I knew exactly what it meant not to go back before dark.

The first thing I wanted to do was find Ji Nan. Even if it was the gossip of others, I didn't think that my life was as important as mine. Even if I left this place, I didn't want to lose my life.

Then today, I didn't know where Ji Nan was. After searching in all directions to find him, I started to want to leave this place when I got off work.

Time passed by bit by bit and it was time for me to get off work. I hastily packed up my stuff and was about to head out when a few ladies blocked the path in front of me.

"Bai Jian, do you think that the company belongs to your family? Your department definitely has to work overtime today!"

The leading woman is not someone I know, but she is someone I'm familiar with. Their faces are so similar to each other that every time, I am unable to tell who is who.

I had no interest in pestering her any further. Time is my life, and in the past minute, my life has been getting weaker and weaker.

"Get out of my way! If that's the case, I'm not going to work for you!"

The woman looked at me in astonishment, as though she didn't expect me to say such words. However, her reaction was extremely quick as she blocked in front of me.

Sneering, "Do you think that you have the final say? If I remember correctly, you signed the contract directly because of Director Ji's relationship. If you were to leave temporarily, I'm afraid you will have to pay the penalty fee! "

After she reminded me, I also realized that my position was very important. Generally speaking, you wouldn't be allowed to suddenly lose sight of people, so I would sign a contract.

When I thought about the terms of the breach of contract, I felt conflicted. If I didn't die, then the payment would be sufficient for me to commit suicide!

I started to hesitate and said, "Director Ji will definitely agree to my request for a temporary leave of absence. Get out of my way!"

Our argument instantly attracted the attention of many people. They looked over with curious eyes, but none of them wanted to take a step forward.

This was because once he took a step forward, it was equivalent to bringing trouble upon himself.

"Director Ji? Don't lie to me. So what if it is true? Right now, you can't even find Director Ji! And you have no proof. "

When the woman saw how anxious I was, she felt as if I had won a great victory, and she actually felt very proud of me.

I watched as the sun slowly disappeared and the world outside gradually darkened. I was extremely anxious. I didn't know if it was just my imagination, but I felt itchy at my lower abdomen.

If there wasn't anyone in front of me, I would have taken off my clothes and placed my nails on top of them and slid them back and forth. It was really too itchy.

That feeling was like there were millions of ants fighting for something under his skin.

I clenched my fists tightly. In the end, I couldn't control myself and pushed the woman in front of me away. Using violent methods, I staggered out of the company.

The sky outside has already darkened, so the fastest way to get home is naturally to take a taxi. I cover my stomach and quickly stop a taxi before getting in without hesitation.

Once inside, I couldn't help but press my hand deep into my clothes and rub my skin to stop the painful itching.

The driver in front of me looked at me with a face full of shock. He opened his mouth and said, "I say, this girl. Are you infected?!" "I'm in a small business, I can't let you get on the car!"

I suppressed the groans that were about to leave my mouth as I said in a low and hoarse voice, "Master, I'm not sick. It's just that I seem to be allergic and itchy. As long as I go home, there will be no problem! "

Even though I had already explained myself, the driver was still looking at me with disdain. However, his speed was much faster than before as he continued to drive forward arrogantly.

The moment the car moved, I felt more at ease. I focused on my lower abdomen. The surface was already a mess from when I scratched it. There were even some areas where fresh blood was seeping out.

However, this still didn't stop my itchiness. Instead, it became more and more itchy. My eyes reddened as I looked at my surroundings. The sky had already started to change.

The thick black surrounding me in the taxi, the itch feeling also began to change gradually, it began to become painful.

I bit the back of my hand and cold sweat had already wet my hair. I saw that the master in front of me was looking at me with even more disgust.

He said, "I say, girl, if you are sick, don't lie to me. How do you look allergic to something like this? I think it's better if I send you to the hospital! "


I reflexively wanted to refuse, but I realised that I no longer had any strength left. I could only watch as the man changed directions.


I struggled powerlessly as I gradually lost some of my consciousness. However, I vaguely felt as though I was placed on an operating table.

His hazy consciousness suddenly awakened by a sharp pain. He wanted to sit up, but found out that his stomach was growing very big. It looked like it had been nine months. It was about to give birth.

I saw that my body had been changed into a hospital gown without any shoes on my feet. Just as I was about to stand up, I found that there were many hands around me.

Those hands were all different, some were rough, some were very tender, and they held my limbs very precisely, making me take the shape of a big word on the operating table again.

I raised my head to look, but all I could see was my huge belly, a raised head in the middle, the shape of a skull.

It kept struggling, trying to break free of my skin and crawl out.

My entire body was trembling nonstop because I discovered that the things inside were tearing at my flesh with my fingers. An intense pain suddenly struck me.

The cold surrounded me and froze everything, but it couldn't freeze my pain.

"Get lost!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

In a daze, he saw the woman from before slowly appear. She was also wearing a hospital gown, and there was a bit of joy on her face.

She lovingly reached out her hand to caress my stomach as she murmured, "My child, my child, you have finally come to this world."

I wanted to refuse, but I didn't have the strength to move at all. I could only watch helplessly as a hand suddenly burst out from my stomach and grabbed onto a woman's fingers.

Once there was a gap, the thing inside its stomach became even more forceful. It wanted to break out of the stomach.

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