Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and nine most precious

For those who are injured, the government provides subsidies, including purchase certificates for daily necessities such as grain and cooking oil, as well as some cash and related military service exemption certificates.

Wounded heroes who have received the Iron Cross First Class will also be provided with a ration coupon for the purchase of a car. This thing is a good thing that is hard to get now. It is only for demobilized and retired heroes who are injured. If they want to buy a car, they can only rely on this kind of ration coupon.

This thing is not named, you can buy a car for your own convenience, or you can sell it for a lot of money. After all, people who want to buy a car in this era are not ordinary rich people.

No matter what the people do, officials don’t pay attention. Anyway, car sales can only be bought with this kind of ration coupon. If you have the ability, you can find your own way. If you only have money, you have to find a way to buy this kind of ration coupon.

The speculation of such ration coupons on the black market is already an open secret in Germany, and it is also one of the practical changes brought to Germany after Li Le crossed over.

At first, it was ration coupons for fried grains and oil. Later, when these supplies were relatively sufficient, they started to fry TV sets and ration coupons for cars.

Cars are more common, and the production of TVs is still small, so there are not many people in contact. However, as a new thing, it is also very popular.

Goebbels built cell towers in areas such as Berlin and Munich and began broadcasting television. Although there are only two channels, they are very popular with nobles.

After all, watching TV news at home is an absolutely fashionable and enjoyable thing to do. How do nobles show that they are rich? Just tell others that you are watching TV at home!

Therefore, a popular way to show off your wealth in Germany recently is to pretend to be low-key and reject the party invitation of the other party when you are on the phone: "Oh, I have to watch the Berlin news at home tonight, and I can't go to the party. I'm sorry..."

If social status is excluded, Mulakov can be considered a rich man. He ran a large factory of about 2,000 Jewish workers who wore decent suits to work every day.

Although he didn't have much money in his hand, the people he came into contact with were all big-headed people. He was even a reserve member of the National Socialist Party and had just applied to join.

The Smolensk No. 1 Vehicle Repair Plant, which was organized by him, has been completed. It is quite large in scale and can solve the maintenance problems of many front-line heavy equipment vehicles.

It can be said that he is now the top traitor among Jews and a benchmark for Germany to improve the way Jews are handled.

Being such a benchmark has brought him many benefits. For example, he is now a well-known gentleman in the place where he lives, and even the mayor often asks him to drink.

The second commando commander of the SS Skeletons in the local garrison knew him quite well, and the two were good enough to go out and have fun together.

And Mulakov's original wife and children have also been released from the concentration camp and become the first German ethnic group.

Even, because his performance has been very good, Mulakov also received four days off every month, exactly the same as the Germans who go to work, there is no difference.

"Ding dong!" Mulakov, who was resting at home, heard the doorbell. Usually, few people came to him at this time, and parties and entertainment had to wait until evening.

The guards did not block or make abnormal noises, indicating that there was no danger. At least the place where he lives now is a German residential area with good security, and the possibility of accidents in broad daylight is poor.

He put down the newspaper in his hand, walked to the door, and saw his wife chatting with his neighbor with a smile.

"Oh, please come in and sit, dear!" Mulakov was eager to integrate into the big family of the German nation, and it was of course a good thing for him that a German came to the door.

He is also a "German" now, so living a normal German life as soon as possible is the best way for him to save his life.

"I heard that your son is back today. I have a nice bottle of red wine here. You can open it to celebrate." After letting the neighbors in, he said politely with a smile.

"We came this time to thank the lady for the bread and butter that she gave us." The neighbor explained the purpose of his visit, and he felt a little nervous: "In addition, I want to ask you if you need ration coupons... …”

ration coupons? After hearing this, Mulakov's heart became alive. He has a lot of targets that need to be bribed, and the other party is obviously not uncommon for money, but the ration coupon for a car is different.

Factories sometimes need cars, but not all needs can be met. It's definitely a good thing to get some ration coupons in private and get more cars.

Bribery with car ration coupons is much better than bribes with banknotes that can't be bought for a lot of things, and it's much more covert.

"Of course, I need it very much!" Thinking of this, Mulakov nodded with a smile: "Look, I just moved here, and I'm very happy to be a neighbor with you."

Having said this, he turned to look at his wife: "Dear, bring 20,000 gold marks."

On the black market, a ration coupon can buy about 18 thousand gold marks. But the circulation is not wide, and the price fluctuates.

20,000 is a fair price. Mulakov did not intend to suffer, nor did he intend to make his neighbors suffer.

"How embarrassing is this, there are too many, we are neighbors, we shouldn't take so much." The neighbors and the couple came to befriend Mulakov, but they didn't want to do a business, so they quickly waved their hands and said.

Any society in the world is a society of human Everyone knows the world, and so do Germans and Jews.

The two families chatted very happily. In the end, Mulakov insisted on giving 20,000 gold marks. Everyone was very satisfied with this "friendship".

After seeing the neighbors away, Mulakov looked at the ration coupon with the official seal on the table, and his mind became much more active.

It's not necessary to give people who are too powerful. It's too easy for people to get such ration coupons. For example, several high-ranking officials I know have their own cars.

However, giving this thing to some local snakes will be quite useful. And with the favor of the local snake, his work will become much smoother.

The concept of a lot of smoothness is to do the work beautifully and get the approval of the top-this is very important to him.

"It looks like I'm going to Smolensk on a business trip. The factory there is almost ready. I'll take a look and help solve some problems." He thought of this, looked up and said to his wife: "At home , be optimistic about our children, you are the most precious in my life."

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