In Another World With The Crafting System

Chapter 36 - Dropping it! (Goodbye!)

After washing off the blood of the cloth, Will left Jack's village. Not long after did he try out the cloth of teleportation.

At first he accidentally teleported high and fell face flat on the ground. Next, he almost fell in one of the goblin traps that he built when he lived in the village. Surprisingly no one bothered this place. The best part is that the goblin traps are still working and many goblins died in his death traps.

Adaline ate those goblins and produced a few more flowers. Will quickly hid those flowers before someone saw them.

After an hour of teleporting with his cloth of teleportation, he had gotten down the basics. Will made the cloth into a green-blue cape which matched his exotic armor. It also carried a hood that he placed over his helmet.

He headed back the next day before it got dark. When he arrived at his base there were people there, dead, covered in bullet holes.

They had been secretly watching Will from a distance. Once he left, they raided the place for the food and water it had. But the sentry turrets killed them before they could even touch the door.

Will was glad that the sentries worked. He dug holes for those people and threw them there, it made his base look bad with so many bloody corpses lying around.

Adaline used those corpses to make soil, and expand her grass.

The first thing Will did was experiment with the tinkering table. The more he experimented, the more he was fascinated by this function.

It wasn't only limited to weapons. He could fuse pickaxes, shovels, armor, accessories, clothes. It wouldn't be called the 'crafting system' if it couldn't craft this kind of stuff.

He was so fascinated by it that he bȧrėly got a wink of sleep that day. After so much tinkering, this is what he produced.

{Exotic pistol turret: modified: Enchanted}

{Enchantment: Piercing II}

{Enchantment: Mini-explosion I: Created a mini explosion each shot}

Will took a bit of time making this gun. The only flaw it had was the limited ammo it carried. He kept it in store for now if he ever got an enchantment that made ammo infinite.

The design looked cool. It was as small as a handgun, but the barrel looked like a mini turret. It functioned well.

That wasn't all he experimented.

{Exotic ȧssault sniper rifle: Modified: Enchanted}

{Mix of exotic wood, an ȧssault rifle and a sniper rifle}

{Enchantment: Ricochet II: Bullets ricochet off walls}

Will always had to switch between his ȧssault rifle and sniper rifle. Now he had two weapons in one without having the need to switch between them.

And for his last weapon, this is his result.

{Exotic shotgun pistol: Modified: Enchanted}

{Mix of exotic wood, a pistol and a handgun}

{Enchantment: Explosive power I: Each shot carries the power of an explosion}

{Enchantment: Feather II: Is as light as a feather}

{Enchantment: Durability+ I}

Similar to the pistol turret, this pistol is like a mini shotgun. But this time it did look like a shotgun, only that the barrel was a little bigger than it's supposed to be. Will designed this to trick the enemies into thinking it's an ordinary pistol.

Will never liked to use shotguns because they were heavy, had to be close range, they were too long that the enemy could disable it easily. But now with this shotgun pistol, he had no more complaints.

Of course he still had an ordinary pistol on his waist, that way he had a variety of choices to choose from.

He'd plan on adding some weapons to his armor, but it was limited. He'd plan on doing something like that after he got good enchantments.

But, he did have this idea to add blades on his arm guards. But, he wasn't used to the blade and accidentally stabbed himself and almost cut off his fingers. It was too dangerous to use right now. Will wasn't the best at using blades as a weapon.

"It's almost sunrise. I have to make this quick."

Will increased his max HP once more, it had now reached 950.

{HP: 950/950}

Just a few more exotic flowers and he would have over 1000 HP. Honestly he was happy with it as long as it rises every day.

The flower seed still hadn't produced any exotic flowers yet. It took unusually longer than most crops. But Will understood, it takes the elves over 300 years for their exotic seed to produce an exotic flower.

Will got Adaline, his money, empty ċhėsts, armor, items, and he was set. When he arrived at that village he put up a poster saying that he was willing to buy leather and wood for a very good price, one would think he was insane. But he was in a hurry and had money to burn.

Thanks to Taker, Will now had a lot of money. And so they left their base once more.

"I need to learn how to make healing potions… wait." Will checked his brown book for the potion recipes he had unlocked, and to his surprise, he'd already unlocked it.

"Well damn. I already knew how to make healing potions, but it only gives me 50+ hp. There's so much in here that one can easily forget." Will re-read the entire brown book in case he had forgotten something important.


Inside the castle of the Kingdom of Reyes, was the king on his throne. He had a worried look on his face.

Beside him was his wife, the Queen. She was as old as him, wrinkles on her body, her hair was almost gray, but had an aura of a loving grandmother.

Beside them was another throne, but it was empty.

"It's been so long now. And still no word from her." The King said nervously.

"I can feel it inside me, our daughter is still alive. You have 3 of your 5 kingsguards looking for her. They'll find her soon"

"But what the hell is the point of those Kingsguards, my most powerful weapons, if they can't even find two people after so long. Not to mention that the other Hero Quincy failed as well."

"We should've seen Clement plotting this. After his son died, he hasn't been the same since." The Queen said.

"Clement… he was my most loyal soldier, the best gunsmen to have ever lived, and took our daughter on the day the Heroes were summoned when we were all distracted. He has been planning for this moment for too long."

The Queen held her King's hands firmly.

"What worries me most is that Clement hasn't said anything, never demanded anything in return. If he wanted to kill her he'd already done it. What is he waiting for?" The King said.

"Maybe this is his plan, to make us feel scared like this not knowing how our daughter is doing. Poor Harmony, he must be doing horrible things to her, torturing her day and night." The Queen wiped the tears using a napkin.


There were two people on a horse riding through a thick forest. It's Clement and Harmony. He wasn't torturing her at all, it was mostly the opposite.

"Come on, just a little. No one has to know." Harmony said seductively on Clement's ear.


"Even after what you did to me yesterday… you should take responsibility. What if I have a baby?" She touched her stomach.

"I only touched your ċhėst by accident, and that's because you almost fell off Esmeralda."

"Once you touched me in my most sacred area, it tied us down in body and soul. From that moment I knew my body belonged to you, and only you." She nibbled on his ear as she was getting excited.

Clement was eyeing his gun, it was starting to look very friendly right now. Harmony hasn't shut up at all since he kidnapped her. Covering her voice with tape only made her touch him more. Tying her would made her fall off a horse. And tying her to a horse would just make her muffle loudly, and attract monsters.


"My king! I bring some news" A soldier knelt before the King and Queen.

"What? Is it about our daughter?" Both King and Queen stood up.

"Sorry, your highness, it's about something else."

"Oh." They both sat down with their hopes crushed once more.

"Speak." The King ordered.

"A sorceress named Jasmine, claimed to have brought hard evidence about the Taker. She said she would only show you, your highness."

"Taker… let him in."

"It's a her... never mind." The soldier shut his mouth and ran to welcome Jasmine.

Taker had been a thorn on his side. So many civilians were scared because of him, and it caused his kingdom to be a wreck. When he heard he'd been killed, he was happy, but at the same time disappointed that he couldn't publicly execute him.

Nothing was ever recovered aside from the 15 kids he kidnapped the past month.

Jasmine came running and knelt before the King.

"Your Majesty. Your Highness." Jasmine greeted them politely.

"Stand up." He said.

"Yes." Jasmine was nervous, this is the first time she talked to the King. She'd seen him a few times before, but never talked to him.

"You say that you brought evidence on the Taker?"

"Yes, I did."

"Let me see it. And, soldier."

"Yes!" The soldier responded.

"Tell Roy Morgan that we need him here. Tell him that it's about the Taker. He'd love to be here for this."

"Yes, right away!"

Jasmine sweated once again. Roy Morgan is the name of the Great Sage. She and him weren't familiar much, apart from the time where he made her a sorceress. But they weren't close, or even friends.

And she looked up to him like an idol, like how Jack admires Heroes. He's the strongest sorcerer, which is a feat she wishes she would reach one day.

"Let's wait until he arrives." The King said.

"Yes!" Jasmine said.

The King wanted the Great Sage here for several reasons: Roy Morgan had been looking for Taker for years now, but he evaded him every time. And also, Roy Morgan is a mind reader, the King needed him to read Jasmine's mind in case she wasn't willing to say more than she knew.

Minutes later, an old man showed up in front of them without a sign beforehand. This is Roy Morgan.

He wore an enchanted blue cloak. He had a short beard that bȧrėly reached his neck. Roy also sat down in a lotus position but was floating towards them, he was using his ability to levitate. On his hand is an enchanted staff, it was made out of normal wood, but the tip had a very rare mineral that exceeded diamonds in power and rarity, it looked magical and had some sort of life in it. This is the 1 out of two weapons out there that is a magical, and enchanted.

Blacksmiths can never enchant a magical item. Many have tried and failed, But that changed when Roy Morgan and the Fat Empress both had one.

Roy had the face of a 90 year old man. His skin was old, wrinkly, and falling. But that's to be expected after living past the age of 300.

"You summoned me?"

Roy didn't even open his mouth to speak. He was communicated through all of them using his telepathy.

Jasmine clenched her fists tightly in admiration. No matter how much she hears him speak through his mind, it never gets tiring, she found it awesome.

No one has ever seen Roy open his mouth, and he never says why. He has only ever communicated through telepathy. Many have asked him, even King's, but he never said why.

"I did. Have a look at this. Our little Sorceress friend here found crucial evidence about Taker." The King handed Roy the papers. Roy used a telekinetic power to bring the papers to him.

Roy extended all the papers in front of him, never touching it. Once he read through it, he vanished from the spot.

Everyone was confused at first. But, Roy appeared in front of them with a fat noble by his side. Roy threw the Noble on the ground.

"Where… My king! Great Sage!" The noble hurriedly bowed down at the sight of those two giant figures.

But, Roy used his staff and bound the fat noble down using some sort of magical chains.

"Here's your culprit. Noble Stein. He's the cause of those children kidnappings. He's the one who paid Taker to kidnap those children. He's the one who killed them."

"But, I-"

Roy Morgan extended his staff, the tip was near Stein's face,

"You should know just how cruel I can be. Either admit your sins and face a painless death, or I'll put you through hell."

Stein even wet his pants at the moment. He put his face down.

"It WAS ME! I KILLED THOSE KIDS! I WAS THE ONE WHO DID IT!" Stein was surprisingly weak minded.

The King was surprised. To see a noble do something like this, and right in front of their noses. Many thought it had something to do with the Fat Empress, but they never thought that it could possibly come from their own.

The King gripped tightly onto his seat in anger.

"You're a goddamn noble! A descendant of the heroes! Your identity alone presents not only this kingdom, but the heroes in general! Tell me, why did you do it? What made you cause those children's deaths?!" The King was fuming. The Queen found the Noble disgusting.

"Why?" Stein looked at the Great Sage.

"He asked you a question." Roy said sternly.

"Because… I… I just wanted to kill kids. I loved it when I skinned their skin, cut them open, gouged out their eyeballs."

"That's enough! Take this sick bastard to the dungeon! And have Skinner do his thing on him, but he cannot kill him."

Skinner is the King's best torturer, his name is not really 'Skinner' but people call him that because his favorite hobby is to skin criminals.

Two nobles covered in full enchanted armor bowed before the king and took Stein down to the dungeon. Stein was still trapped because of Roy's magical chains.


Stein's cries echoed across the kingdom, until his voice couldn't be heard anymore.

"To think something like this was happening in my kingdom… I'll have to announce this to the public and execute him soon." The King rubbed his eyeballs.

Jasmine couldn't believe what had happened either. So many child's had died because of one sick bastard with power.

"What's your name again? Don't move your mouth to talk to me. Use your thoughts only." Asked Roy.

"M-me?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes, you. I'm sorry for not remembering. I don't have the best memory."

"I'm J-Jasmine!" Jasmine was very nervous right now.

"You have done a great service for us. I'll promote you to 3-stripes and give you additional rewards for this. This will put you in a good position to become a kingsguard. I'll also give something to your friend, who helped bring this evidence to us." Roy said.

"Friend? You mean Will?"

Roy nodded. He read Jasmine's memory when she thought about him.

"If there's a reason why he doesn't want to be known, that's fine by me. Everyone has their secrets. I'm just glad that those families who were victims of Taker can now rest knowing that the ones who caused these have been caught."

"Thank you, Great Sage." Jasmine said.

"Jasmine, was it?" The king asked.

"Yes, my King?"

"You've done a great service to the people. I'll reward you handsomely for this. But, if you found the evidence, did you also find the teleportation item Taker used to get away?"

"No, I do not have the item that you speak of."

The King turned to Roy and he shook his head.

"Well then. That's a shame. How did you find the evidence?"

"A friend!"

The King once again turned to Roy to confirm if what Jasmine was saying is true.

"Why didn't he bring us the evidence if he had the evidence in the first place? Doesn't sound wise to give away this opportunity to become famous and rich."

"I… I also do not know why that is."

"I see… please stay in the kingdom for a few days. I wish that you would be here when that bastard noble gets executed."

"Of course, my King."

"You're free to go now."

Jasmine bowed to them one more time and left.

"Jasmine." Roy said through telepathy.

"Yes!" Jasmine stood still

"No, keep walking, I don't want the King to know that I am talking to you."

Jasmine nodded instinctively and walked slowly.

"I know that your friend is also a criminal. But hearing his story, and bringing this criminal down, I'll take down the posters using my connections, and no one will recognize him anymore."

"It doesn't bother you that he protected the elves?" Asked Jasmine.

"No, because I am friends with the elves. It's a long story. Don't tell anyone I said this."

"I won't!"

Jasmine left the building until it was just them left.

"My Queen." The King said. "Could you give me and Roy some time to talk?"

"Of course." The Queen left the room. It was just both of them.

"What did you find out about her?" The King immediately asked him.

"If you're saying she's hiding something, she is not. Her friend who was caught does not want to be known."

"Then that means he has the magical teleportation item. What if this man uses it for the same purposes as Taker!"

"That would be problematic. But at least we know he's connected to Jasmine. If he does make a move, I'll make sure to catch him."

"We cannot take any risks. I want you to bring the cloth of teleportation." The King commanded.

"No." Roy declined.


"You only want the magical item to use for ȧssassination purposes. And Jasmine's friend also took care of a huge problem, so I don't mind if he has the magical teleportation item."

"Roy! You dare read my mind even after I forbid you from doing so!"

"So what if I did?" Roy was unfazed. It's not the first time he met a king, and it won't be the last. After living for 300 years he had learned how to deal with these types of people.

The King was angry. But sat down in his chair and controlled his emotions. There's a reason he was king and still alive after so long, he won't let something like his emotions cloud his judgement.

"You might be strong, Roy. But you've gotten weaker. You're way past your prime now." He only said that to get back at him.

"I know I am. And when my time comes I will be remembered. But what about you? No one will remember you. Just like the king before you, and before him, and before him. After you die, no one will miss you."

"Why you!"

Roy teleported from the spot and back into his tower.

The King harrumphed angrily, but controlled his anger again.

He took out a communication stone and communicated with someone.

{Tell Morgan to come here}

No sooner than later a young man appeared before him. He looked composed, confident, had an aura that made one think he was raised by classy people.

"Yes, my King?" He knelt before him. He was young, no more than 18. He has short blonde hair, soft white skin. The only distinct feature he had was his pointy ears.

"Morgan, I have a mission for you."

"Please tell me, what can I do for you?"

"I want you to stalk a certain Sorceress named Jasmine. Your stealth skills are second only to your father, who is now gone. But don't confront her."

"What exactly must I do?"

"Have you heard about the one who rescued the kids? Mr. Scary Eyes I believe the kids called him. I'm sure someone drew his poster or something."

"Yes, I have heard of him."

"I want you to stalk Jasmine, she's most likely a friend of his and the one who weeded Taker from his hiding hole. So it's most likely they'll see each other. If you see this scary eyes person, offer him a large sum of money, I am prepared to give him 5000 gold coins if he's willing to sell us the item of teleportation, the same one that Taker used."

"And if he declines?"

"If he declines for whatever reason, resort to any means necessary to take the item from him. But make sure you're not seen. Make your father proud."

"I will. Thank you for giving me this chance." Morgan felt grateful.

"Go on."

Morgan left without making any sound.

"He might be half noble, but he's still half elf. Pity. Had he been half human and half noble instead, I would've given him a better position of power. Oh well. Not my fault elves are so stubborn. Not willing to give me that exotic flower even after I offered them a good deal."

Morgan is not a distant relative of a Hero, he is a son of a hero from 100 years ago. Morgan might look young because of his elven genes, but he's 80 years old.

Meanwhile, inside a hotel room.

"Oh my god, oh my god. I talked to him! I am so glad to be alive!" Jasmine was on a bed, punching and kicking her sheets and pillows out of pure joy of having to speak to her idol.

She was also a hardcore fan girl who couldn't control her emotions. If it weren't because she was within the king's presence, she would've launched herself at the Great Sage.

"Wait until I tell Jack about this. And I also need to thank Will. If not for him, I would've never gotten this chance. Eeeeeeeeeeh!" Jasmine screamed out of pure delight and continued kicking and punching her bed.

This went on for hours non-stop.

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