In Another World With Escanor Powers
74 Master and Disciple 2
In the great western continent, the two moons were like wraith-silver discs hanging in the lonely sky. It was a scene where the two moons were staring back down on all the creatures living there.
The two moons weren't exactly similar since one was smaller than the other. You could say that one was half size the other. They also have special names that are based on an ancient legend.
The bigger moon is known as the elder sister Dua while the smaller moon is known as the younger brother Ozlic. Legend says that because the elder brother was injured and killed, the elder sister went on a journey to get revenge but in the end died trying and joined her brother in the heavens.
What could also be noticed besides the two moons are also two airships flying in the dark sky as they looked like two dots standing at the same height as the great moons. The two ships were, Of course, Aeliana and Orion, which are traveling towards the capital city of Kederawen kingdom.
The capital city of the kingdom is known as Augustus city and was named after the first king of the Kederawen kingdom. It is situated in the east and is near the huge Painu central lake. It's was in fact built near a huge river that ends with a huge waterfall that fells right into the great lake.
Because of the natural river, the city was divided into two huge districts that are named respectively, the royal Highland situated in the southwest of the city and the northern grasslands who occupy all the north of the city.
The northern grasslands are divided into the inner area which is protected by the walls and considered as the residential area of the nobles. The outer area is where the comments live. The inner area is separated by the river from the royal highland area and there are only four bridges that are all controlled by the royal family.
There is also the farmlands that are towards the south of the city outside the walls. there are five entrances from which you can enter the city. three are in the royal highland area and two from the inner area.
AN: [Go to my discord channel and you will find the map illustration. You will find the discord link in the auxiliary chapters].
The city is considered as one of the oldest ever built cities not only in the kingdom but in the whole continent. What is most famous about this city is the sword mountain just beside the palace of the royal family.
Right now inside Aeliana in the big hall, everyone is eating in total silence waiting for anyone to speak and finish this akward moment.
It's been half a day since Everyone left Icidia city and are all going east towards the capital city. Vito who also joined them on this trip didn't seem to talk so much anymore like he was back on the restaurant.
Aiden didn't want to ask Ceaser, Vito, or Edvard since he was sure that they knew about this Marcus. he wanted them to speak first while the others also thought the same but Lorra who wasn't eating at all and staring the whole time at Ceaser who started feeling uncomfortable.
"Lorra, my sweetheart. If you want to ask anything then I will tell you gladly".
Lorra who heard Ceaser words immediately replied and asked him, "Grandfather, why did you never tell that you have a disciple?? He seems to know about me and from what I understand, he must have some relation to my kidnapping and he also wants to hurt you. Why did you never speak about him?".
Everyone who heard her question nodded and stopped eating as they also wanted to know more about this. When Ceaser heard her words, he sighed and put his spoon as his face showed sadness and remorse as he looked more and more at Lorra's face. It felt like he was remembering something sad and hurtful the more he looked at her.
Ceaser: "Sigh. I didn't want you to hear about it since this thing is a knot in my heart that hunts me each time I remember about it. It's been almost a thousand years since it happened and I don't wanna ".
Lorra: "Grandpa....."
Aiden interrupted and then said, "You need to tell us about him whether you like it or not. Right now, we're also involved with you since he tried to attack us. Although I can completely finish him, imagine if he attacks your granddaughter or tries to do anything".
"... You're right Aiden. I must also protect her". Ceaser who understands what Aiden meant couldn't agree more with him. Ceaser then started speaking, "Sigh, It's a long story so prepare yourselves. where should I start now?.....Yes, let's return in time, a thousand and five hundred years ago when I found a little kid".
AN: [Prepare yourselves for a long flashback no Jutsu XDD].
[1500 years ago].
In the middle of a desert, a gate suddenly appeared out of nowhere. An old man suddenly walked out of the gate and looked around him. He covered his eyes with his right hand as he looked at the sky and stared at the blazing sun standing above.
When the man looked at the sun, he started laughing like a crazy man and started dancing and spinning around the sand. The gate still didn't close and another figure came out of the gate.
This time it was a young man who is quite tall with a height that is over 2m. After the young man appeared, the gate instantly closed and disappeared as if it was never there.
"Stop dancing you, idiot. You look like a clown. Do you know where we are or not? I don't wanna go to another place like that again because of you".
"Hahaha. What are you talking about Edvard! Be happy, we finally returned home and are right now in the western continent. Man, I would've never felt this happy to go back home again. That dimension was scary as hell".
These two men who are arguing in the middle of the desert are of course Edvard and Ceaser Julius. Ceaser was wearing a dark red robe together with golden gloves and golden shoes.
He was also holding a magic wand together with a few books around his waist. Edvard was wearing a black T-Shirt together with blue jeans. He also wore black boots and brown gloves. He looked like those blacksmiths who just came out from a smithy.
Edvard: "So....where are we?? I don't think that Kederawen kingdom has a desert unless we traveled to the future or something".
"Well....I'm sure that we're in the western continent since the Sun is the same and the mana density around here is also the same which means one thing and that we're somewhere south of the continent".
Ceaser smiled even more and turned around as he started searching for something, " Hmmmm wait a moment here. I will be back in a second".
"What....wait a moment Cea...."
Before Edvard could say anything, Ceaser suddenly disappeared and flew away towards the sky. Edvard sighed and waited there beside the place where the spatial gate appeared.
Edvard never liked it when Ceaser suddenly disappear cause he knows that he will bring problems but he had no choice since Edvard was the expert in magic research and knew his way around.
Edvard waited for a few seconds when he noticed something big flying towards him. He also noticed Ceaser who was standing above it, " gotta be joking. Is he insane or what??".
Right now, Edvard was looking at a huge beast flying towards Him. It wasn't any beast, It was a Huge vulture that was over twenty meters long and three meters high.
"What the heck. How did he find a Desert Vulture in five seconds like this? It's like he's a magnet for troubles and disasters".
Ceaser who looked at Edvard started saying out loud, "Hey Ed, look what I found. We can go around right now and find a city or a two. nearby".
Edvard who heard that could only think one thing in his mind, 'If they see that thing, they will shit themselves and die from terror'.
*Woosh Woosh*.
Finally, the vulture landed in front of Edvard and looked at him. Edvard who was about to ask How in the Hell did the vulture agree to come with Ceaser also noticed its injuries on the face.
He looked at Ceaser and then said to him, "You used a golem to beat him, and then he brought you here. You did all of this in seconds, I must say that each time I think that you reached the peak, you surpass yourself more and more".
Ceaser: "Hahahaha. Don't be like that Edvard. With this, we can find a town faster and then find the way back to the kingdom".
Edvard couldn't say anything as what Ceaser said is true. He could only feel pity for the poor vulture and then jumped to the back of the vulture and it then started flying.
Both Edvard and Ceaser sat on the back as the vulture continued to fly north until they noticed a little village that ahead of them They also saw fire rising from that village and a bunch of bandits attacking and slaying the villagers.
Although Edvard and Ceaser were high in the sky, they could clearly see the savage bandits killing and butchering the poor and armless villagers.
Edvard: "Let me deal with this. I don't wanna see you destroy everything in your way".
Ceaser just nodded and looked down at the village, "Okay, I will let you deal with it".
Edvard did something unthinkable as he jumped from the back of the vulture and let himself fall directly towards the bandits. The speed which Edvard was falling with is very high but he didn't panic at all but just looked down at the village.
The moment Edvard Hit the ground, a huge crater appeared and dust enveloped the whole area. He even caused a little earthquake as the bandits who felt terrified as they thought that a huge monster appeared.
they looked around as they wanted to find the source of all of this but the dust made it impossible to look or find the culprit.
One of the bandits saw his friend suddenly fall to the ground but he found that his head wasn't there anymore and this made him piss himself as he felt terrified though before he could escape or utter any word, he felt weird as his view started spinning and he also found himself with only his head spinning in the air.
Edvard who used his hand and created a blade made out of mana continued to silently decrepitate each one of those bandits. Edvard was an assassin class and so he always made sure to kill his enemies without making any sound.
In fact, He could just use raw power and destroy anything but he wasn't like those warriors who use all their powers no matter the situation.
He always thought a little of bandits and made sure to kill them with the least amount of moves and not waste power or mana. Mana blade was one of the fundamental techniques that assassin class use.
Each meditation technique for assassin comes with a skill of mana blade since its mainly used to kill withing fast time and efficient cut.
After the last one of the bandits died, The dust has completely gone and Edvard stopped moving as he shook his hand and took his glove so that he can clean himself from the bandit's filthy blood.
*Swoosh* *Swoosh*
After Edvard finished, the vulture landed and Ceaser jumped down from the back of the lizard and looked around him. He then turned back and told Edvard, "Ruthless as ever. As expected from the Red Shadow, you never care about the life or death of anybody".
"Hmph, Don't make me look like a cold blood murderer. Nobody will care if I kill these people who are lower than filth itself. Don't talk about them and let's search for survivors".
Ceaser didn't care anymore and went searching for any person alive. Unfortunately, they couldn't find anything after searching. Finally, just when they were about to leave, they heard a weak voice coming far away.
Edvard: "Did you hear that?"
Ceaser: "Yes".
*Woosh* *Woosh*
Both of them with high speed and went to search for the source of the voice. They stood then in front of a fallen house and heard the voice again.
The moment Edvard heard that he said to Ceaser, "Ceaser, stand away". Ceaser nodded and moved away. Edvard then held the debris and started throwing them away from the house. Although assassin didn't focus on the strength that much but relied on speed more, they still had a certain amount that was at least above Mages.
Finally, After some seconds, they found a little kid who seemed to be only ten years old. Ceaser and Edvard were a little surprised that someone like him was still alive but then they looked at the corpse of a woman that was still protecting him and then they understood what happened.
Ceaser: "She used her body to protect him from any harm. She had the resolve to do that in her last moments".
Edvard stayed silent while Ceaser went towards the kid and tried to separate him from the corpse of the woman but the kid who looked at Ceaser immediately tried to hide, "Please don't kill me!!".
Ceaser didn't do anything and just stood there and smiled as he didn't want to frighten the child, "Hey little kid. what's you're name? How about you come and let me help you. All the bandits are gone away. You also need to treat your injury".
The Kid stayed silent and looked at Ceaser in the eyes but then suddenly as if he remembered something, he looked at the woman and started yelling at her, "Mom, mom, are you okay!!?? It's me, Marcus. why aren't you answering me, Mom! please mister help my mom she isn't answering me".
Edvard and Ceaser couldn't say anything as they looked at the kid who tried to wake his mother, Edvard then stopped him and told him, "Kid stop it. Your mother isn't with is anymore. She went to heaven and is with God so you can't do anything more".
The kid who heard that couldn't process anything anymore and just stood there without saying anything but then he suddenly yelled with all his power and made the whole desert shake, "Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!"
Edvard and Ceaser who didn't expect that suddenly felt something inside them and with his powerful yell, felt their souls shake from the bottom.
Ceaser: "This is....Soul attack".
Edvard: "This Kid.....He has used the psionic element unconsciously".
Soul attacks are very powerful since they can injure the soul and sometimes cause irreversible injuries that can't be heard even after centuries. After the kid stopped yelling and immediately lost consciousness.
After that, Ceaser went and raised him and looked at Edvard and said to him, "Seems like we found a hidden gem from this travel. Don't you think that this is fate Edvard?!!".
Edvard looked at Ceaser's shining eyes and knew what he's thinking. The Kid doesn't seem to have any family and so Ceaser and Edvard are the only ones who can help him.
"Well....For now let's take him with us and also the corpse of his mother. He needs to bury her himself. We will wait for him to wake up".
"Yes! You're right. He needs to bury her himself".
Ceaser didn't think about the child past anymore but the potential he. discovered in him. He then thought in his mind, 'This child has a true potential to be a mage. I can't find any better candidate to be my disciple than him. I'm sure now, It's fate!!!'
The two moons weren't exactly similar since one was smaller than the other. You could say that one was half size the other. They also have special names that are based on an ancient legend.
The bigger moon is known as the elder sister Dua while the smaller moon is known as the younger brother Ozlic. Legend says that because the elder brother was injured and killed, the elder sister went on a journey to get revenge but in the end died trying and joined her brother in the heavens.
What could also be noticed besides the two moons are also two airships flying in the dark sky as they looked like two dots standing at the same height as the great moons. The two ships were, Of course, Aeliana and Orion, which are traveling towards the capital city of Kederawen kingdom.
The capital city of the kingdom is known as Augustus city and was named after the first king of the Kederawen kingdom. It is situated in the east and is near the huge Painu central lake. It's was in fact built near a huge river that ends with a huge waterfall that fells right into the great lake.
Because of the natural river, the city was divided into two huge districts that are named respectively, the royal Highland situated in the southwest of the city and the northern grasslands who occupy all the north of the city.
The northern grasslands are divided into the inner area which is protected by the walls and considered as the residential area of the nobles. The outer area is where the comments live. The inner area is separated by the river from the royal highland area and there are only four bridges that are all controlled by the royal family.
There is also the farmlands that are towards the south of the city outside the walls. there are five entrances from which you can enter the city. three are in the royal highland area and two from the inner area.
AN: [Go to my discord channel and you will find the map illustration. You will find the discord link in the auxiliary chapters].
The city is considered as one of the oldest ever built cities not only in the kingdom but in the whole continent. What is most famous about this city is the sword mountain just beside the palace of the royal family.
Right now inside Aeliana in the big hall, everyone is eating in total silence waiting for anyone to speak and finish this akward moment.
It's been half a day since Everyone left Icidia city and are all going east towards the capital city. Vito who also joined them on this trip didn't seem to talk so much anymore like he was back on the restaurant.
Aiden didn't want to ask Ceaser, Vito, or Edvard since he was sure that they knew about this Marcus. he wanted them to speak first while the others also thought the same but Lorra who wasn't eating at all and staring the whole time at Ceaser who started feeling uncomfortable.
"Lorra, my sweetheart. If you want to ask anything then I will tell you gladly".
Lorra who heard Ceaser words immediately replied and asked him, "Grandfather, why did you never tell that you have a disciple?? He seems to know about me and from what I understand, he must have some relation to my kidnapping and he also wants to hurt you. Why did you never speak about him?".
Everyone who heard her question nodded and stopped eating as they also wanted to know more about this. When Ceaser heard her words, he sighed and put his spoon as his face showed sadness and remorse as he looked more and more at Lorra's face. It felt like he was remembering something sad and hurtful the more he looked at her.
Ceaser: "Sigh. I didn't want you to hear about it since this thing is a knot in my heart that hunts me each time I remember about it. It's been almost a thousand years since it happened and I don't wanna ".
Lorra: "Grandpa....."
Aiden interrupted and then said, "You need to tell us about him whether you like it or not. Right now, we're also involved with you since he tried to attack us. Although I can completely finish him, imagine if he attacks your granddaughter or tries to do anything".
"... You're right Aiden. I must also protect her". Ceaser who understands what Aiden meant couldn't agree more with him. Ceaser then started speaking, "Sigh, It's a long story so prepare yourselves. where should I start now?.....Yes, let's return in time, a thousand and five hundred years ago when I found a little kid".
AN: [Prepare yourselves for a long flashback no Jutsu XDD].
[1500 years ago].
In the middle of a desert, a gate suddenly appeared out of nowhere. An old man suddenly walked out of the gate and looked around him. He covered his eyes with his right hand as he looked at the sky and stared at the blazing sun standing above.
When the man looked at the sun, he started laughing like a crazy man and started dancing and spinning around the sand. The gate still didn't close and another figure came out of the gate.
This time it was a young man who is quite tall with a height that is over 2m. After the young man appeared, the gate instantly closed and disappeared as if it was never there.
"Stop dancing you, idiot. You look like a clown. Do you know where we are or not? I don't wanna go to another place like that again because of you".
"Hahaha. What are you talking about Edvard! Be happy, we finally returned home and are right now in the western continent. Man, I would've never felt this happy to go back home again. That dimension was scary as hell".
These two men who are arguing in the middle of the desert are of course Edvard and Ceaser Julius. Ceaser was wearing a dark red robe together with golden gloves and golden shoes.
He was also holding a magic wand together with a few books around his waist. Edvard was wearing a black T-Shirt together with blue jeans. He also wore black boots and brown gloves. He looked like those blacksmiths who just came out from a smithy.
Edvard: "So....where are we?? I don't think that Kederawen kingdom has a desert unless we traveled to the future or something".
"Well....I'm sure that we're in the western continent since the Sun is the same and the mana density around here is also the same which means one thing and that we're somewhere south of the continent".
Ceaser smiled even more and turned around as he started searching for something, " Hmmmm wait a moment here. I will be back in a second".
"What....wait a moment Cea...."
Before Edvard could say anything, Ceaser suddenly disappeared and flew away towards the sky. Edvard sighed and waited there beside the place where the spatial gate appeared.
Edvard never liked it when Ceaser suddenly disappear cause he knows that he will bring problems but he had no choice since Edvard was the expert in magic research and knew his way around.
Edvard waited for a few seconds when he noticed something big flying towards him. He also noticed Ceaser who was standing above it, " gotta be joking. Is he insane or what??".
Right now, Edvard was looking at a huge beast flying towards Him. It wasn't any beast, It was a Huge vulture that was over twenty meters long and three meters high.
"What the heck. How did he find a Desert Vulture in five seconds like this? It's like he's a magnet for troubles and disasters".
Ceaser who looked at Edvard started saying out loud, "Hey Ed, look what I found. We can go around right now and find a city or a two. nearby".
Edvard who heard that could only think one thing in his mind, 'If they see that thing, they will shit themselves and die from terror'.
*Woosh Woosh*.
Finally, the vulture landed in front of Edvard and looked at him. Edvard who was about to ask How in the Hell did the vulture agree to come with Ceaser also noticed its injuries on the face.
He looked at Ceaser and then said to him, "You used a golem to beat him, and then he brought you here. You did all of this in seconds, I must say that each time I think that you reached the peak, you surpass yourself more and more".
Ceaser: "Hahahaha. Don't be like that Edvard. With this, we can find a town faster and then find the way back to the kingdom".
Edvard couldn't say anything as what Ceaser said is true. He could only feel pity for the poor vulture and then jumped to the back of the vulture and it then started flying.
Both Edvard and Ceaser sat on the back as the vulture continued to fly north until they noticed a little village that ahead of them They also saw fire rising from that village and a bunch of bandits attacking and slaying the villagers.
Although Edvard and Ceaser were high in the sky, they could clearly see the savage bandits killing and butchering the poor and armless villagers.
Edvard: "Let me deal with this. I don't wanna see you destroy everything in your way".
Ceaser just nodded and looked down at the village, "Okay, I will let you deal with it".
Edvard did something unthinkable as he jumped from the back of the vulture and let himself fall directly towards the bandits. The speed which Edvard was falling with is very high but he didn't panic at all but just looked down at the village.
The moment Edvard Hit the ground, a huge crater appeared and dust enveloped the whole area. He even caused a little earthquake as the bandits who felt terrified as they thought that a huge monster appeared.
they looked around as they wanted to find the source of all of this but the dust made it impossible to look or find the culprit.
One of the bandits saw his friend suddenly fall to the ground but he found that his head wasn't there anymore and this made him piss himself as he felt terrified though before he could escape or utter any word, he felt weird as his view started spinning and he also found himself with only his head spinning in the air.
Edvard who used his hand and created a blade made out of mana continued to silently decrepitate each one of those bandits. Edvard was an assassin class and so he always made sure to kill his enemies without making any sound.
In fact, He could just use raw power and destroy anything but he wasn't like those warriors who use all their powers no matter the situation.
He always thought a little of bandits and made sure to kill them with the least amount of moves and not waste power or mana. Mana blade was one of the fundamental techniques that assassin class use.
Each meditation technique for assassin comes with a skill of mana blade since its mainly used to kill withing fast time and efficient cut.
After the last one of the bandits died, The dust has completely gone and Edvard stopped moving as he shook his hand and took his glove so that he can clean himself from the bandit's filthy blood.
*Swoosh* *Swoosh*
After Edvard finished, the vulture landed and Ceaser jumped down from the back of the lizard and looked around him. He then turned back and told Edvard, "Ruthless as ever. As expected from the Red Shadow, you never care about the life or death of anybody".
"Hmph, Don't make me look like a cold blood murderer. Nobody will care if I kill these people who are lower than filth itself. Don't talk about them and let's search for survivors".
Ceaser didn't care anymore and went searching for any person alive. Unfortunately, they couldn't find anything after searching. Finally, just when they were about to leave, they heard a weak voice coming far away.
Edvard: "Did you hear that?"
Ceaser: "Yes".
*Woosh* *Woosh*
Both of them with high speed and went to search for the source of the voice. They stood then in front of a fallen house and heard the voice again.
The moment Edvard heard that he said to Ceaser, "Ceaser, stand away". Ceaser nodded and moved away. Edvard then held the debris and started throwing them away from the house. Although assassin didn't focus on the strength that much but relied on speed more, they still had a certain amount that was at least above Mages.
Finally, After some seconds, they found a little kid who seemed to be only ten years old. Ceaser and Edvard were a little surprised that someone like him was still alive but then they looked at the corpse of a woman that was still protecting him and then they understood what happened.
Ceaser: "She used her body to protect him from any harm. She had the resolve to do that in her last moments".
Edvard stayed silent while Ceaser went towards the kid and tried to separate him from the corpse of the woman but the kid who looked at Ceaser immediately tried to hide, "Please don't kill me!!".
Ceaser didn't do anything and just stood there and smiled as he didn't want to frighten the child, "Hey little kid. what's you're name? How about you come and let me help you. All the bandits are gone away. You also need to treat your injury".
The Kid stayed silent and looked at Ceaser in the eyes but then suddenly as if he remembered something, he looked at the woman and started yelling at her, "Mom, mom, are you okay!!?? It's me, Marcus. why aren't you answering me, Mom! please mister help my mom she isn't answering me".
Edvard and Ceaser couldn't say anything as they looked at the kid who tried to wake his mother, Edvard then stopped him and told him, "Kid stop it. Your mother isn't with is anymore. She went to heaven and is with God so you can't do anything more".
The kid who heard that couldn't process anything anymore and just stood there without saying anything but then he suddenly yelled with all his power and made the whole desert shake, "Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!"
Edvard and Ceaser who didn't expect that suddenly felt something inside them and with his powerful yell, felt their souls shake from the bottom.
Ceaser: "This is....Soul attack".
Edvard: "This Kid.....He has used the psionic element unconsciously".
Soul attacks are very powerful since they can injure the soul and sometimes cause irreversible injuries that can't be heard even after centuries. After the kid stopped yelling and immediately lost consciousness.
After that, Ceaser went and raised him and looked at Edvard and said to him, "Seems like we found a hidden gem from this travel. Don't you think that this is fate Edvard?!!".
Edvard looked at Ceaser's shining eyes and knew what he's thinking. The Kid doesn't seem to have any family and so Ceaser and Edvard are the only ones who can help him.
"Well....For now let's take him with us and also the corpse of his mother. He needs to bury her himself. We will wait for him to wake up".
"Yes! You're right. He needs to bury her himself".
Ceaser didn't think about the child past anymore but the potential he. discovered in him. He then thought in his mind, 'This child has a true potential to be a mage. I can't find any better candidate to be my disciple than him. I'm sure now, It's fate!!!'
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