After learning about the true standards of power of this world James only though, ' F*ck'

Still he was able to gain composure and started planning about his future.

\" We are going to stay here for the day before going on our travel. We will also have another companion.\" Julius said.

\"Umm, who will be our companion?\" James asked.

\" That's a secret. You will meet your companion soon.\" He said mysteriously.

\" OK I will just have to wait because my master won't allow me to know about a person with whome I am going to stay for so long.\" James said while being downcast and looked like he was about to cry. He tried his secret move. \" EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL\" but to no avail.

\" Don't think you can even use that move against me who have mastered it's counter\" he said.

\" What?\" Was the only reply James could make knowing that someone was immune to his secret move.


James was roaming the town and checking around the denizens of the town. They were all sweet and didn't look down on him just because he was an outsider and a kid at that.

\"This really is a peaceful village. They respect each other, Helps each other and there's always a smile on their face. They accepted me so easily. Even I would be wary of strangers yet here they all don't care about such a thing.\" James said to himself.

After that he heard someone screaming to move aside. When he looked he saw a cute girl of his age with red color hair and purple coloured eyes. She was screaming,\" Move aside I am coming.\" when they both crashed into each other.

James stood above her. one of his hand on ground while other on her flat chest. She was red from either anger or embarrassement.

\" Move aside\" she said while looking angry.

\" ohh\" said while getting up from her.

\" You have to take responsibility.\" she said while looking down.

\" W- What? nani? \" He said while both shocked and surprised with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

\" Yes. mama said to make the man who touches me responsible for his action and to marry him later on.\" She said.

\" Well she must be saying some other type of touch and if you truly want I will be responsible for this action and as a payment want to eat something.\" James tried to divert the conversation and was successful.

\" mmhhh I know the best place for ramen in this town let's go\" She said and took his hand while dragging him to God know where place.

After reaching The place she said he was shocked to see a small shop it was not something too grand or luxurious but it was more of a Japanese kind of place with that kind of medieval decorations. He then thought,' Eashen'.

Then the girl dragged him into the shop\" 2 miso ramen, please.\" she said in front of the counter.

\" Ohh, so you brought your little boyfriend with you this time. He doesn't looks like he is from here from the looks\" The man said and James nodded at that.

After eating their share of Ramen James paid for it and they went outside. then suddenly he stopped and said,\" We have been with each other for so long yet we don't even know each others name. I am James Von Vesteria and I am not from here but my master is.\"

\" You can call me Saya Joūshiro and I live nearby. OK, bye I need to get back lest my Father yells at me.\" she said and ran away. After she was gone James said,\" Saya\".

After that he too went to his master's home as he thought he would get an earful for getting late. When he entered the house he saw something he was not expecting.

\" Saya, what are you doing here?\" he asked to the red haired girl.

\" umm, this is my house and I should be the one who should be asking that. ya'know\" She said

\" Oh, you two met each other before. that makes things easier for me but still let me reintroduce you two. Saya meet my new disciple James and James meet my daughter Saya.\" Julius said.

This confused James so he asked his doubts,\" but aren't you a Vinlione and she is a Joūshiro, so how are you two father and daughter.\" he asked.

\" She got her last name from her mother who was from Eashen and now Saya uses this name as this is the last thing she got of her mother as she died when Saya was 2.\" he said while looking a bit sad.

\" I am sorry\" James could only ask for forgiveness.

\" no need for apologies. You didn't knew it and now we both have already moved on. Well leaving it at that, she is the one who will be our partner for our Training Trip.\" He said

\" What?\" James again questioned once more...

----------AUTHOR'S NOTE---------


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