Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and seventy-three is not a good news

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Since they thought so well, why are these Japanese officers so frowning? The reason is that the beautiful plan they think is troublesome to implement.

Compared with Germany and the United States, Japan's degree of industrialization is actually not high. Those who tout how powerful Japan is, in fact, ignore a fact: scale and accumulation.

In 1941, Japan had just risen for less than 40 years, and the degree of industrialization was only as high as that of Europe's underdog, Italy.

This is purely a comparison based on industrialization. In fact, in terms of industrial capabilities and the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army, it is not comparable to Italy.

So why is Japan so strong? Because a large part of Japan's industrial output relies on small handicraft workshops.

It's not a production line like the United States, nor a factory with countless workers like Germany, but a small workshop next to each other.

Japan relied on making a fortune from the war and got its own start-up capital. Then it developed rapidly, accumulating its own war industry base by leaps and bounds.

In fact, in addition to the war, Japan's own industrial level, with Germany and the United States, the gap is very obvious.

This is reflected in the details, that is, the Japanese pilots cannot quickly replenish in a short period of time. Why is this?

Because more than half of the Japanese nationals have never been exposed to machinery at all, have no accumulated relevant experience, and have no basis. They are full of fear of flying, and it is even less likely that they will become qualified pilots in a short period of time.

This is also why the Japanese dared to shout 100 million pieces of jade, but could not find 10,000 pilots to regain air dominance from the Americans.

And Japan was able to invade China and win more with less, entirely because he had accumulated a small number of naval and air superiority troops.

After these troops were scattered over the vast territory of China, the Japanese offensive became weak, and the annihilation of China became an impossible task.

After losing the distant Germany and Italy's olive branch, Japan lacks decent allies, which is another deadly threat.

Although Germany is no better than the United States, Germany now has at least several allies who can help. Romania has oil to supply Germany, and Italy can help Germany share some of the logistical pressure no matter how bad it is.

Not to mention that Vichy France, who has decided to work for Germany, and its native Britain are now more and more entering the role.

These countries can either undertake part of the production capacity, or can provide some resources, and at the worst, they can help Germany maintain the scene.

But what about Japan? Japan does not have a single decent ally - although it seems that there are not many so-called "countries" around Japan.

In the far north, the puppet state of Manchukuo, where Puyi was the emperor, could be regarded as an "ally" of Japan. It is a pity that this ally, in addition to the industrial family assisted by Japan, can also help Japan produce artillery shells and export some food.

Wang Jingwei's Nanjing government can be regarded as a firm ally, but it is a pity that although the Imperial Army under its control can maintain the local law and order... But with a little more power, it will not be able to come out.

Another staunch ally is Thailand, who has just surrendered. This ally is now asking for things. In addition to weapons and equipment, there are also industrial equipment and various materials.

Every time I think about this, it makes the Japanese military feel a toothache - we haven't used so many materials ourselves, you are too embarrassed to ask for it!

However, in order to maintain their position as the boss of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and pretend to be decent, the Japanese executives think it is necessary.

Therefore, some 38-type rifles were drawn, and some crooked machine guns that the Japanese army did not want to be reluctantly matched. They gathered the weapons and equipment of the Japanese C-level division and sent them to the Thai army.

"Isn't this a joke? What used to be a good boatload of food has now become arms... It's not the arms we use ourselves, it's given away! What a bastard!" An army general shook his head with a frown.

Another officer was also reluctant: "There are only so many ships that our army can deploy. Why don't we find a naval transport ship for this gift?"

"Isn't it?" The third officer touched the beard on his lips with a painful expression: "If the navy deploys a fleet to cover us, those ships will not be sunk."

"If those ships are not sunk, we have occupied the entire Burma and marched to India!" As if to find a reason for the setback of the attack, the first army general who spoke up put the blame on the navy.

"More than that? With the bravery of the Imperial Japanese Army, maybe we have already conquered India!" Another army officer became even more This is almost the main theme of the meeting of the army's top leaders. A: Everyone sits together, sighs with emotion, and then scolds the **** of the Navy together is the basic state of the meeting.

Anyway, there is only one main theme: the navy is all idiots, idiots, bastards, if not for those guys, the army of the Empire of Japan would have hit Berlin and Washington to liberate all mankind.

Of course, in turn, the content of the Japanese navy meeting is almost the same. As long as the object of cursing is changed to the Japanese army, everything is common.

"Speaking of which, we can only continue to advance in the direction of India until August?" An officer scolded the navy for a while, and after he was relieved, he brought the topic to Myanmar.

"Yes, it can only be done in September, or even in October..." Another general gave the answer gloomily.

The rainy season in Myanmar is very long. Normally, it starts in April and May and lasts until October.

Therefore, the general said that in September, it is already a very optimistic answer. Of course, it is not impossible to attack one month in advance. As long as some difficulties are overcome, and the rain stops and supplies are added, it is also a feasible plan.

Unfortunately, in the eyes of everyone, this plan is an unworkable plan: if we have to wait until October, isn't the Navy busy again?

You know, the plan given by the navy is to deploy some warships between July and August to defeat the British exile naval fleet in the Indian Ocean and ensure the safety of its own routes.

If the offensive cannot be completed in July and August, the navy will have to withdraw its troops to deal with the United States - not good news for the Japanese army, especially for the Japanese army in the direction of Burma. (Imperial Overlord)

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