In Another World With The Crafting System

Chapter 38 - Super power source generator

Shout out to SAD-ist on youtube. Her animatic Dream SMP videos are one of the best I've ever seen, very inspiring as well. Check it out especially her newly updated video.


A giant flying organic creature flew above the forest. Anyone would think that it was a small dragon. On top of the organic creature, were 4 elves.

"Why did this idiot of a hero set up his place in the middle of the damn deserted lands! Isn't that suicide?" Radix asked.

"I asked him that same question, his response was that after Adaline was attacked, she became too scared to leave that area. He had no choice but to stay there, even though he wanted to leave." Grace said.

"Sounds like he really cares about her. To live in such a deserted and dry place for her, and even build a safe place for them." Rias pointed out.

"They care about each other." Arbor was a little sad. Adaline didn't care about him as much as she cared about Will.

"We're here!" Grace shouted.

They could see the base and greenery from above. The grass keeps on expanding every day.

"Did Will add something new? I don't remember seeing those things on top of his walls." Grace pointed to the sentries guarding the walls.

"He did. But why are there people dead in front of his base?" Arbor saw 2 corpses lying there. It didn't make sense, as Adaline would've used those bodies to make soil, or Will would've already buried them in a hole since he cares about how his base looks.

Once they got closer, the emerald sentry was the first to notice the giant organic creature, emerald sentries have the second most range right after diamond sentries, but Will hadn't made one yet. It pointed itself at the creature and started firing.


The organic flying creature reacted quickly and flew upwards, it swung its body around as it did making the bullets miss him.

The sentry noticed that it was out of it's range of attack, so it stopped firing.

"Why is he shooting at us? Didn't you say that he can be trusted?" Rias asked scared for her life.

"So I was right! We need to kill him!" Radix said.

"That doesn't make sense, Does he now view us as an enemy?" Arbor couldn't believe it.

"But I didn't see him fire whatever that thing is. I don't see Adaline either." Grace said she too did not believe that Will would attack them.

"Grace, your arm, it's bleeding." Rias pointed at her arm.

Grace noticed that a bullet grazed her arm.

"It's fine."

"No, it's not fine. Give me your arm." Arbor took out some medicinal herbs and applied it to Grace's arm. Seconds later it healed itself. He came a little more prepared thanks to the ring.

"Even if it wasn't him, he still had something to do with this. I won't forgive anyone who hurts my daughter." Arbor's view of Will went downhill fast.

"Like I said, kill him!"

"Let's land first. This can all be explained… I hope." Grace also knew this had something to do with Will. But, would he try to kill them?

She didn't want to think that the first time she trusted a human that he would betray them soon after.

Drake landed far from the base.

"Doesn't look like he's here. But those things will shoot us if we get close to it." Rias said.

"Let me see what these things are made of." Radix pulled out his enchanted bow and shot at one of the sentries, but it merely bounced off like it was nothing.

"Strange, not even a dent. My arrows can even pierce through stone but not those things?"

The sentries are more resistant than most metals.

"Let me see how close I can get." Arbor took his enchanted blades and walked slowly towards the base. When he got close enough, one of the turrets started firing.

Arbor deflected those bullets but backed away.

"I'd say about 40 meters?" Arbor said.

"About that much, yeah. But, that's an amazing weapon. I never heard of something like those." Rias was amazed by Will's technology.

"I believe they call those mini guns? It can shoot at an extremely fast rate and carry a load of bullets. But I never heard that it can shoot on it's own." Radix said.

"I guess, but who uses mini guns these days? They're heavy, and expensive to make. Against an agile monster they're basically doomed carrying around all that weight."

"So wait, mini guns are a thing in this world?" Will asked.

"Yes, Will… Will?!" Grace and Arbor backed away and so did the other two elves.

"Woah, what's going on?" Will instinctively raised his hands. He was on top of Adaline. Once he saw the elves standing there, he took off his exotic armor to not give away the exotic seed's existence.

"Your mini guns shot us and hurt Grace." Arbor said.

"He said that your machines injured Grace." Rias translated.

"It did? Are you hurt?" Will got down and inspected Grace. He noticed that her 300 HP increased drastically.

{HP: 12000/12000}

'So she absorbed the exotic flower I gave them.' Will realized.

"It was just a scratch. Father already healed it." Grace was relieved to see that Will cared and did not want them hurt.

Arbor was a bit relieved but still a bit angry.

"Sorry about that. I did leave a sign. Didn't you read it?" Will pointed at the back.

Like he said, there was a wooden sign that read 'Grace, Arbor, do not go near the base. It's too dangerous. Wait until I come back.' Will wasn't an idiot, he knew that they would come back soon so he left a sign right before he left.

"We didn't see it. We were flying." Rias said as she pointed at Drake.

"Oh… I did not expect that. Wait, who are you?" Will asked Rias and Radix, two elves that he had never seen.

"This is Rias, and that's Radix. They're both elves. Rias has questions for you. And Radix is just here."

"Well… hello." Will was feeling conflicted. Was his base a place where elves can hang out now?

"Hi." Rias said.

Radix looked at Will with his bow still in his hand. He looked at Will like he was trying to skin him alive.

"Did I do something to him?"

"No, he just despises humans in general, especially heroes." Rias said.

"... I don't know how to answer that."

"But, Will, what are those things on your base?" Grace asked.

"They're called 'sentry turrets' does this world not have them?"

"No, the closest thing they resemble are mini guns."

"Huh, neat. Well, not neat since I hurt you, Grace."

"I'm just glad that you didn't do it with the intention of hurting us."

"I only placed those to keep intruders like those two out of my base." Will pointed at the two corpses there.

Will got closer to his sentries and so did Adaline.

"Those things can distinguish between us and them?" Rias placed her finger on her lip.

"It's like they're intelligent or something." Arbor added.

"You mean they're alive?" Radix asked.

"Don't know. Like we mentioned before, his abilities are weird. I don't think even he knows what he's capable of."

Radix looked at Will very seriously. A hero with so many abilities, and strange ones, it reminded him of one person, the same one he hated most, the Great Sage. He too possesses many abilities, some of them that can one shot an Apex monster.

Radix gripped tightly on his bow in anger. Will reminded him too much of the Great Sage.

"Okay, it's safe now. You can come." Will waved at them.

They were a bit skeptical. Arbor walked closer, upon reaching the 40 meter mark, the sentry did not shoot him.

The elves walked and like Will said, it was safe.

Once they were in range Will added them to his {Allies} box so the sentry turrets won't attack them.

"Those things kinda scare me. Especially when we're in the center of their firing range, and there are four of them." Rias said. Her experience with guns isn't the best.

"As long as I'm here they won't attack you. Unless I command them to." Will said truthfully.

"Hahahaha… you're not joking, are you?" Rias gulped down her saliva.

"Not even a little bit."

"Oh Lea, protect us."

Arbor came up to Will and dropped bags in front of him. He left soon after to talk to Adaline.

"Is he mad because I hurt you?" Will asked Grace.


"I understand." Will knew that Arbor was mad at him and didn't blame him. Arbor knew that Will didn't mean it, but if that shot had been a little closer to Grace's body, it wouldn't have been just a graze but lethal instead.

Arbor was not going to get over the fact that her daughter almost died. He will come to forgive Will, but it will take time.

Rias made her way to the sentries and examined them. She found new things fascinating. Once Will gave her the okay to examine them, she felt relieved and studied them to her heart's content. Will didn't mind because he didn't think that elves could produce those sentry turrets.

Arbor was with Adaline, he brought her some food only for organic creatures that he got when he was back at the elven kingdom.

Radix sat by the door of the base's entrance. He didn't feel like coming close to the Hero, as if he was a contagious disease.

Drake was outside on the grass sleeping.

Grace was giving Will all the stuff he asked and telling what they were, gems, metal-grass, herbs, seeds. Will was delighted.

"I am so glad I made that trade." Will counted over 80 diamonds, over 100 emeralds, rubies and sapphires. And thousands of herbs, seeds, and more.

And there was also gold, over 600 ores.

"I didn't expect to get so much gold." Will was cool on the outside but cheering on the inside.

"Gold is useless to us. When we mine it we usually throw it away." Grace said. Trading gold with humans wasn't a smart idea anyway, for one they could betray them any time, or the humans will kill the ones who trade or socialize with elves.

"Elves mine?"

"How else do you think we gather the gems to enchant our stuff?"

"I see. That's great."

Will was fascinated by the amount of vegetable and fruit seeds. So many choices to choose from. But there were also so many flower and seeds that could be used in crafting various potions;

"Now I have over 500 gold ores. But I still need to find cobalt." Will had a new goal to mine deeper than ever before. He needed 500 gold ores and 100 cobalt bars to craft the {Inventory} which he needed.

Radix paid attention to everyone. He realized that everyone was distracted. Rias was studying, Arbor was with Adaline, Grace and Will were talking, no one was paying attention to him.

"I need to get rid of him now."

Radix aimed his bow at Will and shot the arrow at his head with the intention to kill him. Will did not have his armor on. And he did not expect an arrow to come at him. His energy shield was planted on his exotic armor, meaning that he had no way to protect himself.

Arbor saw Radix shoot the arrow, and he hurriedly ran to stop him.


Grace and Will turned and for a split second, saw the arrow before it pierced Will's head, and his body dropped on the ground.

"WILL!!!" Grace yelled in fright. She went to check if he was alive.

Will may have more HP now, but a head shot can still kill anyone. Like those annoying skeletons in RL craft.

Arbor pushed Radix back to the wall.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Arbor was angry.

"He was a hero. He needed to die. I don't care what punishment you give me, because I managed to kill him before it was too late." Radix said calmly and satisfied.

"Dammit, Radix! You screwed up! You just couldn't control your damn emotions!" Arbor punched the wall and almost punched Radix's head. Arbor left him there.

Adaline however was raging, she rammed her body right at Radix and tore down the stone wall as well. Radix ġrȯȧnėd in pain when he felt the force of her impact shatter his ribs and bones.

"Oh, damn, that hurts." Radix said while groaning in pain.

"What… the… actual… fuċk."

Will was alive not surprisingly. But he was pissed.

Radix saw Will's figure through the hole in the wall.

"Wait, you're not dead?" Radix didn't believe it. It was a head shot. Heroes might have regeneration abilities, but they can still die like any other man.

Will was really pissed right now. He welcomed them to his home, and one of them killed him?

"Will?" Grace said concerned for Will. Will picked up his cloth of teleportation and made it into a cloak.

Rias was amazed. Will's body disappeared, and he re-appeared all of a sudden and was alive and well. She clenched her hands tightly as if she found something important.

'Finally.' Rias thought.

Radix took his bow and the few arrows he had left, ignoring the pain, he pulled his string and fired at Will.

Before the arrow reached Will, he teleported from that spot and re-appeared closer to Radix. Radix kept firing but no arrows were hitting their intended target.

Arbor, Grace, Adaline didn't do anything. They had never seen Will this mad, except when Jim hurt Adaline.

When Radix was out of arrows, Will stood in front of him, towering over his body.

"I see you have chosen… death. Sentry mode {On}" Will also took Radix off the {Allies} list.

The turrets all aimed at Radix but did not fire. Radix could not even flee if he wanted to. Will kicked his bow away.

"Will, are you gonna-" Grace said. Will looked at her.

"Grace, when I hurt you, that was an accident. But he had every intention of killing me. If his aim had been bad, he would've killed you."

"I know, but…" Grace looked at her father.

Arbor closed his eyes and shook his head. He told Radix he screwed up because Will cannot die. There is a reason why he told Grace before they arrived that they should never mention Will about his reincarnating ability, he wanted to see if Arbor was capable of killing him.

That's why Arbor was skeptical. He knew that Radix would never miss a chance to kill a hero.

"He lasted longer than I expected." Arbor said to himself.

"Wait, can you spare him?" Rias said loudly. Radix did protect her while they were in the village, if it weren't for him, she would've been a zombie or dead either way.

"Why would I?"

"If you do… I'll give you this." Rias showed him a wooden bracelet.

"Why would I need a bracelet?"

"This is a magical bracelet. It can store various objects like a magical bag."

Will looked at the bracelet and back to Radix.

"Let me see that."

Rias threw the bracelet at Will and he caught it.

"How do you work this thing?"

Radix grabbed a hold of Will's foot, but Will stepped on it.

"Just, touch the bracelet. You'll know."

Will touched the bracelet and took out a very revealing dress, it was green, see through, most likely they were pyjamas

"Oops. I forgot about that." Rias clenched her fists in embarrassment. She didn't expect Will to take out her sleepwear.

Will put it back, it was rather easy to use. Will placed a full ċhėst inside the bracelet, and it worked. With this it would make carrying these easier.

"Alright, I'll spare his life." Will said.

"Thanks." Grace and Rias sighed in relief.

"But, he's not allowed within these walls again."

"Wait, but."

"I said that I was gonna spare his life. I never said I was gonna keep him in my base. If anyone helps him, you can't ever come back within these walls. Sentry mode {Off}" The sentries stopped aiming at Radix.

Will was a man of his word. But what Radix did was unforgivable. Either he'll die by thirst in the deserted land, or heatstroke, whichever one comes first.

Will didn't believe that Radix would survive long. He was injured, broken, had no water or food. Most likely he will die before he even reaches the nearest village.

He could understand if it was an accident, but it wasn't.

Grace finished translating for her father while Rias translated for Radix.

"Tell him if he tries to break in, I won't be as forgiving anymore." Will pointed at the sentries telling her that they would kill Radix.

Rias translated to Radix, but he was seething with anger and pain.

Will went back inside his base and fixed the wall, leaving Radix alone. But, he also took his enchanted bow and arrows, in case he had any more funny ideas.

"Dammit. Those are mine!" Radix couldn't move from his spot, Adaline did a lot of damage to him.

Rias looked over the walls. She wanted to help him.

"Like I said, if you leave these walls to help him, I will not let you back. Understood?" Will said angrily. The pain of the arrow piercing his head was giving him a slight headache.

Grace finished translating to her dad. Arbor shook his head.

"Damn Radix." Arbor said. If someone shot his daughter or him he too would be pissed. He was still angry at Will, even though it was an accident and a graze.

"Grace, now that I think about it, did you do something to your face?" Will just noticed that Grace's face looked different, more elegant like an elf.

Everyone went back to their own lives. A few hours later the tension in the air disappeared.

Will expected Radix to leave, but he was sitting outside the wall, tending to his wounds as best he could.

Will realized he would've done the same thing. Travelling through the deserted island with no food, water, mode of transportation, injured, there was no way he was gonna live.

Will didn't do anything about Radix. As long as he doesn't cause trouble or break in his base, he can stay outside for all he cares.

Rias had more questions for Will, but seeing how he looked at her, she didn't feel safe. Will didn't trust Rias at all. If Radix was willing to kill him, who's to say that Rias wouldn't either? He made sure to keep a close eye on her. Adaline did the same.

At one moment, Will walked up to her with a bucket of water, and some soap.

"These are your chores for today." Will said.

Rias was taken aback. Suddenly a thought flashed before her eyes.

"You want me to wash you?"


"You want me to wash myself?" Rias smelled herself.

"Once again, no."

"You… want us to wash together?" Rias covered her ċhėst with her arms in embarrassment.

"Tempting offer, but no. Your chores starting from now on are those camels." Will pointed at the herd of camels.

Rias made the connection.

"Starting from now on, you will be washing every single one of those camels every day."

"Wait, why me?" Rias asked.

"Ohhh? You really didn't expect to live here for free, right?" Will got closer to Rias.

"Actually… I kinda did."

"Living in a dream, aren't you? Now, get cleaning, or else you will have to join your friend outside."

"Fine, I'll do it!" Rias grabbed the soap and water and washed all the camels.

Will wanted those camels clean, because he didn't want to eat dirty camel meat and get sick. Since he didn't want to do it, and Rias was starting to leech off him, he thought he'd put her to work.

"Maybe I should hire maids to clean up this place." Will noticed that his base was getting messier, from breaking stone, to killing camels, cleaning out bodies, mining, foraging, it was bound to make a mess.

But he shook his head. This place is too important to let strange people in.

Arbor and Grace didn't help because he didn't ask them to. They helped him protect this place from Jim and his group of goons. Without them this place would've been taken over by them.

"Didn't I need the gems for something? What was it for again?" Will looked at the list of crafting recipes, and remembered why he needed the gems.

{Super power source generator}

This is an even better way to make enchantments. It was faster, and could add stronger enchantments to his items. The best part, he could actually pick the enchantments instead of relying heavily on luck.

Of course he did just that. He made the super power source generator thanks to the abundance of gems he had at his disposal.

The super power source generator looked different than before. It was a bit bigger, somehow made out of glass but still looked like a musician's stand. At the tip were four different gems floating in the air around, as if they were dancing.

He touched the super power source generator and a new list appeared, it had all the enchantments it could produce. The strongest enchantments could go up to 5 levels, the highest level enchantment he'd ever seen was at the 3rd level.

It used to take 8 hours for the bar to reach 100% now he needs to wait 4 hours.

Will was ecstatic. His power can actually rise once again. But, he unlocked a new crafting recipe.

{Cursed power source generator}

{Faster enchantments, stronger as well. Unlocks a new list of enchantments that are deemed 'cursed'}

{Crafting materials required: Super power source generator}

{Crafting materials required: Dragon heart}

{Crafting materials required: Cyclops eye}

"Well… fuċk."

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