"Boom! Boom!" This time, the eight 381mm main guns on the battleship Basemarck didn't mean the slightest politeness, and fired a salvo.

Eight shells flew over a distance of 23 kilometers and landed directly near the test target area. The water column aroused by these giant cannonballs almost covered the sky. After the British surrender, it was the first time Besmarck opened fire on such a large scale.

The reconnaissance plane hovered over the target, and a scrapped ship was directly hit by two artillery shells, torn into a pile of pieces, and quickly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Grabbing his radio, the pilot shouted excitedly: "Hit the target! Hit the target! Two shells hit directly! My God! I can't believe it! Hit two directly! Two!"

His shouts echoed back to the bridge of the battleship Besmarck, to a burst of cheers.

Everyone was very excited, the D-type radar test was a complete success, and it turned out that this is a very good fire control radar.

Its accuracy can not only provide effective support for artillery, but also can be used as a short-range detection radar.

It was a successful experiment and represented the future of the German Navy. Lütjens was very satisfied, and the result even exceeded his expectations.

"If possible, let the battleship Tirpitz be modernized as much as possible... In addition, there is the battleship Königs." Lütjens ordered.

The British battleship HMS King George V of course cannot be called the original name, but the Germans had to take into account the feelings of the United Kingdom, so the warship was called the King.

As for the king of which country, it is unknown. It's called the King anyway, not the original King George V.

The installation of radars on all warships was one of the most important lessons the German navy had after the victory.

Radar must be irreplaceable in future naval battles. In the eyes of the German navy executives, the future naval battle must be a contest between radars.

After all, the head of state has proposed the weapon concept of anti-ship missiles, and research work has also been carried out within the navy. Everyone is desperately trying new weapons, hoping to develop new tactics around these weapons.

The German navy has not slackened because of the victory. They are still actively preparing for the next war and are working hard to expand their scale.

Just the battleships alone, the German navy has reached unprecedented heights, including the Basemarck, Tirpitz, König, Warrior, Warspite, Barham, and Ramirez.

If you count the unfinished Duke of York, the German army now has a total of 8 battleships, half of which are cutting-edge battleships.

If you count the battlecruisers, the number of capital ships in the German navy is even higher, because three are added: Repulse, Scharnhorst, and Gneisenau.

Add to that the aircraft carriers, Zeppelin, Ark Royal, Tejas, and Ludwig, the sister ship of Zeppelin, which has yet to be built, and there are too many ships to install new radars.

The aircraft carrier USS Ludwig, the B ship of the Zeppelin-class aircraft carrier, was only partially built in the original history, and the Navy did not name it at all.

Ship B is the only name of this never-completed aircraft carrier in real historical time and space, and now it has a real name: Ludwig.

According to Lütjens's vision, these aircraft carriers and battleships are to be equipped with D-type radars, or follow-up radar improvements that are more advanced than D-type radars.

"Step up the training, maybe we will have a new battle soon." Lutejens said to his men with his hands behind his back and looking at the sea level in the distance.

Although he couldn't see it, he knew that the target there had sunk and that no battleship could withstand the ravages of 381mm armor-piercing rounds, Lütjens thought.

Although he had heard that in the far Pacific, the Japanese Navy had entered service with a new type of super battleship, armed with a formidable 460mm main gun.

But in his heart, the battleship Basemarck is still the most powerful battleship in the world. This is a complex that belongs to him, and it is also his personal judgment.

Of course, there are indications that the Japanese navy is trying to dominate the world in every way. The powerful naval aviation and the terrifying base of warships put a lot of pressure on the German navy to choose the Japanese navy as its imaginary enemy.

"Once the army has captured Odessa, we can find an opportunity to enter the Black Sea! At that time, there will be a new battle to be fought." Lütjens did not look back, as if muttering to himself .

After Odessa was occupied by the Axis powers, the navy would send a fleet to the Black Sea to harass and suppress the coast of Ukraine.

With enough air cover, Lütjens felt that his battleship force would immediately recreate the glory of shelling St. Petersburg.

"General, I have another message to tell you, the secret telegram just sent by Admiral Raedl, about the Danube." An officer walked in and handed Lütjens a telegram.

Opening the telegram, Lütjens saw what was on it: "The aircraft carrier Danube is transferred to the Mediterranean."

This was an arrangement he had long guessed: because he knew that the Danube, which had just been commissioned, was undergoing trials in the Baltic Sea, and its wave resistance was not very good, but it would be fine to serve in the Mediterranean or the Indian Ocean.

On the one hand, Admiral Ryder is now afraid of the increasingly prestigious Admiral Lütjens~www.readwn.com~ for fear that he will become the new Admiral and replace him.

So Raedl tried to find a way to transfer the newly commissioned warships to other fleets, and has been seeking the right to establish the Arctic Ocean Fleet Branch Lütjens.

On the other hand, due to hasty construction, the Danube aircraft carrier, which is just a modified aircraft carrier, is not so good in seaworthiness as the Elbe aircraft carrier.

In this case, it is wise to make the best use of everything and let these modified aircraft carriers serve in the Mediterranean or the Baltic Sea.

"It seems that the head of state is indeed going to launch a naval offensive against the Soviet Union in the Mediterranean Sea. You must know that the fleet in Gibraltar is now quite large." After closing the telegram, Lütjens muttered in his heart.

The Elbe and the Radiance are both in the Mediterranean, and now the Danube has been transferred, which is a bit too much.

"Call the Marshal back and tell him the experimental results of the D-type radar! That's it." Turning around, Lütjens walked towards the door of the bridge command room.

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