Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and seventy-three battles continue

The Soviet soldiers are not lacking in courage, but not many people have the courage to stand up and test the opponent's marksmanship after hearing the sniper's gunshots.

The Soviet soldiers could only lie down helplessly, hoping to leave this very dangerous area as soon as possible. It's not just the snipers here that are putting pressure on them, they're actually worried about other things.

For example, the German unit is equipped with a large number of mortars, but only lacks some qualified communication tools.

To be honest, Germany's current front-line troops have not yet developed a battlefield walkie-talkie like Motorola, otherwise the Soviet Union will fall into an even greater disadvantage in street fighting.

Because there is no good communication equipment, the Soviet troops can survive until now. However, because of its skilled cooperation, Germany has a clearer method of transmitting signals: shouting and waving the flag...

Don't question this most primitive way of communication. In fact, before the development of radio and walkie-talkies, it was a more reasonable and faster means of battlefield coordination.

In the era of the Weimar Republic, in the era of Seekert's rule, Germany frequently practiced this communication method in the exercise.

In actual combat, although this method is not as high as a walkie-talkie, it can be regarded as an effective remedy.

Germany is now relying on Siemens and other companies to develop more advanced communication equipment. With these equipment, the German military will increase its soft power to the level of the US military.

Don't underestimate Motorola's little invention, relying on the communication advantages of walkie-talkies, the US military's infantry and artillery coordination is much closer than all the armies of the same period.

In other words, what makes America's already unparalleled steel torrent even more powerful is the humble walkie-talkie made by Motorola used by American front-line troops.

This is why Li Le has always been concerned about the research and development of communications and is willing to invest a lot of energy.

This time the German army also has a large number of heavy artillery and other heavy weapons and equipment. In this case, improving the communication capability is bound to improve the overall combat strength.

The good news is that experimental models have already appeared. Maybe at the time of the Moscow battle, the German army had its own individual communication device.

It's a pity that the German army did not have such tools at this time, so their methods are still not fundamentally different from those in the Sickert era.

The soldier carrying the arms transporting the Mauser 98K rifle immediately began to run farther behind him.

Then, after crossing a row of streets, facing the mortar position not far away, he shouted loudly: "Russians! No. 4 in the front left! Flank! Flank! About 200 meters!"

The German soldier over there, who was loading the mortar, stretched out his right hand and stuck out a thumb to indicate that he had heard.

The poor infantryman who was in charge of carrying the ammunition had to turn back and run in the direction of Chris. He was going to guard the ammunition and support his partner.

The battle in the distance was still going on. The opponent tried to find out where Chris was, but he never found the German sniper hidden in the dark.

Finally, another soldier of the unbearable Soviet army stood up, but the **** sniper's gunfire did not sound for a long time.

At the moment when everyone relaxed, another crisp gunshot shattered everyone's sweet dreams.

"Bah!" Mauser's 98K's gunshots echoed in the air, and the Soviet soldier who stood up first shook a little, then fell headfirst.

The remaining Soviet soldiers had no choice but to lie down again, but they had already heard the direction of the gunshots and probably found Chris's location.

"He's over there! Fire!" Chris heard the Soviets shout, knowing that his worst time was coming.

Sure enough, just a moment later, the dense firepower of the other party extended. The bullet hit the wreckage above Chris's head with a crackling sound.

The white ash on the wall was peeled off by the bullet, and hit the M35 steel helmet with the camouflage helmet buckled, making a sound.

It was as if someone was banging on the helmet, making Chris uncomfortable. Although the opponent's shooting is very blind, the density is really not small.

Don't underestimate those single-shot Mosin Nagant rifles. When a dozen rifles are fired together, they are still very suppressive.

Chris could only wait helplessly, waiting for the opponent's round of intensive firepower to suppress the past. He was still sticking to his Mauser sniper rifle, patiently waiting for the moment the gunfire stopped.

Sure enough, due to the lack of continuous firepower, there was a brief pause in the dense gunfire.

Through the scope, he looked at the moving Soviet soldiers in the distance, and then calmly pulled the trigger.

"Bah!" The annoying gunshots that made the Soviets feel hopeless rang out again, and the flying bullets penetrated the body of a Soviet soldier.

The rest of the Soviet soldiers fell on their knees again, waiting for the mercy of the German snipers to let them leave the place.

They have now exposed that, with the Germans in full force, there is no difference between revealing their position and dying.

While they could only curl up helplessly, testing the German snipers, a shell fell from the sky.

"Boom!" The German mortar shells finally fell and exploded at the location of the Soviet army, setting off a cloud of black smoke.

The Soviet Army couldn't hold back any longer, and began to get up from the ground and retreat. It's just that they got up just in time to meet the second round of cannonballs, and they were overturned by several people at once.

The rest of the Soviet soldiers cried out and started a desperate retreat, back behind the ruins where Chris had first spotted them.

The German mortar shells were still One after another, ten shots were fired in one go before it gradually stopped.

Carrying his weapons, Chris helped his comrades pick up two boxes of machine gun ammunition and began to shift his defensive positions.

Their comrades-in-arms were already in place, and not far ahead German infantrymen were sweeping the field.

There lay the bodies of at least fifteen Soviet soldiers, which was just what Chris and mortar shells had just achieved.

Chris looked at a half-collapsed second floor in the distance, and began to walk there. His comrade-in-arms was full of ammunition and walked behind him, like a small valet.

The Germans advanced another block, so their line of defense also advanced some distance. Chris also has to defend the flanks of his squad and provide protection for his comrades.

On May 1, the fighting in Smolensk continued and did not seem to stop. ——

Brothers of the empire, Long Ling will go home tomorrow, and the train at noon can only take one day off. After Long Ling is well rested, it will break out and make up for it, please rest assured!

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