As the days goes on weeks pass on the day of departure to the Royal Capital got near.

As James parents were thinking for what to give as a Gift, Our little hero thought of using this time to let his Smart Phone known to all or rather both of them.

" Mother, Father what are you doing?" James asked politely while slightly bowing showing his mannerism as well as his concern for them

" James, Is your training for the day finished" Sylvian asked trying to divert the subject as well as to know his progress.

" yes, father my training for the day just finished and I have grown more stronger these past 2 weeks as I am now able to complete Sir Belstion's training without being on the verge to faint as well he has increased the training efficiency as I got stronger

I have even started the minor Magic training in order to improve both my reserves as well as my knowledge on all these Magic but I can't just do a better Magic than the beginner ones due to my low reserves but on the bright side I learned many sorts ofMagic of that level in all elements and for the null magic as well I learned a bit of them" James gave his report of the past 2 weeks of training to his parents

" Good, now you must be tired after training so you should take a bath, have a dinner with us and go back to sweet dreams" his mother suggested or rather ordered him from the look of her eyes.

" Y-Yes Mother I was just going to do that but after seeing your worried faces I thought I should ask what happened to you" James asked while trying to look cute so that he could get the answer( A/N: CUTENESS NO JUTSU)

*SIGH* Sylvian sighed as he lifted James from his shoulder and put him on his lap as he said," We will be leaving for the Royal Capital in 2 or 3 days to attend the Royal celebration for the 1st Birthday of the First Princess Yumina urnra Belfast and we have not decided till now what should we gift her for the birthday as they are a royal family and we need to consider our own social standings to gift the best but what should be that best?"

" Why don't you just gift what you seem the best like the other dukes" James gave his suggestions but was rejected.

" You might not know as do the most of the masses that we are not blood related with the royals, Most people only know that one can only become a Duke by having the Royal blood and significant achievement for the betterment of the country but we became Duke since the beginning of this kingdom as our ancestors helped in building this country and we have been married to and into the royal family many times throughout the long years and thus, we need to consider our family's reputation to bring out a gift that can be presented to the royal blood" Sylvian said the history about the Von Vestria family.

After hearing the story James thought a bit before coming with a plan to help his parents as well to show his Smart Phone. He put his hand into the pocket of his pants as he brought out the phone while saying it's name like a certain blue cat.

" Look Father I got this Magical Item near the biggest tree in the outer fields of our farms"

James showed his smartphone to his parents

" Ohh, when did you and why did you go to that place and without our permission James" Hisui asked in a leisure and sweet tone but her face showed otherwise

" We can leave it for later but as for it's abilities, it can make a painting of anything with proper details within a second like" *KRICH* (Sound of photo being clicked)

" Look at this and you can even change it's size or focus it on any part" James said while both his parents looked at him in awe.

" This can even be used instead of Light Magic for purpose of Lightening* FLASH ON*

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*FLASH OFF* You can even hear music through it* MUSIC ON* * MUSIC OFF* You can also use to make calculations, recording of sound and pictures which can move and even to gain knowledge" James tried to explain it's feature through their level of understandings

" Wait did you just said that it can provide knowledge?" Sylvian asked

" Yes, it can give knowledge about everything and can even give you some new cooking recipes of sweets which tastes otherworldly and some clothes which look otherworldly and many more such things" James commented on it's function as if he was speaking about his achievements

" Ohh, Then can't we use those recipes and designs of clothes to use as a gift" Hisui said as understanding dawned on her face

" we can't just give them something as raw so why not we make these things to give as present and James does this Tool of yours give information about entertainment tools or games" Sylvian said while both Hisui and James only nodded at that

" Then show me...

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