Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and eighty-eight torpedo launch

"Mr. Major! We should continue to accelerate! Approach the Japanese fleet and launch torpedoes!" An American officer looked at his commander and urged anxiously.

Their situation is very unfavorable. Although the destroyers are advancing on the wind and waves, the Japanese artillery fire is getting more and more fierce.

What is even more frightening is that the Japanese artillery is quite accurate. Because of training, there are few gunners of such quality on the American side.

This is not to blame for the U.S. Navy, because when the war broke out, the elite naval officers and soldiers lost so much that it was difficult for the United States to replenish them.

"We've already reached a high speed of 30 knots! If we go any faster, we won't be able to maintain the formation!" Glancing at the smoking friendly destroyer in the distance, the major captain replied painfully.

Just now, a Japanese artillery shell hit an American destroyer. Although it did not cause fatal damage, it caused the destroyer to catch fire and smoke.

The thick black smoke has lowered the morale of the American fleet to the extreme, and they don't know if they will be suddenly hit.

Many American sailors were on the battlefield for the first time. They were terrified by the huge water column several tens of meters high just now, and they were afraid of being directly hit by such a powerful shell.

Fortunately, on the American destroyer that was hit, the shells of the Japanese destroyers fell. If it was the 203mm caliber shells shot on the cruiser Mogami, the destroyer may have been scrapped.

Fortunately, the captains of the U.S. Navy also realized a serious problem. This time they came to risk attacking the Japanese landing fleet. It seems that it is not a good choice.

"Let the boiler room speed up a little more! Try to drive to 32 knots!" The anxious American captain had to increase the speed of his ship again, hoping to shorten the distance between the two sides.

At least for now, if the two sides maintain a distance and shell each other, the loss of the US fleet will be greater.

"Issue an order! Prepare for a lightning strike! Give the U.S. Navy a taste of our power!" At the same time, on the bridge of the heavy cruiser Mogami, the command ship of the Japanese naval fleet, the Japanese commander issued an order to launch torpedoes.

The attack distance of the two sides has been close to about 17 kilometers, and the spear torpedo can completely hit the target at this distance.

Although from the power point of view, the speed of the spear torpedo launched at this distance is lower, and it is easy to be evaded.

The Japanese destroyers and cruisers are equipped with a large number of torpedo tubes, which add up to a considerable launch base.

Without modesty, the Japanese navy can drop 100 spear torpedoes in one direction in one go, forming a huge airtight torpedo net as long as it is willing.

The large American warships in this net will not be spared at all! This is Japan's torpedo tactics, and there is a fierceness in the ferocity.

"Prepare for a lightning strike!" After hearing the order, the Japanese naval officer who was already in the torpedo position shouted loudly.

His men began to adjust the torpedoes that were ready, and aimed the torpedo tubes on the side of the hull.

The image of the Japanese technical sailors wearing white gloves and white clothes is not so much a soldier as a scientific researcher. In some cases, the Japanese technical sailors on the ships even wore gas masks.

One after another, thick pure oxygen-powered torpedoes, the Type 93 spear torpedoes, were loaded into the torpedo tubes and aimed at distant targets.

The entire Japanese **** fleet is moving at high speed, so in order to ensure the accuracy of the hit, it is necessary to master the tricks when launching.

"Prepare... launch!" With an order, there was a muffled sound in the torpedo tube of the Japanese navy's magic weapon, the spear torpedo, and a spear torpedo with a huge caliber rushed out.

It drew a graceful parabola at the far side of the ship, and then plunged into the sea with a small splash.

This torpedo has almost no track! I thought that it burns pure oxygen so it will not leave white spray bubbles in the sea water, and it looks much more hidden.

It moved forward quickly, faster than the destroyer. Next to this torpedo, the second torpedo that entered the water immediately crashed into the water, and the propeller at the tail also started to work.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" The Japanese sailors beside the torpedo tubes raised their hands high and cheered enthusiastically.

That's what they're in the habit of giving out similar militaristic cheers after doing something amazing.

On one battleship, 8 spear torpedoes went into the water, and on ten battleships, 80 spear torpedoes went into the water.

Of course, the numbers don't count, because many Japanese destroyers didn't fire torpedoes in salvos, opting instead to fire half or no torpedoes at all.

So, maybe 30 torpedoes went to the U.S. Navy, and it happened without the U.S. Navy knowing.

The fleets of the two sides actually unfolded in a figure-eight shape, and both sides wanted to grab the head of the T-shaped position to gain an advantage.

The US destroyer fleet actually has another purpose. If they can seize the advantage of the T-position, then they can bypass the Japanese fleet and attack the Japanese landing ships behind the Japanese fleet.

But the Japanese fleet is not a fool. Of course, they want to stop the US military's attempts as much as possible, so the fleets on both sides are shelling each other, waiting for a suitable opportunity to cause trouble for each other.

"The Japanese army didn't keep a distance...nor approached This is not normal!" Looking at the Japanese artillery shells falling in the distance, the American commander said worriedly.

He is an old commander, and he has a lot of battlefield experience. The artillery-based battle at this distance in front of him made him feel the danger.

After all, if the Japanese navy is in a hurry to catch the U.S. navy away, they will definitely kill them first.

But the Japanese navy did not, but after blocking the way of the US navy, it was no longer in a hurry to approach the US fleet-this was not in line with the combat purpose of the Japanese navy.

Destroyers, as the name suggests, are meant to expel enemy warships. It is not quite right to be in no hurry to drive the US Navy away.

"The Japanese seem to want to decide the outcome at this distance... Do they have confidence in their naval guns, or are they afraid of our torpedoes?" The American commander was thinking of such a sentence.

What he didn't know was that under the rough sea level, one after another terrifying torpedo was approaching him at an unprecedented speed.

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