In Another World With The Crafting System

Chapter 30 - An exotic chapter

The next day, Will woke up refreshed. The first thing he did was enchant another ȧssault rifle when the enchanting bar reached 100%, he enchanted another weapon because his old one was already enchanted, and cannot be enchanted twice.

{Assault rifle: Enchanted}

{Enchantment: Super bullets I: Increases the bullets damage}

{Enchantment: Cheap II: Chance to save bullets when firing}

{Enchantment: Double bullets !: Chance to shoot twice the amount of bullets at the cost of one}

Will was shocked to get 3 enchantments and they were kinda good too.

"It'll be a matter of time before I can use up to 10 enchantments or more at the same time." He chuckled at that thought. But that was still too much for him.

"Hey, Adaline, how are you… what the fuċk happened to my trees?!" Will saw that his tres, which were normal a while ago, suddenly became a glowing purple, the leaves were glowing blue, and one could see the roots going all across his base right to the exotic flower seed.

He followed the roots, and saw that a tiny flower was sprouting from the exotic seed that he planted. Adaline was just sitting beside the trees, as if it gave her some sort of comfort. The flower wasn't an exotic flower, that was the the entire seed but grown.

The roots of the trees broke through the stone pot and connected with the exotic seed.

"So… this is the method to grow exotic seeds. It needs trees." Will touched the tree and read the description.

{Exotic tree}

{The trees give the exotic seed life. It protects the seed as if it were it's sacred duty}

Will decided to test something out. He cut one of the trees down, and it became a new type of wood.

{Exotic wood}

{Known to be a rare and powerful type of wood. Can only be grown when it has given it's power to an exotic seed}

{Can grow even underground, but still requires water}

Will cut down a few more trees, replanted more, and used the wood to craft it to see what it could produce.

He first crafted sticks, which were now exotic sticks, and crafted another steel pickaxe with it.

The pickaxe was the same, but it glowed a blue and purple color.

{Steel pickaxe}

{Exotic: Grants extra durability to the tool and power}

Will used the new exotic steel pickaxe and mined granite with it, and to his surprise, it was easier to use this pickaxe than the enchanted one. It was like literally cutting buŧŧer. The best part is that it also worked as an infinite light source.

"Holy... to think something like this would happen."

He never would've thought something like this could happen. Then fear struck in his heart. If others found out, he would be doomed. He needed to hide the exotic seed and exotic trees from sight especially from Grace and Arbor.

"I cannot take the risk. This is too good to be true and I cannot afford to lose it. Adaline, come quick."

Adaline came to Will's side.

"I need to know if you can keep the exotic seed alive for a while. I just need to replant it somewhere safe but I'm afraid that if I take it out of it's pot, it'll die."

Adaline nodded and connected her roots with the exotic seed.

"Wait, I still need to build a place to plant... Adaline! Are you okay…?"

Will saw Adaline's body glow and brightly as the trees, and her HP was slowly rising.


{HP: 2,500/2,500}

{HP: 3,000/3,000}

{HP: 8,000/8,000}

And finally, she had reached her peak.

{Adalis: Exotic}

{HP: 20,000/20,000}

Her 2,000 HP multiplied by 10. It was insane.

Not only that, but Adaline was now cooler, stronger. As if she had gotten a serious upgrade.

"Now… that's awesome!" Will's eyes were shining as bright as stars. To think that an exotic seed could show some serious results.

Adaline was running around like a dog chasing its tail, she could feel the power flowing through her body.

"Is this why Arbor and Grace wanted that exotic flower? Because they knew about this?" Will asked himself, and it made sense.

Then, he noticed that the exotic flower seed had withered. It died.

"Shit…" He looked at Adaline and sighed. Looks like it could give Adaline a huge boost in power and HP and die.

"Oh well. It's no use crying over spilled milk. Maybe if I am lucky I'll get another one." He remembered the first time he got the exotic flower seed is because Adaline also produced one when they first met.

Then he noticed that the exotic trees were still there. He cut them all up and stored them for safekeeping. He also kept the exotic saplings safe until he found a better place to plant them. If Grace and Arbor know about those trees, they will know about the exotic seed. He just cannot take a risk of letting anyone else find out.

Adaline was still glowing, and it didn't seem like it would change back to normal any time soon.

"At least you're happy." Will smiled when he saw Adaline's great mood.

Adaline was testing out her new look. She was now faster. Her roots can now cut through metal. She was way more resistant and durable than before. If she were to be shot by another enchanted bullet like last time, it will be very different now.

"Can you change back?" Asked Will, he needed to test it out.

Adaline wasn't sure what he meant at first. But, in that moment, her original color returned, and that also meant that her newfound powers weren't with her anymore.

"So, it's like a transformation, like that one show Alex liked… What did Alex say that was the name of that show again? Saiyan transformation, or dragon balls? Eh, exotic transformation sounds better." Will nodded to himself and agreed.

Will crafted exotic armor as well to see if it was different. And it was.

{Exotic wooden helmet}

{Defense 20}

{Exotic wooden ċhėst piece}

{Defence 25}

{Exotic wooden shoulderguards}


Will was amazed to see that this new exotic armor was actually stronger than his dragon armor.

Not only that, but there was a new armor set ability.

{Exotic set bonus: Strength+ Speed+ Defense+]

He wore the armor and tested out the new buffs it granted him, and he noticed a rise in his physical abilities.

Will ran but didn't calculate his speed correctly and ran into his stone wall. Next, he tested his strength on that wall and accidentally broke it down.

"Cool… that didn't even hurt me. Must be because of the defense boost."

Will had the dragon armor for almost a month now, and it was his strongest armor set. But now this armor is the best one he had.

"Adaline, thank you so much."

All this couldn't have been possible without Adaline. His HP increasing, the new exotic armor, all that because of her. If he hadn't met her, at most he'd be wearing steel armor and would've never progressed this far.

Now he felt confident about taking on the scorpions.

He grabbed all his strongest gear and went deep below.

The exotic armor also glowed brightly so he didn't need to use torches to light up his way.

Once he reached the end, he took a deep breath and mined the entrance. He could still hear their screeching noises deep below.

Will didn't mind bugs at all, they didn't scare him. But it's a completely different story if they're over 2 meters long, poisonous, and if there's an army of them all at one place.

The scorpions noticed Will's glowing armor and screeched as they climbed the walls toward him.

Will first threw a torch at the cave to give him some more light. Then he grabbed his gun and shot them all down. He quickly reloaded and never stopped raining down bullets on them.

Scorpions are tough and scary, but against an enchanted ȧssault gun with almost infinite bullets, they stood no chance.

Will could hear them scream, some fell on other scorpions. Some were close to killing him, but were all shot down.

When they came near him, he could see them thanks to the blue glow from his armor and shot them. It was easy but still scary.

Some of the scorpions fled to another cave when they saw that their numbers were going down significantly.

After a while, Will finally stopped shooting but kept a close eye.

"I know some of them ran back. Are there more caves with those things?" Will shivered at the thought of that. It was thanks to his gun and the fact that he was above them that made it possible to kill the majority of them.

Will made a staircase down while holding his gun. If there were more scorpions, he was confident enough to escape before they could kill him. He checked if the scorpions on the ground weren't playing dead to fool him. If their health isn't at 0 he'd shoot them.

Will threw and placed down many torches. The hole that the scorpions escaped was 5 meters tall and wide. He could still hear their screeching noises from afar echoing throughout the cave.

What he did first was simple, block off the entrance to that cave using granite. Why would he leave that entrance open for them to come and go as they pleased?

With the adrenaline in his veins finally starting to go down, he sat down on a floor that was wet, smelled, and was warm.

"Ew, ugh, gross." Will just sat down on the corpses of the scorpions he just killed.

"Imma take a shower after this. Disgusting."

Will grabbed a steel sword that he crafted and started cutting out and storing the scorpion parts inside the ċhėsts. Maybe he could have some use for them.

He got scorpion pincers, heads, teeth, and most importantly poisoned tails.

{Cave scorpion tail}

{Extremely poisonous}

{Can be used on weapons, or potions}

"Weapons… I wonder."

Will grabbed a bullet from his ȧssault rifle, a crafting table, and it worked, poison bullets.

"That's just playing dirty now." Will realized that what he had just done was making a deadly bullet. One shot and that person will be poisoned for sure.

Will threw the bullet away but kept the poisoned tails with him. It might be of some use to him in the future.


Will grabbed his gun and aimed it at the blocked entrance of the cave. He could hear more scorpions trying to find their way to kill him.

"Thank god I blocked off the entrance."

He ignored them and continued collecting all the scorpions leaving nothing behind.

Then, on the ground, he found something he needed, gold ore.

"Amazing." Will chuckled a bit and mined that little bit of gold he had found.

Now that he knew that gold could be found in this level of the ground, he continued to mine in another direction away from the cave entrance where all the scorpions are.

Today was a busy day for Will. He had never mined so much and so efficiently before. With the new pickaxe and the dėsɨrė to get 100 gold bars made him mine like never before. He had to go back for more ċhėsts because he ran out of space to put all the granite and ores he collected.

After all that mining he had never found another cave, he didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But if there were monsters living in those caves then maybe it's a good thing he hadn't come across them.

Finally, he stopped.

"87 gold ores. Damn so close. Plus the other 3 that I stole from that village that makes it 90 in total."

He looked back, and frowned a bit. He had mined so much that it looked like an endless tunnel. He decided to dig straight up minecraft style.

Finally he reached the surface. He couldn't even see his base but saw so much grass. Not only that but the sun was already rising. Will had been mining for almost an entire day straight.

Will ran at a great speed thanks to his new armor's speed buff. It didn't take long for him to reach his base.

"I love this armor. It's like taking super steroids or something." Will smiled. It did feel amazing to have speed. Now he knew how Usain Bolt must feel.

He got home, he didn't even make it on his bed and slept on the floor.

"Too lazy. Good night, Adaline." Will snored and slept like a baby soon after.

Adaline coiled her roots around him and placed him on his bed that was underground. Afterwards she left him on his own to rest.


In Jack's village, there was a poster board for people who want jobs, or posters of wanted men.

There was one of Clement who had kidnapped the princess of the Reyes kingdom, and also some other no-named criminals. Clement's bounty was the highest with 1000 gold coins on his poster, and 30 gold coins for any information about him.

On one of the posters was Grace, and Will. Both have a high bounty with a 'dead or alive' sign beneath their posters. Beside the poster was a detailed explanation of what they had done to become wanted criminals.

Jack was looking at Will's poster. He had a hard time believing that this was him. Although it was hard to see his face because of the bone dragon helmet he was wearing, Jack knew it was him.

"I don't really believe that this is him."

Jack had heard stories of fallen heroes, who were once heroes, but have crossed the line of no return. Most of them had abused their powers and killed or caused pain to many innocent people.

Jack did not want to believe it, but there were too many eye witnesses.

Jack took out the communication stone from his pocket and messaged Jasmine.

On the other side, Jasmine was still looking for Will and Grace. Her endless pursuit showed no results, as she couldn't find any clues of their whereabouts. She had given up already and was just flying around aimlessly.

"They've already escaped somehow. It'll be a waste of time if I continue searching for those two. Hm?"

Jasmine noticed her pocket glowed brightly, it was her communication stone.

{Jasmine, is it true about Will?}

Jasmine sighed. She expected him to say that. But she didn't know why he cared about him even though they were friends for a few days, it was almost as if he viewed him as a role model.

{It's true. I arrived at the village right after they attacked. There were bodies there. I think he joined the elves side}

This only made much more sense to Jack. In the past elves had used their charm and appeal to make heroes fight for them. Most of the heroes that are summoned are young and vɨrġɨns, they could not resist an elf's charm. In short, they became simps/thots and fought for the elves. Many other humans have done the same.

In this world where humans and elves hate each other, joining the elves is treason against humanity.

{Can you do me a favour.} Asked Jack.

{Sure. What do you need?}

{Can you go back to the village and see if it's really true? Maybe there was a mistake.}

{I'll check. I was going back there anyways in case there were clues as to where they were headed. But why do you want to know? I don't think I've seen you act like this towards anybody aside from your family, and heroes. Like back at the hidden room with Sam, it was like you were treating him like a role model.}

Jack almost choked at that moment. Jasmine had almost guessed Will's real identity.

Jasmine didn't think much when she wrote down 'heroes' as she would've never guessed that Will is the 100th hero.

{He's just a good friend. Like you and I, we're friends. I would be worried too if you were a criminal and ran away.}

{Fair enough.}

Jasmine put down the communication stone and ran towards the village. Unknown to her, just right behind her, was Grace and Arbor riding on Sten on their way to the elven kingdom. If Jasmine had turned around at that moment, she would've seen Arbor and Grace.

Unfortunately for her, her timing is as bad as Romeo and Juliet.

Grace looked up and thought she saw someone.

"Something wrong?" Asked Arbor.

"I thought I saw a sorcerer. But I think I saw something else."

They continued riding the organic goat as fast as possible without stopping.

The next day, the first thing Will did was tend to his camels. When they reached 11 camels, he ate one of them. He didn't feel bad, just hungry. Even a hungry man would eat his loving dog if they had no food.

He cut the camel and cooked it in the furnace.

Will collected the apples, grapes, and oranges and ate it together with the camel meat. It wasn't a delicious plate, but these were all his ingredients he had. And he was too hungry to care at the moment.

That day, Will cried as he could taste the meat and fruits. After eating grass for so long, it felt like it was the best thing he had ever eaten.

"Want some?" Will offered Adaline some of his food but she declined. She still had spare goblin parts.

Adaline at that moment brought more exotic flowers to Will, 5 to be exact.

"Oh, thanks." Will collected the flowers but continued eating the food on his table.

Afterwards he made more exotic potions, and increased his HP once again.

{HP: 725/725}

It brought him much joy to see his HP rising fast. He had already surpassed Grace's 300 HP.

He enchanted his exotic armor next, since it's now his best armor. He started with the helmet first.

{Exotic wooden helmet: Enchanted}

{Enchantment: Bullet proof II: Increases your defense of projectiles}

{Enchantment: Piercing protection II: Increases your defense against sharp weapons}

Will checked his glowing armor, it looked very badass. With the exotic glow from before and now with the new flamelike glow from the enchant, it was arguably just as badass as the dragon armor he had.

He wasted no time running back to the cave to find the last 10 pieces of gold he needed to craft the advanced crafting table.

It took Will another 1 hour to find the last 10 gold bars. After smelting it, he finally had 100 gold bars. It took some time, but he finally achieved it.

"100 iron bars, 100 gold bars, and 100 copper bars. I wonder what new items I'll have unlocked."

Will crafted the new advanced crafting table.

The table was made out of gold. The legs were made of iron. The rest of it was decorations, but it was made out of copper and some gold and iron.

Will touched the advanced crafting table, and a whole new list of items were now within his reach. There was a new section of {Exclusive crafts} and one of them caught his eye.

{Inventory I}

{Place items inside and you will not lose them after death}

{Maximum number of items allowed: 10}

{Upgrade to increase the maximum number of items allowed}

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