Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and thirty nine closed his eyes

"For our honor!" In the crater, all the Soviet soldiers clenched their weapons and repeated in a low voice.

Not far from them, a German soldier was stomping on shell casings on the battlefield, rummaging through some possibly alive corpses.

Cleaning the battlefield was a dangerous and tedious job. Unlike many German troops, the Soviet troops rarely carried valuables. In fact, they were poor and had few personal belongings.

He didn't know it yet, not far in front of him, there was a group of mad Soviet soldiers, ready to use their lives to draw the final end to this battle.

Just as Guderian and the troops standing in Red Tkach were cheering, a gunshot opened the prelude to a new battle.

"Bah!" A bullet hit the German soldier who was cleaning the battlefield. He screamed and fell down, and all the surrounding German soldiers immediately fell down.

They are all battle-hardened veterans, and their first reaction when they heard the gunshots was to lower their bodies and move their positions.

If you are in a relatively flat area, of course, you will choose to lie down subconsciously. The battlefield that was overcrowded just now suddenly became empty.

"There are snipers! There are snipers!" The German soldiers lying on the ground shouted together, and everyone was looking for the location of the shooter.

"It's about seven o'clock!" a soldier shouted, holding his weapon and not daring to raise his head at all.

Everyone heard the gunshots, all veterans who had already experienced battles on the battlefield, and the approximate location could be identified.

"Your seven o'clock direction is not my side's seven o'clock direction! It's probably due west! Due west!" A veteran jumped into a crater first after hearing the gunshot, and he was lying on the edge of the crater , shouted to the friendly forces outside the pit.

"Surrender! We promise not to kill you! Come out!" The battle is over, the outcome here is already divided, and the Germans have performed very well.

On the one hand, they hope that the threat can be eliminated as soon as possible, and on the other hand, they also hope that they can get rid of the danger as soon as possible.

"Due to the west! Prepare to organize machine gun cover." Seeing that the other party did not respond, the experienced veterans have already begun to organize a counterattack.

Surrendered Soviet snipers were rare, not to mention that he had just shot and killed a German soldier, and his chances of surviving were even lower.

The Germans also dealt with the snipers they caught, which is everyone's practice. Although some captured snipers survived the war, most of them were killed by both sides.

On the hillside, Guderian, who was standing in front of everyone, was blocked from view by two guards. While looking around vigilantly, they persuaded: "Your Excellency General! It is very dangerous here, and there are Soviet snipers!"

"I stand with my best soldier, and there is no need to worry about safety." Guderian waved his hand and said with a smile: "Let the soldiers handle it, no need to make a fuss."

Guderian is not a commander who sits in an office. He has experienced real battlefields, so he is not impressed by what is in front of him.

He was a very brave general, and he often rushed to the forefront of the battle in a command car. This time it was also because he rushed to the front position that he was able to arrive at Red Tkach as soon as possible.

"General! For your safety, please come back to the armored vehicle with us!" The two guards did not dare to be careless and tried their best to persuade.

Because of their dereliction of duty, Guderian has experienced danger several times. Once, because he rushed too close to the front line, Guderian's car was even shelled by the enemy.

That time, Guderian was almost hit by a cannonball. Thanks to the driver's alertness, he drove the car down the road and hit a drain before escaping the fatal round of shelling.

But even so, everyone in the car was injured, and Guderian was also slightly injured, and he could not go to the front line to personally command the battle for a while.

It seems that the generals of the German army have this kind of chivalry, or the tradition of personally experiencing the front line of battle: Rommel also often took risks, and also often personally commanded the battle on the front line.

When Rommel was in North Africa, he often flew his own plane over the troops, or drove a tank at the forefront of the tank troops.

Guderian is reluctant to leave, he is doing mobilization work, is helping to restore the morale of the heavy loss of the main force.

If you heard a gunshot and left cowardly at this time, it would not only be a failure, but even if you didn't do well, you would have to put on a hat of fear of death.

If this hat is buttoned, it may not be removed for a lifetime! So at this time Guderian was reluctant to leave, and was reluctant to joke about his reputation.

After all, although there were gunshots, it was still far away, and at the foot of the mountain, it was impossible to hit him.

"General! Please go to a safe place for the time being!" The staff officer and other officers also gathered around, and the troops holding on to Red Tkage also dispersed, all trying to find the direction of the Soviet snipers.

"Tutu! Tutu!" Suddenly, the sound of gunfire became fierce. Dozens of Soviet troops charged in the direction of Khon Tkach, killing two or three German soldiers who were caught off guard.

"There are so many more?" In a crater near the Soviet army, the German soldier saw the charging Soviet army, and was so frightened that he quickly pulled the bolt.

After a crisp sound, his assault rifle was loaded. Then he stuck out his muzzle, aimed at the charging Soviet army, and pulled the trigger.

"Tud! Flames spewed from the muzzle, and the bullets he shot flew into the crowd of Soviet troops, knocking down several charging Soviet soldiers.

These Soviet troops were originally a decisive charge, so they didn't care about the bullets flying around.

They just ran in the direction of Red Tkach until they were hit by bullets and fell into a sieve.

One by one, the Soviets were knocked down by the long-prepared Germans. Rokossovsky in the crowd was holding his submachine gun, gritted his teeth and being pushed forward.

Suddenly, a bullet flew out of nowhere and hit him in the chest, causing him to fall down.

He looked at the heights in the distance, at the Red Tkach who was close at hand, and stretched out his palm.

As if trying to grab something, he shrunk his five fingers in the void, but caught nothing.

Then, the Soviet general fell to the ground and closed his eyes.

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