A few hours had passed since the last chapter.

Atop of the black tower, was the Great Sage having a relaxing meal.

"Ah… just like how mom used to make." The Great Sage was enjoying himself with some corn soup, something that he used to eat 300 years ago back in his home world.

He began eating, not before being interrupted by a Sorceress. His mood got worse by being interrupted.

"Great Sage, sorry about-"

"Let them in." Great Sage responded in her mind. He read her thoughts beforehand and didn't want to waste too much time chatting.

"Ah, yes, I will!" The Sorceress respectfully bowed to him and left.

"Great Sage. We need to talk to you."

Two people came to talk to the Great Sage, Sandra and Bruce.

"No." The Great Sage responded.

"What?" Sandra asked, confused.

"I know what you are going to ask, and no I am not helping you find him. You both need to figure it out."

"I know you know something."

"No you don't. You 'think' you know something, but all you have is baseless evidence."

"So… he is here." Sandra said.

"I didn't say anything." Great Sage responded while eating his food.

"When I first asked you if it was possible to go back, you made it very clear that it was impossible. But, before I could even ask you about Will, you said 'you won't help me find him' when you could have said 'it's not possible to find him because you can't go back' like before, meaning that he is actually here, am I right?" Sandra asked seriously.

The Great Sage stopped eating and looked at her.

"You're sharp. You'll definitely outlive most of your classmates."

"So, he is here."

"He is."

"He's been here all this time and you didn't tell me?" Sandra asked angrily.

"I only found out recently. And it was none of my business to tell you."

"None? It actually is! Because of you and the King, we were dragged here against our will. How is that not a part of your business?"

"Because it's not. Will had all this time to tell you, but he didn't. Yes, we might have dragged you here, but Will knew you were here all this time, but he never said anything to you."

Sandra did not think about that. He was right. Why didn't Will tell her anything?

"Where is he?" She asked.

"You'll have to find out yourselves. You already made it this far, why not go the extra mile?"

"Let's go, Sandra. He's not going to tell us anything about Will." Bruce said calmly.

"Oh, and also, from now on do not go to the enchanted forest."

"Why? Does that mean that Will is in the enchanted forest? The place where elves live?" Sandra asked.

"No. He's not there… I think. Just don't go there. Your friend, Josh, went there recently and almost got himself killed. That idiot..."

"Are the elves that strong?" Bruce asked.

"Not the elves, nature itself. Those who try to break into the elven kingdom will be killed by the Goddess of nature, Lea."

"So… does that mean that the forest is protecting the elves or something?"

"Didn't Shaun tell you anything about Lea?" He asked them in a confused tone.

"No." Bruce responded.

"I'll pay him a visit after this."

"If that's true, why wasn't Josh killed?" Sandra asked.

"Lea, the Goddess who protects the elves, found out that Josh is a hero, so as a warning to any other heroes, he sent him flying back here to scare the other heroes away. Next time, I can ȧssure you, she will not be merciful. It's nothing new. She's done this to the heroes before you. It'll be wise for you two to NOT mess with the elves. Just steer clear from that area."

Like he said, the only reason Josh is alive is to show the other heroes that the elves are protected by their Goddess. This is so the other heroes won't have any ideas related to the elves.

Sandra and Bruce left the tower.

"Finally… peace and quiet." The Great Sage resumed eating his food.

"I didn't think that Will could actually be here. Looks like you were right, Sandra." Bruce said, not knowing how to properly react to this. He's not angry nor thrilled to hear this news.

"At least we know that. But, I don't know why he never tried to contact me all this time."

"I find it strange that the Great Sage knew but never said anything about him, I bet that not even the king knows about Will."

"Knowing him, he's not gonna say anything else. We're lucky to have gotten a few answers out of him."

"Then let's go find him. But it will be difficult." Bruce said. He wanted to find Will because that is what Sandra wanted.

"Poor Will. He probably suffered a lot in this world. Right now our only goal is to find him and protect him. Nothing else matters." Sandra said.

"Okay… where do you think he's hiding?"

"...I don't know…"


Will continued to mine, and then he mined, and again, and again… it was a never ending loop of mining.

"I swear… this golem core better be worth it."

Will, like most people, has a list of things he hates, especially in video games: Beggars, scammers, leechers, and wasting valuable items that he worked hard to obtain. If this golem isn't worth it, he's going to cry.

{10x low-tier mana ore)

"This pickaxe… I am SO glad I gave it these maxed enchantments. Otherwise It would have taken me days to gather 10 of those low-tier mana ores."

Then, he crafted the low-tier golem core. The golem core was bȧrėly the size of his palm. Like the ore, it had a bit of light-pink glow in it but it bȧrėly gave more light than the ordinary low-tier mana ores.

It was perfectly round. It almost looked cute to look at.

"Hm… neat. Okay how does this work, book?" Will looked at his brown book, but it only unlocked more crafting materials.

{Mid-tier golem)

{10x mid-tier mana ores}


{10x low-tier golem cores}

"I can already create better golems? I haven't even tested this one yet. Wait, are both of those choices the same quantity?" Will racked his brains for a useless answer

Yes, both the 10x low tier golem cores and 10x mid-tier mana ores are of the same quantity.

"Ah, I'll figure it out later… math is hard. No wonder I failed math class…" Will cringed at the thought of that, so he moved on.

"It says here I need to create my own golem… but how?" Will started to look at his crafting book, and there doesn't seem to be a crafting recipe for golems.

"Okay, let's think about this… It's like in minecraft. Making those golems, or even the wither boss, you don't build them from a crafting table, you have to make them yourself by building… ohhhh…"

Will looked at the golem core in his hand.

"Now it all makes sense. This is like the pumpkin head, I just need to build the body to create it, to give it life. I was getting tired of mining anyways so this is the perfect distraction… oh god, how deep down did I mine?"

Looking at the path he came from, it looked like a never ending tunnel.

"Look at the bright side… at least I'm exercising… never thought I'd say that."

Will began trudging up those steps, it was basically endless at this point.


Sandra and Bruce were eating at a restaurant. After running back and forward all day they hadn't gotten a good chance to take a break. They were surrounded by people who were admiring them for being heroes.

Sandra, paid them no mind and examined a map that was in front of her.

"So, this is the village where Will attacked that village with that elf. After that no one has seen him since." Sandra said.

"If he was smart, he would most likely change his appearance. Using that bone helmet is way too eye-catching." Bruce said while eating some chicken.

"That's what I thought, too. My guess is that he attacked this village not because he was under the influence of an elf, but because those villagers mistook them for elves, and attacked them. My guess is that he was only protecting himself. Like that village girl we talked to.."

"Huh, that might be… actually, speaking of eye-catching helmets, I think I remember something. But I don't know if this is related to Will or not." Bruce put down his chicken and started to rack up his brain.

"What?" Asked Sandra.

"I think… do you remember Taker?" Asked Bruce.

"The infamous child kidnapper?"

"Yes, him."

"I do. He died. And so did that disgusting noble who was behind all this."

"Ya, but, I remember hearing something about a Mr. Scary eyes person, who is actually the one who took down the Taker."

"Mr… Scary eyes?" Sandra has never heard of a more stupid name.

"I heard that when the Taker was discovered, this man, who was wearing a scary mask, killed Taker and rescued like 10 or so children. He never gave his name so the kids called him 'Mr. Scary eyes' because of the mask he wore."

"Wait, I heard that it was a Sorceress who brought those two criminals down."

"She only provided the evidence. While you were still training with Shaun, I overheard from this high ranking guy, who was at the scene at the moment, who told the story that the children told him. Weird enough not only was he never mentioned before, but it seems that everyone has forgotten about him."

"Hmm… now that would make a lot of sense." Sandra looked at the map and wanted a poster of Will.

"How is that?" Bruce asked.

"I wondered why the Great Sage would ever help Will in the first place. At first I thought he took down the bounty on his head because of Will's hero identity, but if this Mr. Scary eyes guy does exist, and he took down Taker, a criminal responsible for so many childs deaths, and someone even the Great Sage had trouble catching, then perhaps-"

"Will and Mr. Scary eyes are the same person." Bruce figured it out.

"Exactly… you were right, he did change his appearance right after the wanted posters came out. Where was the village where Taker was caught?" Asked Sandra.

"I… don't know."

"We can just ask around."

"I'll do it. I need to use the bathroom anyway." Bruce got up and left.

Sandra was left alone. Before she noticed even more people showed up to admire her 'heroic greatness' they were all watching from afar, afraid that they might sully her mood.

Sandra was not used to such attention. She looked away while using her hand to shield her view from them.

Minutes later, Bruce came back. The expression on his face was worse than before.

"Did you find anythin-"

"He's hiding in the deserted lands." Bruce cut her off mid-sentence.

"How do you know?"

"I asked some people, then they told me of rumors that the 100th hero is hiding in the deserted lands… coincidentally, both of those villages, that Will visited, are near the deserted lands."

"So… we could have known the answer all along if we had just asked around?" Sandra said calmly.

"Basically… yeah."

"Well, I guess we both know where we're headed then. But if I remember correctly, the deserted land spans for thousands or even millions of kilometers. It'll be difficult to find him. Especially if it's a scorching, hot desert."

"You think Will was blessed with a powerful hero ability that lets him survive in the intense heat?"

"I don't know. We'll find out soon enough." Both Bruce and Sandra ran outside the kingdom's walls and headed straight to the deserted lands.

"Watching heroes running like that is so cool." A grown up man said.

"Honey, please find a more, productive hobby. Preferably one that actually pays you. It's weird that you keep watching these heroes."



Rias was in her own room. It was basically inside a large tree, but the size of an apartment. Around her apartment were several papers and studies about zombies, the heroes, and so on.

Rias was bust examining the wand in her hands.

"It's the first time I've been given a gift by Lea. What could this mean? Is it a way to help my father? Is it like a 'thank you' gift? But, that wouldn't make sense. And even when I tried asking her several times, there were no responses."

Rias was in deep thought. Nothing she thought made any sense.

"It's without a doubt a magical item, and not just an ordinary stick. But what does it do? Hmm… if only Silvas wasn't busy with that item, I could know."

"Rias?" Arbor called out to her behind her door.

"GAh! Yes?" Rias panicked and almost dropped the wand.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course!" Rias hurriedly hid the wand underneath her clothes for no good reason.

Arbor came through the door, his was the worst it had ever been.

"Something wrong, your highness?" Rias couldn't help but notice his dark mood.

"Yes, there is. You were there with Grace and Will, the last time we were there, right?"

"Ah, yes. I was. Radix was there, too." Rias started to sweat, she knew where this was going.

"I know. Ever since that day Grace has been doing everything in her power to stop me from seeing Adaline. Do you know why that is?" Arbor asked as he got closer to Rias.

"I, um… funny you should mention... '' Rias found it difficult to say a phrase correctly.

"What happened with Will and Adaline? Why does Grace not want me to see Adaline or Will?"

"Because… it's…"

"Did… Will... make advances on my daughter?" Arbor never thought of that, and the idea made him angry.

"What? No, no, no, nothing like that."

"Then what is it?" Arbor asked.

"It's…" Rias closed the door slowly after making sure no one was watching or listening.

"Okay, I'll tell, but Grace cannot know it came from me… oh, who am I kidding? Only I, Grace, and Will knew what happened. It won't fool Grace." Rias scratched her head frantically.

"Rias!" Arbor held onto her arms firmly. Rias stopped moving.

"Look me in the eyes, and tell me. What. Happened. That. Day."

"It… it was my fault." Rias said.

"Your fault?"

"I… when Will and you left that day, I immediately started to look through his things. I was curious to see what secrets he might've been hiding. Grace tried to stop me, but I didn't listen, and instead convinced her to help me look. He came earlier than we expected, and he found out, and he was mad, and he banished us from his base."

"Oh… that doesn't make sense. Are you telling the truth?" Asked Arbor.

"I am!"

"Then why would my daughter try to prevent me from seeing Adaline? I would understand if he was mad at you and her, but what does that have to do with me and Adaline?"

"Maybe… because she feels so guilty that… she doesn't want you and Will to meet?"

"That makes even less sense than before… Was he hiding something? Something Grace doesn't want me to know? Is that why she doesn't speak of it?"

"Actually… I have no idea. We thought we found something, but it turned out to be nothing."

"Um… you thought you found something, but it was nothing?" Arbor asked in a very confused tone.


"Come with me." Arbor exited the door while dragging Rias with him.

"Your highness?!" Rias didn't expect to be pulled by Arbor.

Then, Arbor whistled so loud it echoed throughout the forest. Moments later, a flying organic creature, Drake, landed in front of them.

"Grace! Come here now!" Arbor's yell echoed throughout the forest.

"What, what is it?" Grace hurriedly ran up to him. She was still carrying her bow and arrows from practicing.

"You two, on Drake, now!" Arbor commanded.

"Dad, what's going-"

"I said, now!" Arbor said in a commanding tone.

Grace and Rias immediately sat on top of Drake. They knew he was angry and serious. His tone made them fear him.

Arbor sat on top of Drake's neck.

"Drake, to the deserted lands." Arbor said.

"Deserted lands? Father we can't go-"

"Do not talk to me!" Arbor said firmly, and it made Grace shut her mouth.

"I was worried all this time that Will had done something to you or Rias, so I respected your wishes and stayed away from Adaline because you wanted me to. But, then I find out both of you caused this problem with him. And I have to stay away from my other child, because the both of you messed up?"

Grace looked at Rias. But, at least she knew that Rias did not mention anything about the exotic seed that Will had. Otherwise her father would react in a different way. Most likely it was because Rias did not know about the exotic seed.

"Both of you are going to apologize to Will. Did you two even apologize?"

"I did." Grace said.

"Properly?" Asked Arbor.

Grace and Rias looked down.

"I thought so. Will is a hero, so you two, especially you, Grace, are one of the few people he's come to trust since he was summoned here. If you betrayed his trust like that, it will be hard to recover it."


"Trust is like glass, Grace. It's very fragile. You can break it, and you can also repair it, but it will never be the same. Trust is how relationships last. Any relationships: Friendships, family, any."

Grace didn't say anything.

Drake carried the group of elves and flew with him to the deserted lands.

While they were flying, Grace was thinking of a way to keep her father from learning the existence of the second exotic seed. She's trying to protect Adaline and Will from letting anyone else know. If she told her father about the seed, he'd without a doubt tell Silvas, who will tell the trees, who will tell the elves, who will tell the humans.


"Stairs… so many stairs. Legs burning." Will was tired from running up all those stairs. Adaline was staring at him.

After drinking a cup of water, he felt refreshed.

"Adaline, do you see any people outside? Or have there been any 'visitors' lately?"

Adaline shook her head.

"Not as much… that's good. We'll keep hiding for a few more days just to be safe. Once we can be sure that no one is looking for us anymore, we'll leave this base and do something fun." Will had come to understand Adaline, even though she can't speak, he could more or less guess what she said.

He, like many other people, would know how boring it is to stay in one spot for too long.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" Asked Will.

"???" Adaline had no idea what that was.

"Wait, no, that damn song is stuck in my head again. Do you want to help me build a golem?"

"???" She also did not know what that meant either.

"Oh, you don't know what that is either. Want to help me build it anyway?"

Adaline nodded her head.

"Okay. Get me all the stone you can find, and wood. Actually let's experiment with everything we have. Bring me all the gold, silver, steel, everything. I am gonna try to make a golem out of everything I got. Also because I am bored and have nothing else to do."

The duo gathered all the materials they had gathered.

And so, the golem creation began.

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