Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and nineteen help

Just as Karjus was preparing to defend, Army Group North from the north was attacking the city of Moscow. There was a fierce firefight there, and the rear area was relatively quiet.

After all, it only counts the urban area of ​​Moscow, which is also quite large. The battle in the west of the city may not even be heard in the east of the city.

To the east of Moscow is the camp where the army is stationed, as well as towns and markets. Because the German shelling did not reach here, many civilians have not been evacuated.

Because after all, Moscow has not been attacked for a day or two, and many people still have to live, right?

All the soldiers in the barracks are busy now, there are stragglers who have just withdrawn from the position to rest, there are troops that have lost more than half of them waiting to be replenished, and a large number of logistics personnel are running around.

Along some streets, stand anti-aircraft guns pointing to the sky. These Soviet double-barreled anti-aircraft guns were not high enough, and they were all transferred to these places to make up for it.

As for the central area of ​​the city's core, it has been replaced with large-caliber artillery, which is used to disperse the German bomber group that flew over Moscow from time to time.

"Comrades of the 1st regiment! Comrades of the 1st regiment!" Suddenly someone knocked on the door of the barracks, and when they came in, they shouted, "Is there anyone here to help? A position in the north was breached, come and help!"

The visitor was covered in blood, and his military uniform had long been messed up. He wore a steel helmet on his head, and his rifle was slanted on his shoulders, looking a little embarrassed.

Everyone in the barracks looked at the people who came in, but no one spoke, because they didn't know what it meant to help.

It's not that they are timid, but because they have not received orders, the newly formed troops cannot go to the front line.

"I'm not going to the front line! There are too many wounded people! I hope you can help carry them!" Seeing that no one was talking, the person who came for help explained.

"Is that so." An officer stood up and replied, "This is the 1st regiment, but we are going to the front line tomorrow."

The dozen or so soldiers in the room stared blankly at the soldiers who broke in, and none of them moved a step without being ordered.

After all, according to the news, they are going to the front line in the north early tomorrow morning, and now is their last time to rest.

"I'm sorry, I'm from the 1st Regiment of the 11th Division of the Guards. We have too many wounded soldiers! There are not enough staff in the hospital. Can a few comrades do me a favor?" From his words, he could also hear the fierce fighting on the front line.

The leading officer didn't make his own decisions, didn't even stand up, and slowly turned his head to look at the other commander sitting on the inside.

"Go ahead, it's not easy to survive, we still have one night to rest, and now we won't die from doing some work." The old commander stood up and said.

"I believe you also hope that someone will rescue you when you are injured, right?" He looked at everyone's incomprehensible eyes and explained.

Then he stood up, walked to the door, and signaled everyone to follow him out: "Let the comrades in the other barracks help us keep an eye on the equipment and things, and those who go, put the equipment in the barracks, it is inconvenient to bring weapons to save people. "

"Thank you, thank you." The person from the 11th Division of the Guards seemed to have walked through a lot of barracks, and it was likely that they had been rejected along the way. With moist eyes, they thanked the people in the barracks loudly.

After entering the street fighting in Moscow, the Soviet side added the title of "Guardian" to the troops, which seemed to be casual.

Some troops are relatively well-equipped, with fewer recruits and more veterans, and they will be awarded the title of the XX Division of the Guards.

And as such a title becomes rotten, it is not easy to judge the combat effectiveness of the Soviet army.

For example, the 11th Guards Division was actually a well-trained second-line ordinary infantry division. It fought against the troops of the Northern Army Group for two days and one night, and most of the troops collapsed.

No one was dead on the front line for an hour. After losing a large number of troops, the position of the 11th Guards Division was taken over by the 17th Guards Division. The entire division was gathering the wounded and rout, creating chaos.

Walking on the streets of Moscow, there are desperate sights everywhere. Refugees crowded together, and residents leaned on the streets begging for food from passers-by.

Like a group of beggars, some children helped the officers to shine their shoes, while others gathered around the place where weapons were distributed to watch the fun.

All Muscovites under the age of sixty are required to receive weapons and take part in combat. They will form a civilian army and fight for so-called freedom.

After passing through the crowd and an artillery position built on the edge of the ruins, a group of people came to a nearby field hospital, and then everyone who came here was completely stunned by the sight in front of them.

A stretcher was hurriedly carried in front of several people. The soldiers on it were covered in blood, half of their bodies were deformed, and a lot of white bones were expended.

He didn't make a sound, because as soon as he opened his mouth, blood would pour out of his mouth, with pieces of internal organs and blood foam.

Those eyes stared straight at the people passing by him, their eyes full of unwillingness and pain.

Not far away, the lightly wounded were casually thrown in the open space, and no one bothered at all.

Hundreds of people are just taken care of by an aunt, and they can't manage it at all. The screams were endless, the soldiers who lacked arms and legs struggled on the ground in pain, and several soldiers with gauze wrapped around their heads were helping to look after their comrades.

"Gentlemen! Which army do you belong to? Where are your weapons?" A tired military doctor walked and asked with a frown.

Half of his white coat was stained red with blood, and it looked wet and disgusting.

The Soviet officer leading the team looked away from an amputated wounded man and replied, "Comrade, we are soldiers of the 20th Guards Division. I heard that you need manpower here, so we came to help."

When the military doctor heard the officer's answer, his face immediately became kinder: "There are not many comrades willing to help voluntarily, thank you for coming... There can be a few stretchers there to help bring the wounded and sick from the front line, thank you already."

"Okay!" Although he was a little uncomfortable with the physical work of arranging to carry the wounded by himself, the commander who was not young nodded in agreement.

The military medical officer stood at attention very solemnly and returned a military salute. Turned in the other direction - he had too many things to do to pay attention to any details.


8th update today! Long Ling continues to code words! Going to stay up late tonight, strive for 10 more!

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