored on the front lines. His tanks had been sent for repairs, so he was now a full spectator at the battalion headquarters.

The battalion commander would look for him to staff the tank's offensive operations, but most of the time, he and his crew were the same as the battalion's orderlies.

After the brutal attack and defense of the position, the battle returned to the taste he was familiar with.

The German armored units were desperately hurrying, and friendly reconnaissance planes and bombers flew back and forth overhead, looking extremely busy.

The dust raised by the Panther tanks made their breath smell of dust, and the tanks of the entire armored battalion were dwindling one by one over time.

Kent's tanks were parked not far away, and now they had a rare stop to rest.

All day yesterday, the Germans were advancing rapidly and onslaught. After hitting the vicinity of Orsha, it barely stopped the attack.

Near Orsha, the Soviet line of defense was not perfect. A large number of infantry could not stop the German attack.

From Krupki to Orsha, Germany encircled 70,000 Soviet troops and annihilated them all in the wilderness.

The annihilation of these troops seems to be too inconspicuous compared to other battles in Belarus.

Germany surrounded and wiped out about 400,000 soldiers in Brest and another 400,000 Soviet troops in Minsk.

Coupled with the main force of the northern Soviet army annihilated near Vilnius, Germany has defeated nearly 2 million Soviet troops in one go.

But the Soviet army in front of them is still as strong, and still so many that it makes people desperate.

But hope is always there, and the battle situation is back to what the Germans were good at. Therefore, the German armored troops were still fearless and still rampaged in the enemy's hinterland.

As long as these German armored units can be charged, they don't care how many enemies there are. This is the melody they are familiar with, the melody they are invincible in the world.

"There are so many of them... I can see the soldiers escorting the prisoners standing beside the road every day." William the loader looked at the prisoners of war squatting on the ground in the distance, and said to Joseph who was beside him.

Joseph sneered, tilted his head and sighed with emotion: "The Russians don't have roads here, and this dilapidated road is not even a second-class village road."

If it is built according to the road construction in Germany, there is indeed even a decent road here. In other words, there are no qualified roads here at all, which seems to be more accurate.

In the Soviet Union in 1940, road construction was only slightly better than that of the backward and poor Republic of China. It is not the existence that can compete with the United States for hegemony in later generations, and it is not the big brother of socialism.

It can almost be said that there is no railway that meets European standards at all, and the road has long been a disaster.

On March 20, because the weather was still cool, the road was not fully open, and it could barely support the advance of the troops.

By April, most of the Soviet roads were crumbling and muddy after being devastated by heavy troops.

The quagmire destroyed the retreating Soviet troops, as well as German logistical supplies. There were carriages stuck in the mud everywhere, and the timing was simply not right for both sides to attack before each other.

The German sappers are working hard to ensure the smooth flow of the railway, which is also the safest choice at present.

The road seems to be repaired from the border in immeasurable time and man-hours. After a lot of efforts, whether the road can be guaranteed to be smooth depends on the weather and other factors.

The railway should be more reliable. At least this thing is a track laid on stones and sleepers. Unless it is damaged by human beings, there will not be too many accidents.

Therefore, Germany's emergency repairs focus on the railway between Poland and Minsk, rather than the interspersed highway.

"Don't be sarcastic, the road ahead is too muddy, you need someone to help!" Gunner Till put his hat on his belt, walked over and shouted to several people.

"Damn it!" Loader William sighed depressedly, then stood up from the ground and patted his butt.

"Guys, work! Work!" Karius also stood up from the car seat and commanded his eyes blankly.

The five people came together not far ahead, and a Panther tank happened to be stuck in the mud. It blocked the passage of the tanks behind and also delayed the march of the follow-up troops.

"Erich, you go up and take over the driver's seat! William, you, Joseph and Tyr tied the wood to the crawler! Prepare to get out of trouble!" Karius was familiar with the road, and he had already helped him deal with it for no less than ten times. This kind of thing happened again.

" Pay attention to the gear!" After giving Erich a signal, Karius made a forward gesture: "Accelerate a little bit! Slower, slower!"

"Hold on! Hold on! Okay! Okay! Come out! Come out! Beautiful!" the infantry shouted loudly while helping out with shovels and other things.

Soon, the Panther tank got out of the huge mud pit, and the infantry behind it began to throw wood and other messy things into the mud pit.

After all, there are still troops to pass here in the future, so the subsequent tanks and cars cannot be caught here.

The paving work was soon completed. Sitting in the bucket cart and swaying through the mud pit that he paved with his own hands, Karjus subconsciously looked at his hands.

There was still dry mud on his fingers, and his eyes were somewhat resentful: I am the first ace tank commander in Germany, how come I am doing sappers now? ——

Long Ling is on the train now, and the number of updated words is a little less. When he settles down, Long Ling will explode and update. Please don't complain, Long Ling is already very embarrassed.

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