Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and twenty-five disadvantages

A Soviet soldier jumped into the foxhole in front of him, only to find that all the German soldiers here were dead.

The German soldier lying on the edge of the foxhole was shot in the head, the one who had just died. At his feet, there was a long-dead corpse lying there.

A Mauser 98k rifle was lying on the ground, along with two unused German M24 grenades.

There is also a G43 semi-automatic rifle on the edge of the pit, which is a good weapon. It's just that the German 7.92mm caliber bullet is used, so the Soviet army can only turn it over after it is captured.

But now, he has occupied the foxhole where the German army was hiding, which means that the German army's defense line is about to be completely penetrated.

Not far from the foxhole where he was, the German soldiers were still stubbornly resisting.

The mandarin Soviet soldier held his Mosin Nagant rifle, loaded the bullets, and aimed at the German machine gunners who were constantly firing on the flanks.

"Bah!" He fired a shot, and after the gunshot, the German soldier who was firing a machine gun not far away fell down.

The Soviet soldier in this foxhole didn't see if he had hit the shooter, he just instinctively retracted and loaded his rifle with new bullets.

Then he was ready to shoot, and stuck his head out again, only to find the German sub-shooter next to the machine gun, aiming a Mauser 98k rifle in his direction.

He saw a flash of cold light on the opposite side, and then a bullet hit him between the eyebrows. He lay on his back and fell into the foxhole, right next to the body of the German soldier.

Although in the next second, the German soldier who opened fire was also hit in the head by the Soviet bullet in the other direction, but he could no longer see.

There was no sound from the machine gun positions, and the Soviet soldiers poured into the German foxhole defensive positions like a flood.

One foxhole after another was occupied by the Soviets, and one German soldier after another was killed in their positions.

In the blink of an eye, about 10 German troops were killed, and the entire line of defense became crumbling. A German soldier jumped out of the foxhole in front with a weapon and wanted to retreat to the side of his comrades in the back. Unfortunately, he was hit by a bullet and fell straight down.

Now the German army has no chance to retreat, because the Soviet army has been attacking and does not give them any time to adjust and transfer.

Seeing that the position was about to be lost, the German platoon leader gritted his teeth and picked up the machine gun from the ground where the shooter had been killed.

He put on a new chain, then unscrewed the safety caps of several grenades beside him, and pulled out the fuses inside.

"Long live the Führer!" He shouted as he pointed his machine gun at the rushing Soviet soldiers and pulled the trigger.

"Tutu! Tutu!" The unique voice of the mg-42 machine gun sounded like tearing linen again, and the Führer's saw began to cut the young life again.

The sudden machine gun fire suddenly caused the Soviet army to be in chaos. Ten people were instantly hit, and the rest of the Soviet army could only lie down temporarily.

But unfortunately, just when the machine gun was showing great power, the sound of sawing wood stopped abruptly.

There was no deputy shooter to help load the ammo chain, nor was it a machine gun shooter, and he didn't have the habit of shooting deep into the bone marrow.

Leaving the machine gun behind, he fuzes a grenade and threw it in the direction of the Soviet army.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the second grenade desperately and continued to repeat the same action just now.

After throwing out three grenades in one go, a Soviet soldier climbed to the side of his foxhole and aimed his gun at the crazy German soldier.

"Bah!" Before the German platoon leader threw the fourth grenade, the Soviet bullet pierced his chest.

He swayed without falling, and subconsciously searched for the activated grenade that had fallen beside his feet.

This was completely his subconscious reaction. The pain had been ignored at this moment, and all his thoughts were on finding the grenade as soon as possible and throwing it out of the foxhole.

"Bah!" The second Soviet soldier who climbed up fired a shot at the German platoon leader who was bending over to find something in the foxhole.

The bullet hit him in the back, knocking him to the ground. It was only at this time that he turned his head to the side, looked at the enemy who shot him, and shouted, "Bastard!"

"Boom!" The grenade under his feet exploded, sending him flying into the sky. At this time, he was already dead and had no consciousness for a long time.

In the distance, Karjus saw through his commander's periscope the fact that his position just now had been occupied by Soviet infantry.

And behind the position, one after another of the Soviet tanks had rushed up, pointing in the direction of his tanks with their dark barrels.

"Fire! Avenge them!" Karius didn't say who he was avenging, but everyone in the crew knew that he was talking about the German infantry who died on the ground and never returned.

"Boom!" A shell rushed out of the panther tank's muzzle and flew forward until it hit a Soviet tank and penetrated the front armor plate before it stopped.

The Soviet tank exploded violently, parts scattered everywhere, and some even hit the Soviet infantry charging forward.

However, in the gunner's scope, the other Soviet tanks were still moving forward. They still haven't given up the counterattack.

"The Red Tkach is behind us, and we don't have many lines of defense left." On the radio, the commander of Tank No. 4 said anxiously.

The commander of the No. 5 tank was also very nervous. He was reporting his situation: "Karleus! There are Soviet troops on my right side! The 2nd platoon on the right wing did not respond! The 2nd platoon did not respond!"

"Damn! Karyus! Il-2 attack aircraft! Soviet attack aircraft! We are in trouble!" The commander of Tank No. 5 lifted his hatch and looked at the far right flank.

In the sky over there, he saw the Soviet Il-2 attack planes diving and strafing. The plane rarely appeared in the sky, but every time it appeared, it became a nightmare for German tanks.

This time, the Soviet army came out regardless of losses, using all the weapons they could find. They have learned a lot of German tactics, and for a while, they have played the three-dimensional combat air-ground coordination well.

This time, it was Karjus's turn to suffer, and he knew why so many times before, the Soviet tank troops were vulnerable to his attacks - in the face of a combined three-dimensional attack, of course, a single unit would be in great distress.

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