{Dragon-bone helmet}

{Defense 17}

{Dragon-bone ċhėst piece}

{Defense 20}

{Dragon-bone shoulderguards

{Defense 15}

{Dragon-bone gauntlets}

{Defense 12}

{Dragon-bone leggings}

{Dragon-bone boots}

{Speed: +15%}

{Defense 15}

"Damn. I look good." Will said.

Somehow most of his armor did not have any sort of buffs or debuffs except his boots. Sometimes some of the tools he makes are just like that.

The armor looked very stunning, which is something that he didn't expect. The helmet was basically the skull of the small dragon, but it was just small enough to fit in his head, otherwise it would have been too big and heavy for him to wear. Personally, he liked the helmet's design more than the other armor set.

The ċhėstplate was also unique. It looked like the dragon's spine and ċhėst bones covered the entire body. The shoulder pads had horns sticking out. The gauntlets had claws in them, which could be used as a melee weapon. The feet looked like a small dragon's feet, but he took off the giant claws which hindered his movement, this crafting system is able to make armor and tools any way you like it. The leggings were basically the most normal looking thing out of the entire set.

This is the complete set. He almost didn't have enough to make the entire set before running out of dragon bone material.

The bone armor also had wings, but were completely useless. He took them off because they hindered his movement.

"I didn't know that you could make armor out of monster bones." Jack said with shining eyes. It was literally the most awesome looking armor to him. And besides, Will has a history of wearing 'weird' clothing all the time.

People have tried to make tools out of monster bones, but it has ended in failure and is not as sturdy as steel. It was just easier to use ores rather than bones.

"You learn something new every day. Here, I crafted some for you, too."

Will gave Jack the complete set armor of cyclop bones. He is doing this for two reasons, one to protect him. After they arrive at the kingdom of Reyes, they will have to depart. This armor will at least give Jack some protection other than his enchanted shirt. And also, this is his way of saying 'thank you' for helping him all this time.

And also, Will wanted to see if anyone else that isn't him could also use the set armor ability. If so, then he's got to be careful in the future, as someone else could have bad intentions and steal his tools.

The cyclop-bone armor almost had the same design as the dragon bone armor, but there were some notable major differences.

"Are you sure you want to give me this?" Jack did not want to reject his offer because it'll be rude, but he just did not think that bone armor was any good.

"I don't mind. I have more cyclops bones, and besides it's taking up too much space."


Jack took the cyclops armor set, and it grew in size as soon as it left Will's hand.

"How does it feel?" Asked Will.

"It feels weird, but oddly comfortable."

"Can you by any chance, use laser eyes or something?"

"What do you mean?" Jack did not understand.


Will faced away from Jack and from Adaline. He's going to show them how awesome he is.

He took one long breath and shouted, "FUS! RO! DAH!"

He shouted, but to his complete disappointment, it did not work. Nothing happened.

"Um…" Jack didn't know what to say.

"...my disappointment is unmeasurable, and my day is ruined."

Anyone who has ever played Skyrim, would one day want to use the dragon shout, Will was no exception.

"What did I do wrong? Why did the shout not work?"

He looked at his book again, then he noticed something. It's spelled 'dragon roar' not 'dragon shout' completely different somehow. Otherwise it would have worked.

"And here I thought I would become the next dragonborn. Then how do I use the dragon roar? DRAGON ROAR!" He shouted.

Once again, nothing happened.

"Gah! Not this shit again!" Will was totally clueless on how to use the skill. It was like the time when he didn't know how to craft stuff.

"Hero Will Connor, what's wrong?"

"This dragon armor is supposed to give me a cool ability. But I don't know how to use it!"

"Huh… maybe it's because you don't have any mana."

"Mana… maybe, but I don't think this is the case."

Mana is something that only sorcerers can use, and the great sage as well, he's basically the one who discovered mana and is the first one to use it.

The Great Sage was born with the ability to become a wizard. After years of testing his powers, he has developed the ability to give people mana,, only 10 people every year can have the chance to awaken the mana inside of them. Jasmine managed to get her mana unlocked two months ago from the great sage.

It is the only way to receive mana. Even if a sorcerer and a sorceress were to produce an offspring, that offspring will not have mana in them.

He has been doing this for almost 300 years.

Will doesn't believe that he needs mana for the bonus set. The set armor bonus doesn't say that it requires any sort of mana.

A few days ago, Will managed to inspect the staff that Jasmine had.

{Super Mana staff(enchanted}

{Damage: 200-300}

{Enchantment: Mana power III}

{Mana cost: -20%}

{Requires mana}

Will once tried to use it, but he did not have any mana. It's not like he needs it right now.

"What cool ability are you trying to use?" Asked Jack.

"A dragon roar. I don't know how to use it. All I know is that I can."

"Dragon roar… have you tried screaming really loudly?"

"I just tried that, it didn't work."

"No, just scream really loudly, like 'AAAAAHHH!' Or something like that."

"There is no way that it's that simple… I think."

"Couldn't hurt to try, right?" Jack took a couple of steps behind.

Thinking about it, there was no reason why he shouldn't do it. Will took a long breath, and shouted at the top of his lungs, "AAAAAHHH!!!"

The first few seconds it sounded like an ordinary scream, but it was replaced by a loud roar that shook the forest.

"Holy crap!" Will covered his mouth out of pure reflex. It sounded like a thousand lions shouted at the same time through a speaker.

"Wow, that hurt my ears." Jack had gone deaf temporarily, all he could hear was a ringing in his ears. Adaline started to move around frantically, as if she's lost. Since she can't see, she has to rely on her other senses to guide her.

Will was amazed. That came from his set bonus? What would happen if he used the remains of a stronger and bigger dragon?

"Jack, Adaline, are you two okay? I am so sorry about that." Will said. He didn't think his shout would be that strong or work for that matter.

"What?" Jack asked.

"I said that 'I am sorry'"

"You're what?"

"I'M SO- oh just forget it."

"You want me to what?"

"..." Will waited patiently until they got their hearing back. After they do, he will have to test out the cyclop's bonus set.


The three dark figures scouted the entire village. They were looking for traces of that zombie. One of them was short , the other had a hump on his back, and the other was very buff and very tall.

"I found something!" The short dark figure found a secret entrance leading to a basement.

"Look at these footprints. They're fresh. A man and a woman, possibly 18-20 years. They left less than an hour ago." The one with the hump said, and he smelled something familiar.

"Not only that, but do you smell that? The sweet smell of the undead. And also a smell of something, something I cannot describe."

"I don't smell anything."

"Whoever just left has been in contact with the disease."

"Then we need to exterminate them. Shorty, go inside the basement and look for anything else, like zombies or survivors. Hunch and I will follow these footprints." The tall, buffed man commanded.

"But sir, what if there are survivors down there who haven't been infected?"

"If there are survivors, there better be none by the time you come back. Understand? We cannot have the disease or any news about it spread."

"I… I understand." He knew what he meant. Should there be survivors, then he has to kill them because they might have seen too much.

The buff man and the one with the hump ran at full speed following the trail.

The short man tried opening the door, but it was locked from the inside.

He took off his glove. His pointer finger had a normal, iron ring.

"The hunger, eat this door."

The ring sprouted giant, long, pointy, white teeth, that looked to be something straight out of Lovecraft's creations. It was only made out of large, pointy teeth. No eyes, mouth, or tongue could be seen. It was obviously a magical ring.

It shredded the entire door in a manner of seconds. The hunger disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

Shorty covered his nostrils as soon as he entered the room. It smelled so bad, as if there were a hundred rotten corpses in there.

"What is that stench?" He couldn't take it anymore. He ran outside and vomited on the ground, it was too pungent for him.

Shorty used his robe to cover his face, and also held his breath in. He dashed right into the room, saw nothing. He continued making his way to the other rooms.

Most of the rooms were a mess, as if many fights had taken place here. Much of the food started to grow mold.

"Is there nobody living here?"

He entered the last room, and he saw the villagers, all unconscious and lying on the ground.

"Orders are orders." He was about to summon 'the hunger' to devour them all, but he saw the kids in there. He hesitated.

He checked the kid's condition to see if they were infected. But no. They were all fine. However, he did find some blood on the ȧduŀt's clothings. Inspecting the blood, he found out it was zombie blood.

"Sorry about this. But I cannot let any of you live. The hunger, devour them all."

The same teeth appeared and was about to kill everyone, but shots were fired.


Each shot managed to break the teeth of the hunger. It disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"The hunger! No!"

The iron ring on his finger broke into tiny little pieces.

Shorty looked at the one who shot him, it was a man that Will would easily recognize, but his appearance changed drastically. When Will saw him, his hair was long, dark, and braided, but now it was short, and clean, with only a beard and a short mustache.

This is Clement.

"Jeez, and here I thought I was a criminal, but even I wouldn't stoop that low enough to kill children."

Clement pointed his gun at Shorty, which smoke still escaped from the barrel

"Wait, I know you, you're the Rebel Clement!" Shorty said.

Clement looked at the survivors. He didn't see Will anywhere.

"What brings you here? Aren't you too busy kidnapping Princesses?" Shorty put his hand back without Clement noticing, and summoned a short knife using another magical ring.

"What I do is my business. But tell me, why kill the villagers? What has this pathetic place done to you?"

"Me? I have nothing against them. What I am doing here is strictly for the sake of the empire."

"Empire? So, you working for the Fat Empress?"

"Yes. You see, our Empress has taken a liking to you for so long now. She has tried numerous times to invite you over the years, but you are a hard man to contact. She told us that if we ever met you, to invite you to join us."

"Sorry, but I am not interested."


He gripped the knife tightly and the blade of the knife extended many meters, it moved so fast in a diagonal pattern, and pierced Clement through the heart. This was obviously a magical knife.

Clement laid on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

"Even if you are infamous, you are still just an ordinary man."

Shorty then proceeded to stab all the humans in the head using the same knife. It is the only way to make sure a zombie doesn't come back.

He took Clement's gun and ran off. But as soon as he ran outside, he was greeted by 2 of his comrades.

"Sir? Why are you still here?" Asked Shorty. He was sure that they left to chase the 2 footprints.

"We saw someone coming here, so we were worried about you."

"Aw, thanks."

"By the way, did you by any chance run into a kid with black hair, acne on his face, and a magical gun by any chance?"

"No, sir. I haven't seen anyone like that."

"Oh, darn… so what did you find in that secret room?

"There were several people there, but some of them had zombie blood on their clothes. As per your orders, I killed them all. I also ran into the infamous Clement, but he was done in by my own blade. Unfortunately, I lost the hunger in the process."

"Zombie blood? Are you sure?" The buff man asked, surprised.

"Um, sir, this is why the Empress sent us on this mission, to dispose of patient zero who escaped from the Empire."

"Oh, right. Tell me the details of the mission again. I just want to make sure you know."

"Um, if that's your order; The Empress kidnapped people and used them as experiments to recreate the zombie infestation that had plagued the world ever since the arrival of the first 3 heroes. Last week, she successfully managed to make the virus, but the zombie somehow escaped after infecting the rest of the prisoners and doctors. Since the Empress now has the formula to create the virus, she didn't need patient zero anymore, so she sent us to track it down and destroy it before anyone else knows about it."

"Oh, really. And what does she hope to do with the virus?"

"She didn't say how she's gonna do it, but she's gonna infect the whole world again, but her empire would remain safe from a distance, as the others suffer."

"What would she accomplish by doing this?"

"I don't know, world domination? Power? She never explains her plans thoroughly. Are you okay, sir?"

"I'm… okay. But how about you?" The tall buffed man asked.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Because there's a bullet on your head."

"What was tha-?"

Then a bullet hole appeared on the front of his head, and he dropped on the ground. He had no idea who or what killed him.

Everything that happened till now, was merely an illusion, except the bullet on his head.

Clement was the one who shot him on the head. They never left the room. Shorty never killed him nor the villagers.

At the start, Clement did fire his gun, but only once, and he did not shoot at the hunger, but Shorty instead.

He had used a magical gun, it didn't kill, but it was used to extract much information out of people. One shot, and it would send them into a world of illusions.

The person who is shot by his magical gun looks like they are sleep talking. And anyone else can talk to them and communicate with them, which is what Clement did to Shorty, he was talking to him while Shorty was sleep talking.

Clement was rather smart, and shot at Shorty from the beginning.

Shorty never had a chance.

Clement took out a cigarette and lit it up.

"Zombies, and the Fat Empress, great, another thing to add to the list of 'pain in my ȧss.'"

Clement left the room, not after taking Shorty's magical rings and magical knife.

Once he exited the room, there was his horse waiting for him, as well as a beautiful girl.

"My love." She said in a happy mood.

This girl is the Princess named 'Harmony' who he 'kidnapped' many would say that she did not look like she was kidnapped in the slightest.

He sighed… Why did it have to happen like this?

The Princess was indeed kidnapped by him. Right after leaving Will and escaping once again from the guards, he hid in a secret room only known by him. He was going to have to hide for a few days until he was sure that he could leave safely.

She woke up, and was depressed, scared, angry. He treated her like crap for the most part, but still kept her alive.

Then out of nowhere, she started to develop some interest in him, in a romantic sort of way.

At first he thought that she was putting on an act to escape, but nope, she was genuinely falling for him.

This Princess was not alright in the head, she was secretly a mȧsȯċhɨst. And now she developed a case of Stockholm syndrome.

If he treated her nice, she fell in love with him, if he treated her like trash, she would keep falling in love with him. There was no way to win.

He didn't expect this nor want this. And since he needed her alive and with him, he had to tolerate her. He kept ignoring her, but that only made her want to make him notice her even more.

Clement thought about using this to his advantage, but how exactly?

"Let's go, Esmeralda." He kicked his horse with the side of his shoe very lightly, and the horse began running.

"Where are we going, my love?" Harmony said in a seductive tone while her hands touched all over his ċhėst.

'I don't know.' He thought. If there was the possibility of a zombie virus spreading, then he needed to be prepared at all costs. It was unexpected, but at least he knew now before it was too late.


Jack and Adaline got their hearing back. Right now, Jack was trying to use the Cyclops laser eyes ability. It looked like he was trying really hard to shit at the moment, due to the amount of stress he was putting his body in.

They had been going on like this for almost an hour. Will was wondering if he was the only one who could use the power.

He also wore the cyclops-bone armor and succeeded in using the cyclops laser eyes without effort. Jack wanted to try it out, but to no avail.

"Let's give it a rest, Jack. You tried using the dragon roar but it didn't work either. I think I'm the only one who can use the armor's abilities."

This made him feel relieved and also worried. One, he doesn't have to worry about people using the set's ability, but this will also not give Jack that extra layer of defense he was hoping for.

Jack sat down on the grass, and sighed.

"I failed you, Hero Will Connor. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Jack. This was a test to see if the armor works on others that isn't me. So in a way you helped me by understanding my powers.."

"I guess so. So I guess you want the armor back?"

"No, keep it, I can make more. At least this armor will provide you some protection."

"If you say so, Hero Will Connor."

They got on top of Adaline and headed straight to the Kingdom of Reyes. They should be there in a few hours.

The Adalis is an insanely fast creature, and could arrive in places in hours that would normally take a few days.

But, since they kept stopping every now and then to collect monster bones on the way, it was obvious why it took them longer than it should have.

And finally, they arrived at the Kingdom of Reyes.

"Wait, I recognize this place." Will said with bright eyes.

He had actually seen this kingdom days ago. But he was captured by a giant eagle before he could enter the kingdom.. He could have been here days ago, but only just arrived due to an encounter with a giant eagle.

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