Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and ninety continuous gunfire

"Kumamoto-kun! What the **** are those warships doing!" A Japanese officer, his face darkened by the flames of war, asked by grabbing his collar.

His troops are marching forward bravely, fighting **** battles for the Empire of Japan, and dying for His Majesty the Emperor! But more than half of those naval battleships were transferred away.

The American fortifications directly in front of the Japanese army were stronger than the Japanese army thought. He had launched ten charges, and they were all shot back to the beach by the hail of bullets.

The American island of Oahu is indeed a military fortress. Even when the U.S. military was at its weakest, it was still an impregnable wall.

"Fujiwara-kun! The U.S. Navy tried to rush into our landing site, and most of the warships were dispatched to meet the U.S. military!" The officer named Kumamoto cried out to his superior.

The U.S. military's 155mm caliber howitzer is no longer suppressed, and its power can be described as a ghostly howl. The Japanese army struggled under the artillery fire, and the situation was very bad.

"Attack! Don't wait to die on the beach! We are soldiers of the Empire of Japan! We must die on the road of attack!" Commander Fujiwara pointed to the front and ordered.

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" With a shout, the Japanese soldier got up from the ground again, crossed the corpse and still blood, and launched an attack on the U.S. military position.

"Your Majesty..." A Japanese soldier stood up, picked up a Type 38 rifle with a bayonet inserted in it and his height, and was hit in the forehead by a bullet halfway through shouting.

The bullet pierced through his steel helmet, and blood splashed on the faces of his comrades beside him, but these Japanese soldiers, who were red-eyed, still moved forward desperately.

Some people joked that Japanese soldiers were the strongest World War I infantry in World War II.

There are both ridicule and praise. The ridicule is that the Japanese army's tactics and weapons are all outdated and can no longer keep up with the development of the world's mainstream powers.

The commendation is that these Japanese soldiers are really well-trained and determined, and can be said to be one of the most hard-working soldiers.

It was as if right now, even in the face of the U.S. firepower like steel rain, these Japanese soldiers still charged enthusiastically without any hesitation.

"The Japanese are rushing up!" After an American infantryman fired all 8 bullets in the M1 Garand rifle, he retracted into the trench and loudly reminded his comrades.

At his feet lay a companion who had been shot and died. Even if he shrunk in the trenches, the casualties of the US military were still not small.

The marksmanship of the Japanese army is indeed very good. After long-term training, each Japanese soldier can be regarded as half a sniper.

The accuracy of shooting is almost the unified evaluation of all soldiers who have fought against the main Japanese troops, which is objective and true.

Compared with Germany and the United States, which rely on the density of firepower to annihilate the enemy, the Japanese army's killing skills are more efficient and economical.

"Bah!" While speaking, another American soldier was shot in the forehead and fell into the trench behind him, the blood on his face couldn't stop flowing.

A comrade-in-arms shot put too much pressure on other U.S. soldiers in the trenches, and with the Japanese soldiers’ fighting style, the U.S. military position almost collapsed.

"Tudu! Tutu!" At a critical moment, an American heavy machine gun hidden on the flank opened fire, and tracer bullets rushed into the crowd, sweeping down a large group of charging Japanese soldiers at once.

The cross-fire suppressed the advancing Japanese army, forcing the opponent to divide their forces to attack the US machine gun positions that were advancing forward.

A large number of Japanese troops clamored to charge forward. Under the restraint of these soldiers, the US machine gun positions were too late to stop firing and then moved their positions.

"Boom! Boom!" A series of explosions accurately covered the firing positions of the American machine guns. The sound of the machine guns stopped suddenly amid the thick smoke.

If nothing happened, the machine gun position should have been completely wiped out, the machine gunner was killed, and the position had been destroyed.

The Japanese troops on the beach were not passively beaten all the time. They also had excellent weapons and tactics that they were proud of, enough to compete with the U.S. military.

For example, a very Japanese weapon - the grenade! With this weapon, the Japanese army's fire support at close range is very timely and effective.

Although the Japanese army could not be equipped with a large number of small-caliber artillery due to insufficient military expenditure, the Japanese army used a large number of mortars and grenade launchers to make up for its lack of firepower.

Compared with the famous 155mm caliber howitzer in the US military with deep pockets, the accurate grenade in the hands of Japanese veterans is equally astonishing in lethality.

Because this thing is easy to carry, it is like a grenade in World War II. It is very effective against non-permanent defensive offensives.

Yes, this weapon can only be described as against the sky. It can throw grenades farther, and is not much less powerful than small-caliber artillery.

When bullying the Chinese army, which can only build field fortifications and does not have much firepower, this weapon is almost invincible, and countless Chinese soldiers died under this weapon.

Of course, in real historical time and space, in the face of the U.S. army with a serious overflow of firepower, the shortcomings of the grenade launcher are also exposed, but now the U.S. military is completely passive and has lost the ability to suppress this weapon.

Therefore, the grenade launcher, which hardly accounted for the transportation of supplies in the hands of the Japanese army, was once again active on the battlefield, which also caused the US military to suffer.

"Grenade! Machine gun positions are over!" Looking at the smoking machine gun positions in the distance, the American soldier who had just loaded bullets Then, he stuck out his head and stretched out He grabbed his own rifle, pulled the trigger pressed by his finger, and followed.

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!" The bullets were fired one after another, and after the last bullet was fired, the clip was ejected, making a crisp sound: " choke……!"

After dumping the ammo, he retreated back into the trench, took a factory-loaded magazine from his pocket, and bumped it twice on his helmet.

Then he skillfully stuffed the bumped magazine into his rifle, pulled the bolt and got ready to shoot.

For his little infantryman, the Japanese army on the beach in the distance can't be killed, it can be said to be endless.

He took a deep breath and continued to repeat the shooting action just now, not even aiming carefully.

On June 5, the battle for the Hawaiian Islands continued, and the sound of gunfire on Oahu seemed to never stop.

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