Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and seventy-one cities

"I can't find anything strange happened in Germany last year, in 1941. They defeated France in June, and then the Führer was assassinated near Paris," an intelligence officer said casually.

He has said these reports countless times, and he has checked every thing in these reports countless times.

Unfortunately, they couldn't find anything worthy of their attention. And for them, there is nothing surprising about the German side.

"The intelligence provided to us by the British shows that the Germans started a covert operation against their spies in July 1940." Another officer followed.

Speaking of this, a thought flashed in Marshall's head, but it disappeared in an instant - he didn't catch a thought, he could only continue to frown and listen to the intelligence about Germany from a few officers.

"They eliminated more than 30 percent of Britain's latent spies very efficiently in July." Seeing that no one was interrupting, the officer continued to talk about his intelligence.

On the other side, the head of the U.S. Intelligence Agency, who had just spoken, continued: "Then, we have witnessed a series of changes in the Germans."

The rest of the question is what Marshall knew - that the Germans were suddenly wiser, almost as wise as prophets.

First, the Führer of Germany seems to be trying to get rid of their previous radical national policy, which is a serious departure from the previous crazy racial extremes in Germany.

Immediately afterwards, the German top management seemed to have become calm all of a sudden.

It was during this time that the Shadow Force became famous, and this mysterious force dug up almost all of the British intelligence.

From the performance of fighter jets and their advantages and disadvantages, to the planning of shipping routes, these intelligence officers knew everything about Britain better than the British Prime Minister, and directly helped Germany defeat the almost undefeated Britain.

As a result, all of this was just the beginning. After the German side changed its national policy, it even dealt with internal affairs and removed Himmler, the notorious SS leader, neatly.

Thinking of this, Marshall seems to have realized something - the other party's head of state seems to have become wiser since he was assassinated

This series of changes, including the fact that Germany started to operate Libyan oil fields, all started after June 1940. What happened to the June assassination?

Was that really an assassination? Or did Xianle meet someone? He may have been helped, a man who had insight into America's strategic intentions and knew a lot of things

Thinking of this, Marshall wanted to speak his mind. But when the words came to his mouth, he swallowed again.

This is just his personal inference. How can he explain that there is such a person in this world, who is similar to the gods, who is invincible in the world, but stands on the side of the Germans?

"Okay, enough! We have enough problems in front of us. Now, we don't have to put too much energy into the German affairs." Ross gave it to his wheelchair and gently interrupted everyone's discussion. .

Everyone kept their mouths shut, because they all knew that the biggest enemy of the United States in front of them was Japan, not the German far away in Europe.

The Japanese have already started their attack on the Hawaiian Islands a few days ago, they have captured Kauai, and the next step is to attack Oahu.

This is a real invasion of American territory, and it has already made the American people extremely angry. The number of people requesting to join the military has already exceeded one million.

The U.S. Army expanded by 3 million people in one fell swoop, training camps everywhere were overcrowded, and advanced rifle weapons were being shipped out of factories by the thousands every day.

On the army side, it has served individual weapons such as M1 Garand rifles and Thomson submachine guns in one breath, and dispatched 300 fighter jets to urgently reinforce the West Coast.

Fox's submarines are also making a fuss around the Hawaiian Islands, where they hope to stop the Japanese fleet, sink one or two warships of the other side, and slow down the process of Japan's attack on the Hawaiian Islands.

"The Japanese are all lunatics. They want to capture the Hawaiian Islands regardless of losses, which is very unfavorable for us." On the fox side, an officer reluctantly reported the situation of the battle.

The American Fox was wiped out in the Battle of Midway, and has yet to regain his strength.

Now that the Japanese foxes are out of their nests, the United States can only use submarines to face Japan's powerful and terrifying fleet.

"The Japanese lost a lot of ammunition when they attacked Kauai, and they had to wait for follow-up replenishment before they could continue to attack Oahu." He glanced at Roosevelt, who was not very and looked again. Look at what Marshall said.

Marshall nodded, pointed to the map and said to Roosevelt: "The fox is trying to strengthen the defense on Oahu, but because of the blockade of the Japanese fox fleet, the effect of this shoe force is very limited."

American Fox has lost 3 cruisers and 7 destroyers, and 4 submarines have been sunk.

These warships were found and sunk by Japanese Fox warships when they were rushing to transport soldiers and ammunition to Oahu during the dark.

Just like the American foxes blockade the islands controlled by Japan after they gained control of the sea, the Japanese foxes are not fools, they will also blockade and besiege the American islands.

Although the US Army has hoarded a lot of materials on the island, the shortage of soldiers is still obvious.

After all, there are only about 5,000 Americans deployed on Oahu, not much more than the number on Kauai.

"How long will it take for our aircraft carrier to be launched?" President Roosevelt looked at the official in charge of Fox Construction.

The official's face was full of embarrassment. The production speed of the Fox battleship he led was not very fast: "Mr. President, the four converted aircraft carriers will not be able to participate in the war in the near future."

"Let them speed up! We're not short of money. Besides, if these aircraft carriers can't take part in the battle right away, what am I going to do?" Roosevelt snorted displeasedly and asked in a cold voice.

These converted aircraft carriers are the **** aircraft carriers that the United States has built more than 100. Although they cannot be compared with fleet aircraft carriers, the United States is indeed in urgent need of aircraft carrier fleets to check and balance the Japanese fleet.

The matter of throwing the neck into a doctor is not the county Lehui. When anyone is desperate, they will


There are two more updates later, you can watch it tomorrow morning!

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