Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and five wrong

"We must attack! Be fast!" Karjus, who put down his telescope, looked at the high ground in the distance and said to the infantry company commander at his feet.

"But the troops behind us haven't arrived yet, so it's too dangerous to launch an attack now, isn't it?" the company commander of the infantry company said hesitantly.

He only had two Panther tanks under Karyus' command, and the heaviest weapons left were the mortars belonging to the company.

The news that the reconnaissance troops returned was that the Soviet army had at least 1,000 people there, and there were artillery and an unknown number of tanks.

Although it was only a glance from a distance, the investigation information brought back may not be very accurate, but no one is willing to risk their own lives.

Attacking 1,000 enemies with less than 100 people is definitely an adventure. But Karjus believes that such a risk is necessary.

"They don't know we're here! As long as we hit them by surprise, then we can make them lose their numerical advantage!" As a veteran on the battlefield, Karjus knows what chaos can bring.

As long as his tanks burst into the village and created enough chaos, the Soviet soldiers would be rout. For the rest, just leave it to the machine guns and mortars.

The number of disintegrated troops is not a threat. As long as the chaotic enemy troops were hit with mortars, and then the enemy was fired with machine guns, the Soviet army would flee without looking back.

In this battle, the German army may only lose a few people, and they can achieve the proud victory of winning the village. They would take hundreds of prisoners and penetrate Soviet lines that were not ready.

"Okay, sir! If you are sure, I can provide the necessary support." Seeing that his objections were not working, the company commander of the infantry company reluctantly gave up.

His rank was not as high as that of Karjus, who was one rank higher than him, and was the interim commander of the field of this unit.

The German assault troops are often mixed, and the tanks carry some mechanized grenadiers, which can make up for each other's shortcomings, rush in long distances and maintain due speed.

And such a small-scale assault group, generally speaking, the commander is the commander of the tank, not the commander of the infantry.

"I will take the tank forward and attack, and the two armored vehicles under your command can follow us..." Karjus pointed to the front, and he planned to use the most direct method to decide the winner.

The opponent's village is in good terrain and is on a high ground. If the Soviet army is prepared for battle before attacking, it will definitely pay a heavy price.

The good news is that the other party is eating, which is the important news brought back by the reconnaissance force. It was because of this news that Karjus decided to launch an assault immediately.

"Start the tank! Let's not waste time! Defeat them! Let the queen rest in the village!" Karyus patted the steel plate on the tank and motioned for his driver to start the tank.

The driver Erich immediately started his tank, a black smoke sprayed out from the exhaust pipe facing the back of the tank, and the Panther tank began to move forward slowly.

Following behind the Karyus vehicle was another Panther tank. The two tanks kept advancing speed one after the other, followed by armored vehicles laden with infantry.

Their purpose is very simple, to use the fastest speed to approach the highland village, and then open fire to catch the opponent off guard.

"William! Install armor-piercing shells! There are enemy tanks in the village! The brothers of the reconnaissance company saw it!" Karius leaned against the bumpy tank hatch and shouted to his loader over the radio.

Without any hesitation, William took out an armor-piercing projectile from the turbulent tank and stuffed it into the barrel.

It's his most skilled job, and the best job he's ever done. He doesn't have to look around the tank or do anything else, as long as the correct shell is pushed into the gun, the mission is complete.

The artillery commander, Tyr, was not idle either. He was looking through the scope to calibrate the target village in the distance. He's going to fire over there in a while, so he needs to observe the terrain in advance.

Joseph, the mechanician, was very busy, because without the heading machine gun, he could only sit in his seat honestly, staring at the radio instrument panel in a daze.

He had adjusted the radio more than an hour ago, so now he can only sit around doing nothing, as if the battle in front of him had nothing to do with him.

The two Panther tanks kept advancing, and it turned out that not all Soviet troops learned how to fight.

Experienced Soviet troops were either already in Moscow or had been drawn away. Now deployed here are some newly established troops.

Therefore, these troops have not been educated by the German army, nor have they sent battlefield scouts, and they did not even expect the German army to be so close to them.

It's just that Rokossovsky's troops retreated too quickly, and there were even chaos in some local areas, which caused many troops to not know what the Germans had already killed.

Therefore, when the two Panther tanks rushed over the **** and crashed into the fence, the Soviet army in the village realized the fact that they were in danger.

"The German Army! It's the German Army!" a Soviet officer in charge of these units shouted loudly, and this shouting did not put his troops into combat, but made them more What? German? Help! ""The German Army! German army! "Some of the recruits were stunned. They either shouted for help and fled, or shouted indiscriminately with their weapons in hand, and they were not even half prepared to fight.

Sometimes it is so cruel, these should have entered Moscow, and then assigned to the old troops, as new recruits, so they ran into their enemies unprepared.

And the first time they saw the enemy, it was the most ferocious German tank troops, and the grenadiers who followed the tanks to attack.

"Damn it!" Inside the bumpy tank, Karius complained depressedly. He saw the "tanks" in the village, the so-called "tanks" that the reconnaissance troops said.

It was just some farm-type tractors with guns and some canvas-covered wagons. These Soviets had no tanks at all, and Karyus had an armor-piercing shell in his tank gun!

As for why the reconnaissance troop got it wrong, it was because these Soviet troops were lighting a fire to cook, which caused black smoke to fill the sky, very similar to the exhaust gas of a large number of tank troops on the move.

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