After finishing the hotpot, everyone headed to the KTV next door. Qu Zhi, who had never liked such noisy gatherings, walked alongside them. Zheng Baozhu looked at Qu Zhi and asked, "Aren't you working tomorrow? Are you still going to sing tonight?"

Liang Huihui, who was walking ahead, overheard the conversation and turned around, saying, "We considered that everyone has to work tomorrow, so we'll only sing until 11 pm!"

Since the hotel belonged to the service industry, there were no days off. As she had to work the day shift tomorrow, she didn't plan on staying out too late.

Hearing this, Zheng Baozhu didn't say anything else. Liang Huihui reserved a large private room. As soon as they entered, they were provided with a fruit platter and a few bottles of beer. After Xiao Yu entered the room, she and Liang Huihui went to choose songs, whispering and occasionally glancing at Zheng Baozhu and Qu Zhi.

Zheng Baozhu: "..."

In any case, it would be impossible for them to sing a duet.

With Xiao Yu and Liang Huihui singing, the atmosphere in the private room quickly heated up. Previously, Xiao Yu was considered the karaoke queen in such gatherings, but today Liang Huihui sang even more passionately, even surpassing Xiao Yu for several songs.

"Huihui, you can't keep singing alone; it's cutting into other people's songs," Xiao Yu urged Liang Huihui while eating watermelon from the fruit platter. Liang Huihui acknowledged with an "oh" and quickly made a selection on the screen during the instrumental break.

After this song ended, the room was filled with the lively prelude of an old MTV, followed by a very vintage-looking music video on the screen.

"Here it comes, Miss Baozhu and Mr. Qu's song!" Liang Huihui and Xiao Yu each held a microphone and handed one to Zheng Baozhu and Qu Zhi.

Zheng Baozhu: "..."

No, singing a duet is already awkward enough, why do they have to choose such an ancient song? Do they think they can't sing modern songs?

Also, she and Qu Zhi aren't that much older than these two girls.

"I don't know this song," Qu Zhi straightforwardly put the microphone back on the table. Zheng Baozhu followed suit, saying, "I haven't even heard it before!"

"What?!" Xiao Yu looked surprised at both of them, "This song is so famous; how come you both don't know it?"

"Yeah, even I know it!" Liang Huihui chimed in from the side.

Zheng Baozhu clapped her hands. "Perfect, you two can sing it then! Go on!"


Liang Huihui and Xiao Yu had to follow the instructions given by the boss; they picked up the microphones and started singing. They were telling the truth; they sang the song effortlessly, even imitating the dance moves from the old MTV.

After they finished singing, they playfully picked another song for Zheng Baozhu and Qu Zhi. Zheng Baozhu quickly stood up and said, "I'll go out and buy some snacks for you guys!"

Liang Huihui didn't even have a chance to refuse before Zheng Baozhu hurriedly pushed open the door and went outside.

When Zheng Baozhu came in earlier, she noticed there was a small supermarket inside the KTV. Although buying snacks here was much more expensive than outside, they mainly made money from drinks and room fees, so they could still profit.

The KTV's decoration was quite psychedelic, and everything looked similar. Since it was her first time here, Zheng Baozhu couldn't find the small supermarket they passed earlier. She was about to ask a staff member when she heard someone calling her name, sounding pleasantly surprised, "Miss Baozhu? Are you here to sing?"

Zheng Baozhu turned around and saw Tan Yao, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

She smiled and nodded, saying to Tan Yao as he walked over, "We're here for a gathering with colleagues. Are you here to sing too?"

Tan Yao replied, "This KTV is run by my buddies! We like to hang out here after we finish work!"

"Oh... I see."

Tan Yao had been pressed to work at his father's company for a while now, so it had been a long time since he last saw Zheng Baozhu. He was worried about how to meet her, now she came looking for him on her own. What a coincidence!

Opportunities like this should be seized without hesitation. Tan Yao immediately said enthusiastically, "Today, your expenses here are on me. Whatever you want to eat, just order!"

"Well... I'm not so sure about that." Zheng Baozhu hesitated a bit.

"There's nothing to worry about. You guys are at my place; there's no reason for you to pay. If word gets out, wouldn't it ruin my reputation?" Tan Yao said firmly.

Zheng Baozhu: "..."

As long as you're happy.

Zheng Baozhu originally came out to buy snacks, so Tan Yao took her to the small supermarket. Zheng Baozhu carried a shopping basket and didn't want to take too much. Tan Yao directly brought a small cart and started throwing things into it.

Zheng Baozhu: "..."

Finally, with Tan Yao pushing a cart full of snacks, they returned to the private room.

When they saw Tan Yao and Zheng Baozhu coming in together, the singing in the private room momentarily stopped. Liang Huihui stood up from the sofa, looking surprised, and asked Tan Yao, "Mr. Tan? What are you doing here?"

Tan Yao replied, "This place is run by my buddies and we happened to be hanging out here today."

"Oh..." Liang Huihui was regretting it now. If she had known earlier, she would have preferred to walk a bit further and choose a different KTV!

The cart that Zheng Baozhu pushed into the private room also drew everyone's attention. After exchanging greetings with Tan Yao, their eyes fell on the cart. Zheng Baozhu laughed and said, "All of these snacks are courtesy of Tan Yao."

"Yes, everyone, please don't be polite," Tan Yao warmly invited everyone to enjoy the snacks. Liang Huihui took some food off the cart and looked at Qu Zhi, asking, "Mr. Qu, is there anything you'd like to eat?"

Qu Zhi glanced at the cart full of snacks and sat on the sofa without taking any, "It's all processed food, eating these high-calorie snacks late at night isn't a good idea."

Liang Huihui hesitated as she reached for the potato chips, "Then maybe I won't eat either."

"Why not? Don't listen to him." Tan Yao glanced at Qu Zhi and handed the potato chips to Liang Huihui, "Eating a little won't make you gain weight. Indulging occasionally is not a problem!"

Qu Zhi raised his gaze and also looked at Tan Yao, "Mr. Ling doesn't seem like the occasional indulging type."

Tan Yao initially wanted to refute him, but suddenly realized something was wrong, "No, who is Mr. Ling? My last surname is Tan."

"Oh, sorry," Qu Zhi apologized insincerely, "I often confuse things and thought you were 4."

Tan Yao: "..."

Can we stop mentioning that number!

"You're such a strange person..." Tan Yao rolled up his sleeves, as if he was going to argue with Qu Zhi, "Is your way of speaking always like this?"

Zheng Baozhu nodded from the side, "Yes."

Tan Yao: "..."

Xiao Yu glanced at the three of them, smiling to defuse the situation, "Anyway, let's not stand around, let's continue singing!"

"Yes, let's continue singing," Liang Huihui chimed in.

Tan Yao enthusiastically suggested, "Baozhu, let's sing a duet together!"

Xiao Yu: "..."

If Qu Zhi had half of Tan Yao's enthusiasm, their CP ship would already be sailing. :)

Tan Yao reached for the microphone, but Qu Zhi acted first, taking the microphone from the table, "It's my turn for the next song."

"...Sure," Tan Yao smirked, "You go ahead and sing."

Liang Huihui quickly put Qu Zhi's chosen song at the top of the list.

Qu Zhi selected a song by Li Shen, known for his deep and magnetic voice. While it wasn't as challenging to sing as Gu Xin's songs, it still required good vocal skills, especially demanding vocal range.

As soon as Qu Zhi started singing, his magnetic voice captured everyone's attention. His speaking voice was already pleasant to listen to, but when he sang, it became even deeper and more melodious. Qu Zhi didn't rely on elaborate techniques while singing; it was mainly the natural quality of his voice that stood out.

Zheng Baozhu had known Qu Zhi for many years but hadn't heard him sing many times. Today, Qu Zhi joining them at the KTV was already out of the ordinary, and now he was enthusiastically singing a song?

...However, truth be told, he did sing quite beautifully.

The entire private room was immersed in Qu Zhi's magnetic voice. After the song ended, Xiao Yu led the applause, giving Qu Zhi praise. Liang Huihui also applauded and looked at Qu Zhi, saying, "Mr. Qu, you sang so beautifully! Let's have another song!"

Qu Zhi certainly didn't sing another song; he handed the microphone to Tan Yao, displaying gentlemanly manners, "Let... Mr. Tan take the next song."

He intentionally emphasized the pronunciation of "Tan".

Tan Yao, who was just flirting about singing a duet with Zheng Baozhu earlier, now pushed it away, "Yeah, I think you're right. Singing also requires proper order. I'll wait a bit longer."

All the flirting aside, who would want to follow after him? He set the standard so high. If he were to sing after him, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing for him?

"Let the others sing first."

By doing this, Tan Yao made the most regrettable mistake tonight because he realized that since he handed the microphone to Liang Huihui and the others, it never returned to his hands again.

At 11 o'clock, Xiao Yu's alarm clock rang. After turning it off, she said to everyone, "It's 11 o'clock; let's head back."

Just as Tan Yao was about to propose playing Truth or Dare, he was taken aback, "Going back so early?"

Xiao Yu replied, "Yeah, we have work tomorrow, and our place is quite far."

Qu Zhi picked up his coat and stood up from the sofa, "Remember to take your belongings."

Tan Yao watched as they started packing up and silently put down the cards in his hand.

"Thank you for the snacks, Mr. Tan," Liang Huihui said as she packed the snacks into her bag. Although they hadn't finished all the snacks, they could take them home. Luckily, everyone had brought large bags, or else they wouldn't have been able to fit all the snacks!

"We'll be leaving now," Zheng Baozhu smiled at Tan Yao and walked out of the private room with everyone else.

Soon after, only Tan Yao was left in the private room, and the microphone finally returned to his hands.

He chose the song [A Night Alone] and started wailing and howling in the room all by himself.

One of Tan Yao's friends approached from outside and glanced at Tan Yao, "What's going on? Did they leave so early?"

"Yeah, they said they have work tomorrow," Tan Yao replied and continued wailing and howling.

After listening for a while, his friend couldn't help but cover his ears, "Brother Tan, did you get dumped by that Ms. Zheng?"

"What dumped? Don't say that!" Tan Yao rebuked him with a sense of justice, "Spreading rumors can lead to legal consequences!"

"Tsk, in the process of trying to charm others you put yourself in trouble," his friend retorted.

"Hmph, as if that would happen!" Tan Yao responded, but then he thought about tonight's Cheng Yaojin1, and added, "But there are many others interested in pursuing her, there's even a childhood friend."

At this moment, Zheng Baozhu and Zheng Baozhu's childhood friend were sitting in the car on the way back. Zheng Baozhu was driving, and she glanced at him in the rear-view mirror, "Did Tan Yao offend you in any way?"

Qu Zhi thought for a moment and said, "No."

Zheng Baozhu didn't believe it, but then again, Qu Zhi had only met Tan Yao once before, so she couldn't figure out where he might have offended him.

The witty Xiao Yu spoke from the back seat, "Is Mr. Qu jealous?"

Zheng Baozhu and Qu Zhi: "..."

"I believe he didn't offend you," Zheng Baozhu quickly changed her tone, "Maybe he's just naturally unlikable."

"Hmm," Qu Zhi responded nonchalantly.

"But Mr. Qu, your singing tonight was really good! Let's go together next time!" Liang Huihui extended another invitation. They didn't get to hear a duet from Miss Baozhu and Mr. Qu tonight, so they couldn't just give up now!

Qu Zhi paused for a moment and said, "Then next time, let's invite Qi Sheng too; he's especially good at singing."

Liang Huihui: "..."

That won't be necessary.

When they returned to Starlight Farm, it was already 11:40 PM and everyone went back to their rooms yawning. Despite feeling tired, Zheng Baozhu still insisted on taking a shower. Even though she was feeling so sleepy, after she lay on her bed, she suddenly wanted to play with her phone for a while.

Zheng Baozhu checked Weibo on her phone and found marketing accounts already starting to spread rumors about Lin Ziqin possibly starring in a big IP. She guessed these rumors were deliberately released by the production team to generate some hype.

And just as she was thinking about the director, Gao Boyun, she received a message from him: The audition time is set for the day after tomorrow at 2:30 PM.

The message was followed by a location of a hotel.

Zheng Baozhu: Wow, Xiao Gao, you're still not sleeping at this hour? Truly dedicated. 

Gao Boyun: Flattery won't work on me. I won't go the day after tomorrow; the casting director and several other main creative members will go instead. 

Zheng Baozhu: …Oh, then I'll go to sleep first. [goodnight.jpg]

Gao Boyun: Heh. 

Gao Boyun was indeed busy until now. [New Moon Wandering Sword] was an opportunity he fought hard to get, and there were many excellent actors working in it, so he held significant power. If he could remake this old classic into a new classic, his reputation in the industry would be solidified. If not, he would still be renowned in the industry, just in a bad way.

Just as he got up from the computer, someone knocked on his door, "Boyun, are you asleep?"

Hearing the voice, Gao Boyun hesitated for a moment and walked up to open the door for him, "Dad, you're still not sleeping this late?"

Gao Tianming, wearing a coat and slippers, walked in, "I was just looking at the actor profiles you posted. I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh..." Gao Boyun followed him to the sofa and sat down, "Dad, you said before that you wouldn't interfere with my casting."

Gao Tianming chuckled, "I didn't say I would interfere. I just wanted to ask, where did you meet Zheng Baozhu, the supporting actress?"

Gao Boyun didn't expect him to suddenly ask about Zheng Baozhu, but upon careful consideration, it wasn't too surprising, "I met her at the film studio. I was waiting there for a ride, and I noticed she had good conditions, so I got her contact information. Dad, do you also think she looks a bit like Su Ming?"

Gao Tianming didn't answer but instead asked him, "Did you choose her because she looks like Su Ming?"

"Not exactly, I just felt she stood out at first glance, and when I got closer, I noticed she also resembled Su Ming."

"Mm..." Gao Tianming responded, seemingly lost in thought, and didn't speak for a while.

"What's wrong?" Gao Boyun asked.

"Nothing," Gao Tianming straightened his clothes and stood up from the sofa, "By the way, how long did you schedule the pre-production meeting?"

"The day after tomorrow afternoon, in the studio."

Gao Tianming nodded and said to him, "If there's nothing else, go to bed early. Even young people shouldn't stay up all night."

"Mm..." Gao Boyun watched his dad walk away, feeling a bit puzzled. So, his dad came over in the middle of the night just to ask him that question?

...It's evident that Director Gao really likes Su Ming.

The next day, a middle-aged couple arrived at Zheng Baozhu's hotel early in the morning. When Xiao Yu saw them coming, she smiled and asked, "Good morning, are you here to stay?"

The middle-aged woman in a padded jacket looked around and said, "We're not staying at the hotel. We're here to find Liang Huihui."

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