Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and forty-three craters

In the majestic song, a group of Soviet soldiers sank and walked forward, one by one, stepping forward firmly.

As they walked, the troops were blocked by a huge crater, and the formation began to become chaotic.

"The blockade of the German army is ahead! Comrades! Speed ​​up your steps! Don't be afraid! Victory belongs to the Soviets!" The commissar stopped his steps and stood by the huge crater, encouraging his soldiers.

"Speed ​​up! Pass here as soon as possible! It's safe when you get there! Hurry up! Hurry up!" The commander of this Soviet unit was more pragmatic, reminding his soldiers to pass the blockade as soon as possible.

In the distance, singing can still be vaguely heard, and everyone began to move forward. There are people who bypass the crater, and there are people who walk directly along the wall of the crater to the inside of the crater.

At this moment it seems that the German artillery is resting, so the whole blockade area seems very quiet. It's just that this kind of quietness is a little weird set off by the steaming crater.

In fact, it seems to be safer here than the front line, because after all, there are not many chances of shells falling, and there are no more deadly machine guns and cold shots.

In the first more than 100 meters, everyone walked very happily, because the German artillery never made a sound.

Everyone even began to think that this time the transportation would be smooth and there would not be too many twists and turns.

It turns out... Soviet commanders and soldiers were too optimistic. Also, they were optimistic too early.

When they had just traveled more than 200 meters, a shell fell from the sky and landed right in front of a Soviet soldier.

It was a 155mm howitzer shell, slamming into the soft soil that had been blasted by the shell, still steaming.

Looking at the shells in front of them, the Soviet soldiers even forgot that they were going to lie down. He just stood there stupidly, staring at the steaming cannonball in a daze.

"Dud..." After a long while, there was no sign of the shell exploding, and the Soviet soldier in the distance said softly.

And the Soviet soldier standing in front of the cannonball was thanking God over and over again at this time - he almost died, and he almost died without even a body left.

"Dud! Keep going! Quick! The Germans are shelling!" The Soviet commander was so depressed that he loudly ordered his soldiers to move quickly.

It's not that there was no time when the Soviet army transported supplies or when the German artillery bombardment did not catch up - unfortunately, it turns out that luck is not something everyone has.

At least he didn't have such good luck. When his troops were transporting supplies across the blockade, the Germans routinely started their own shelling.

"Yo...Boom!" A cannonball landed inside the bombing blockade with a long cry of air being torn apart.

This time, there was no such good luck. The shells exploded in the crowd, engulfing several soldiers carrying weapons and ammunition at once.

"Disperse! Disperse!" A company commander nervously ordered his soldiers. He has never actually been on the battlefield here, and the others are new recruits who can no longer be recruited.

Hearing a deafening cannon blast, many people were at a loss: many of them were recruited to join the army without even firing a shot. How could they have seen such a terrifying sight?

The soil not far away was blown up by the shells to a height of dozens of meters, and the screams of wounded soldiers filled the sound of the explosion.

The peaceful blockade suddenly turned into a purgatory-like place, or it was like a violent monster that was awakened.

After it woke up, it opened its huge mouth and began to devour all the life around it.

A large tree was uprooted by German shells, an arm was blown into the distance, and a person was blown into two pieces... All lives here were devastated, and their spirits were roasted and tortured.

"German planes! German planes!" A Soviet soldier pointed to the sky and shouted horribly: "German reconnaissance planes!"

Of course, the German army, which has mastered air supremacy, is not willing to waste its ammunition. It is a very cheap practice to let reconnaissance planes monitor the nearby blockade area.

In fact, reconnaissance planes are not patrolling nearby all the time, and even patrolling cannot guarantee that small targets on the ground can always be found.

It's just that the Soviet Union was afraid that the recruits would break up and escape, so they could only bite the bullet and organize an organized force to pass through the blockade together, so it gave the German army a chance to discover them.

"Lie down! Cannonballs!" A platoon leader shouted hysterically when he heard a roar of cannonballs getting closer.

He is a soldier who has participated in military training and has complete combat training, so he can serve as the platoon leader of this recruit unit.

In the past, soldiers like him were unqualified supplementary soldiers, but now a well-trained soldier like him can be regarded as an excellent backbone of the army.

"Boom!" As soon as his shout fell, an explosion exploded on the edge of the crater not far from him.

Several nearby Soviet soldiers fell to the ground and could no longer get up and continue their march.

Inside the crater, the recruits have collapsed a lot. They held their weapons, cried and prayed loudly, closed their eyes in despair and waited to die.

"Get up! Keep walking! You can only wait to die when you lie down here!" The platoon commander jumped into the crater, saw several soldiers he didn't know crying there, and persuaded loudly.

The platoon leader's own troops had long since lost sight of where they were going. When the shells fell, everyone was in complete chaos as soon as they ran.

So the soldiers in front of actually he didn't know, and he had never seen them before. Who knows which rank they are in? Or, they may be soldiers from other companies or even other battalions...

"We're right here, we're not going anywhere! We'll go out after the German shelling stops for a while." A soldier waved his hand and refused.

In this situation, I don't know when or if I have a chance to leave here, so I don't need to care about threats such as punishment at all.

The platoon leader looked at the recruits in front of him, and helplessly climbed out of the crater and turned into another crater.

"I said, we should leave here with him..." A timid recruit questioned in a disheartened manner.

"Next time you should say it earlier!" The soldier who had just rejected the platoon leader's order snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

As soon as his voice fell, a cannonball landed beside him, and then exploded, and in the crater, another crater exploded...

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