A mad elf disguised as a human arrived at the human village with the intention to massacre them all. He started to yell at them to strike fear into their hearts.


One thing he forgot to take into account, is that he only knows one language, elvish tongue. Meaning that nobody knew what he was saying. It was like trying to speak in chinese in front of people who only know english.

The villagers looked at the man who was crazy in their eyes. He was yelling and screaming in a language that they couldn't understand.

"Mommy, is that man sick like my uncle?" A little girl pulled on her mother's skirt.

"Yes, he is."

Radix pulled out his bow, but before he could do anything, he was tackled by another man.

"Radix! What the hell did I just say?" Arbor asked angrily.

"Let me go. I need to send these humans to the afterlife."

"Our job is to observe the humans from a distance, and now they have their eyes on us."

"I don't care as long as I kill them."

"What if there was a zombie here and it bit you all because you couldn't control your emotions? Do you seriously want to die as a mindless zombie, or as a proud elf?"


Radix was so angry that he forgot that he could be bit by a zombie and turn into one.

But their position was rather… gay. Their faces were close to each other. And they looked like they were having a lovers quarrel.

"Mommy, are those men sick like my uncle?"


"Okay, people, nothing to see here. Move it along." Grace noticed the group of people and shooed them off.

The group of people dispersed and went back to minding their businesses.

"Grace, since when can you speak human tongue?" Asked Arbor.

���After 2 years of living with them, I have come to learn the basics in speaking and reading the human tongue. I still have trouble trying to keep a long conversation though."

"You make me proud." Arbor hugged his daughter.

"..." Grace.

"Where did Rias go?" Asked Radix.

Rias wasn't anywhere with them.

"Oh come on." Grace asked.

"I knew it! Those humans kidnapped Rias and are probably going to use her as a hostage and/or probably gonna sell her as a slave." Radix pulled out his enchanted bow and enchanted arrows, and pointed it at the humans, more specifically a 3 year old child.

But Arbor kicked him in the balls before he could do anything.

"OW… why?" Radix was in so much pain that his pitch was high.

"I was getting tired of your crap. Besides, if you actually were paying attention, you would notice that Rias is right over there."

They saw Rias through an open window talking to a fat lady behind the counter. The building sign said 'inn.'

"So, it's 20 copper pieces per night in a single room?" Asked Rias.


The fat lady is Jack's grandmother.

"But there's 4 of us. Can't you lower the price a bit, like a travelers discount?"

"Do you see anything that tells you that I am giving away discounts?"

"No, but, would you please consider?"

Rias' eyes shined a bit like there was a light in her eyes.

Jack's grandmother's eyes also changed, as if she was in a trance.

"Okay, fine, the rooms are now 19 copper pieces per room."

"No. That's still too much." Rias wanted a bigger discount, but only got a discount of 1 copper instead of half the price as she wanted.

"Rias? What are you doing?" Arbor asked.

"Cough, what is that smell?" Radix could not handle the smell of cigarettes.

"Well, Arbor, your highness, since we're going to observe this village for a bit, and also the fact that we're tired, I thought it was a good idea to get a room. You know, to observe the humans closer. And not only that, but I also need to spend this money." Rias showed him a green pouch full of coins. She got those coins many years ago.

Elves do live in shelters but usually when surrounded by greens of forests.

Rias was finding an excuse to study the village a little closer.

"I am asking why did you use that spell? If a human sees you using that spell, then our cover will be blown."

"Relax, there's nobody here besides us and that fat lady. Between you and me, I don't think she would care."

Jack's grandmother continued smoking while reading a book, and not giving a damn. She couldn't understand what language they were speaking in anyway.

"Grace, I need you to take care of Radix for me… Grace?"

His daughter was across the shop snooping around another shop. The shop was a weapon shop called 'July and son's shop.'

"Aw, the shop is closed." Grace pouted because she thought she could steal from the shop again.

Arbor massaged his forehead due to the headache his people were giving him.

"Is that your friend snooping outside my daughter's shop?" Asked Jack's grandmother.

"Yes." Replied Rias.

"You better tell her that the shop is staying closed for at least a week. My grandson is gone to help out a friend. And my daughter is busy."


"Well, speak of the devil."

It was no surprise that the one who barged into the inn was July. She slammed her hands on the counter making a loud noise. Her eyes were teary and she was panicking.

"Jack was kidnapped!"

"Jack was what now?"

"I saw Jack being kidnapped by an organic monster. I need your help to find him."

"Wait, sorry to intrude on your conversation," Rias interrupted, "But, did this organic creature have dead organic material on him, a long beak like a bird bird's, sharp claws, is about 8 feet tall, has no eyes, and has four legs?"

"That's the monster! It's the one who took my baby." July grabbed Rias' shoulders. Although the organic creature did not have dead organic material anymore, it was very identical to the monster she saw.

Radix was about to use his bow on July because he thought she was about to attack, but Arbor stopped him. They could not understand the conversation, but Arbor could see fear in July's eyes, it made him think that she saw a zombie.

"Was there like another person riding him?"

"Yes, it was a male, short black hair, skinny, and wore steel armor. He was riding on the creature's head commanding it."


Rias was surprised. Did someone else tame the Adalis in the short time when they were in this village?

"Huh, you just perfectly described Will, a friend of Jack's." Jack's grandmother added.

"You know this person?" July grabbed her mother's shoulders.

"Sure I do. The weirdo is always wearing armor as if it's some sort of fashion trend. And he lives over the woods as if he's some sort of elf. I guess that he was tired of paying me 20 copper coins a night."

"Well he just took my baby. Did he say where he was going?"

"Jack told me that he was going to his uncle's village, you know, your brother's village."

"Why would he go there?"

"Because Jack wanted to help his friend become an apprentice blacksmith."

"I'M COMING BABY!!!" July ran out of the store and went straight to Jack. It was the only lead she has that could help her find her son.

Jack's grandmother was laughing inside. She thought that it was karma that separated Jack from her mother, as if it was telling her that ɨnċėst was bad.

"Rias, did she say anything about zombies?" Asked Arbor.

"No… but I think… that the Adalis was taken."

"Taken? What do you mean?"

"Only one way to find out."

The 3 elves ran back to the forest where they last saw the Adalis.

"Adalis, come here." Arbor called and whistled the Adalis to come out, but there were no signs of the Adalis anywhere.

"Are you seriously telling me that you let the Adalis be taken from you?" Radix started laughing.

"We'll know soon enough. Now be quiet."

Arbor touched a tree with his palm, a green light flowed between the tree and Arbor.

"Who took the Adalis?" Arbor asked softly.

He closed his eyes and concentrated. He could hear many faint whispers in his head, it ranged from women, men, children.

Radix and Rias did not say anything, they just let Arbor do his thing.

Finally Arbor let go of the tree, and the green light was gone.

"What did it say?"

"It seems like some human managed to tame the Adalis." Arbor felt shocked. They thought that it might have been an elf, but they were wrong.

"A human tamed it? It didn't even submit to you after grooming it for a week. Although it's not rare for humans to tame organic creatures, this is an Adalis we're talking about, it's more connected with nature than other organic creatures. Therefore he should have chosen the elves instead of a human." Radix said.

"It recognized this human as her master because we… no, I was killing her." Arbor said.

"Killing her?"

"I was ignorant and stupid. This human basically saved her life after feeding her. That's why it was tamed so easily by him and not me. And also, this human is unnatural."

"What does that mean?"

"He's not a hero, nor a sorcerer, just… a unique existence. That's all I can say. I still don't understand that part."

"Still, this is not acceptable. We need to take back the Adalis."

"I didn't know you cared about the Adalis?" Asked Rias.

"I don't. But I won't stand it if another human were to tame such a creature when it clearly belongs to the elves."

"If the Adalis likes this human, then there's no reason why we should separate him from the Adalis."

"No, I agree with Radix. He's right." Arbor said.

"Your highness?" Rias thought that Arbor would be on her side.

"Look, I have been taking care of the Adalis for two years when it was still inside her egg. I am not going to let someone else take her away from me."

"But according to what you said, he's done a better job at taking care of her in an hour than you have in 2 years."

"..." Arbor.

"Still, we can't go after the Adalis. Not only do we not have a mount fast enough to chase it, we still have to stay here and continue observing the humans."

"Looks like we need to split up then. One group stays here to observe the village, while the other group goes after the Adalis." Radix proposed.

"Hmm… if this is some scheme so you can kill-"

"I am not going to kill humans unless they attack first."

"Touch the tree." Arbor said.

"You're not seriously to make me do 'that.'"

"I am and I will. Now do it."

Radix grudgingly touched the tree and so did Arbor. And a green light enveloped the both of them.

"Swear upon Lea's spirit, and the name of the elf race, that you will not kill humans unless necessary."

"I swear." Radix rolled his eyes.

This is an ancient elf promise. It's like making a solid promise to your god, and ancestors. And should he or she break such a promise, you will be shunned by Lea and be revoked of your powers.

"Good. Now stay here with Rias. And Grace and I will go after the Adalis."

"And where do you suppose the Adalis is? There's at least 5-6 more villages nearby, according to Grace, and if you go by foot village to village, it'll take you at least a month before you return."

"I know someone who knows where the Adalis is going." Rias added.


"Wait a minute." Interrupted Radix. He looked up at the sky, the sun made his eyes ache, but he still looked at it. He noticed the moon.

"I know it's a month too early, but is today the day of the black sun?"

"No that should be in about… oh no, you're right." Rias realized something when she looked up.

"Arbor! That woman we saw in that building, she's in danger."

"The fat one?"

"No, the other one. You need to save her."

"Oh, but I am pretty sure that she knows that this is the day of the black sun."

"She doesn't. She believes that the Adalis kidnapped her son, and right now, she's headed to that village. If she dies, then we'll never figure out which village the Adalis was taken."

"Oh… that's bad."

Two men were in the middle of a road riding on top of an organic creature. The area around them was nothing but grass. One of them was semi unconscious on the creature. While the other one is riding on top of the creature going at an insane speed. It was almost unreal.

"Woohoohoo! This is amazing!" Will stood on top of Adaline as he yelled at the top of his lungs. This was the best ride of his entire life. It was a feeling that made him think that he was the king of the world.

But Will was starting to get worried. Jack was his guide and is the only one who knows the way. If he remains unconscious the whole time, then he might somehow miss the village and miss his opportunity to become a blacksmith.

He looked up at the sky and noticed the moon was still up.

"Huh, what a beautiful moon."


Will heard multiple roars, followed by explosions, loud noises and fighting.

"I'm awake!" Jack woke up in a panic and confused.

Will could bȧrėly make out several silhouettes from a far distance.


Adaline heeded his command and stopped but it did not fling Will or Jack from her back.

"Hero, what's going on?" Jack froze up when he noticed that he was sitting on an organic creature.

"I don't know, Jack. Adaline, stay here and protect Jack."

Will jumped off Adaline and hurried to the spot where the fighting took place.

"Hero, please don't leave me alone." Jack immediately started to feel cold and afraid.

"Hiss!" Adaline's head turned at a perfect 180 degree angle and hissed at Jack.

As Will got closer to the fighting the more he could make out the silhouettes.

There were 3 figures. One was a giant 10 foot tall fat humanoid creature. It only had one eye located on the center of its forehead. There was also a large horn sticking out on his head just above his eyeball It also used a tree twice its size as a weapon. It was bald, and smelled terrible. Many people would recognize it as a cyclops from greek mythology.

Another figure was a small human who was flying around and attacking the cyclops from a distance. This figure used an enchanted metallic staff to shoot some kind of energy beam at the cyclops, dealing significant damage to it. This figure looked feminine, but her entire body was covered in a white cloak, and there was 1 red stripe going across her cloak in her abdomen area.

The last figure was a tall skinny man, with ragged up hair and messy clothing. He didn't do anything aside from standing far away while observing the fight between the cyclops and the other girl. He also scratched his head furiously, as if he had a terrible rash.

Will got closer, but stood far away so as to not attract their attention.


{HP 200/20000}

"Are you kidding me? A cyclops has that much health?"

This surprised Will. He was shocked to see Adaline's HP which is 2k, but the cyclops has 10x more hp than her. But at least he was close to dying.

Then he looked at the girl's status, and it too shocked him.


{HP 600/1000}

The cyclops could not reach the girl because she was flying and out of his reach. So it threw whatever it could at her, stone, trees, animals.

"Wait, I know those two."

"Jesus, Jack, you scared me." Will did not hear Jack sneaking up behind him. He needed to work on enhancing his sense, but he did not know how to do that.

Jack did not want to stay with Adaline, because it scared him.

"Sorry, Hero. But that messy guy is my uncle. And that girl is… well, a friend."

"Okay." Will continued observing the fight. It's the first time he has seen an epic fight like this. It makes him feel excited to see such an awesome fight, it is as if he was watching a WoW game but in real life.

The cyclops as a last attempt to save itself, it shot a red laser that penetrated the ground easily, and even split the clouds above. The girl predicted his attack and dodged it. Then she flew right at him and stabbed his eye with her staff, and then she released her final attack and blew the cyclop's entire face without damaging it too badly.

The cyclops first let out a screech, then fell on its back dead.

As soon as the cyclops was dead, Jack got up and ran towards the girl and his uncle.

Will followed him.

"Thanks, Jasmine, for not destroying the cyclops' entire body."

"Meh, it was only a baby cyclops so it was easy. But it's a rather fair trade considering that you gave me this enchanted staff for this cyclop's body."

Jasmine took a good look at the powerful staff in her hand. She was very satisfied.

"This staff is nothing compared to the ones the Great Sage or the Fat Empress wields, but it'll do for now, that is until I become a master blacksmith."

"Uncle, Jasmine!"

Both heard a familiar noise. It was obviously Jack that they heard. They were shocked because they didn't expect Jack to be here.

"Jack?" Jack's uncle was visibly confused.

Jasmine pulled down her hoody, and it revealed the face of a young girl, with tanned skin, short black hair, and smooth skin.

"What are you doing back here?" Jasmine asked in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry." Jack faced the ground as if he was being grounded.

"Jack, why are you back so soon when it was your birthday yesterday? Not only that but you were just here when you took your apprenticeship blacksmith exam. Did something happen with mom or sis?" Jack's uncle was worried now, but he still scratched his head.

"No, I'm here with a friend."

Jack pointed at Will. But all three of them were stupefied to see Will pointing a gun right at them as he walked closer to them, like a hitman.

Jasmine quickly aimed her staff at him. She thought that Will was about to shoot them, and she was right.

*Bang* *Bang*

Will shot twice, but it missed them entirely.


They heard the cyclops cry in pain and ultimately die. The cyclops wasn't dead, it pretended to be dead so it could attack them at the right moment.

But Will saw the Cyclop's HP bar and realized it didn't die, only that it was playing dead or gravely injured. So before the cyclops could make a move, Will shot at the cyclops killing it.

It bȧrėly had enough hp remaining, so it was rather easy for Will to kill it. Not only that but it was a huge target, making it hard to miss.

"The cyclops was still alive?" Jack and his uncle said at the same time.

Jasmine merely stood there in place. She was just about to attack Will with her staff, but she realized that she made a grave mistake in turning her back on the cyclops, who she thought was dead.

Cyclops are one of the strongest and most dangerous creatures in the world, due to their size, strength, and intelligence. Turning your back on one will practically seal your fate.

Jasmine did not blame herself. She just got used to this staff and thought that it would be enough to take down a cyclops, but it seems that she overestimated the enchanted staff.

"That was pretty close." Will made it seem like it was nothing. But if it were just him against the cyclops, then he would be dead.

"This is Her- I mean, this is Will." Jack almost exposed Will.

"Ah, yes, nice to meet you." Jack's uncle kept scratching his head.

"Will, this is my uncle, Sam. And she's Jasmine, a friend and a sorceress."

"I've never met a sorceress before."

The word 'sorceress' means 'female wizard/sorcerer.' It did surprise Will that there were sorcerers in this world, but after witnessing a lot of things, this seemed pretty normal to him.

Jasmine didn't respond. Her eyes showed that she was somehow angry at Will. She turned around to inspect the dead cyclops carefully.

"Did I do something wrong?" Asked Will.

"That's just how she is. She can seem like a mean bully, but she's caring on the inside. She's probably angry at herself because she failed to kill that cyclops." Jack said softly.

"I can hear you."

"Ah! Sorry!"

"Jack, why did you say you were here again?" Asked Sam.

"Oh, Will wants to become a blacksmith, so I am taking him to the blacksmith's building to take the exam."

"I see. So this way you are one step closer to becoming an expert as well." Sam noticed Jack's plan.

"What does he mean by that?" Asked Will.

"Right now I am an apprentice blacksmith. To become an expert, one must have at least 1 student pass the apprentice exam. There are other requirements to become an expert, such as enchanting, and making weapons that are higher grade than steel."

"I get it. So if I become an apprentice, it also helps you to become an expert."

"Basically, yeah."

Jack was basically killing two birds with one stone.

"But it seems you both came at a bad time." Added Jasmine.


"Our village is currently empty right now, and all the blacksmith judges have been summoned to the Kingdom of Reyes to help make the heroes gear. Most likely they'll be gone for a month."

The summoning of heroes happens once every hundred years. Most of the blacksmiths, potion-makers, and important people come to greet or help the heroes.

The reason so many blacksmiths were summoned is because they needed to make the best gear for the heroes. Making high grade weapons takes days, or even weeks. As for why they didn't just make the gear beforehand, is because they needed to take each hero's measurement.

Each hero is unique, some are all, slim, fat, short, which is why they need to take measurements. Not only that, but each hero is born with a different type of power, which means that those blacksmiths have to create weapons that benefit the heroes' own power.

"She's right. You two will have to go to the kingdom of Reyes in order to take the exam."

"Are you serious? Then we need to go to the kingdom of Reyes right now." Jack's eyes shined. He has been so busy occupied with Will that he forgot about the other heroes.

"Hold it right there, Jack. The Kingdom of Reyes is 2 days away from here. Even if you were to fly, it would still take you about a day. You both should stay here for the night."

"Aw… wait, why are you two here? Isn't the summoning of heroes like a once in a lifetime event?"

"It is. But if I were to go help the heroes, it'll take about a month before I can get back to practicing. I can feel that I am close to becoming a master. I cannot waste any minute. Which is why I paid Jasmine to hunt down this cyclops for me so I can craft a magical item."

Sam's eyes had nothing but determination. He was serious. But he still scratched his forehead like a madman.

"Same here. Although I do want to see the heroes, I've only recently become a sorceress. I need to practice so I can become a guard for the king, or else I'll get left behind."

Her eyes also carried a hint of fire, a fire that will never die down until she completes her goal of becoming a king's guard.

"Jasmine, you're my age. You need to become 21 before you can become a king's guard. You still have 4 years to become one."

Jack just turned 17 yesterday. He looked much younger than 17, and so did Jasmine.

King's guard is the equivalent of becoming a bodyguard for the president, but it had more benefits. It grants them a title, special privileges, fame, money, and the right to meet with the king and his family.

Of course not everyone can become a king's guard, there are requirements to become one. Aside from the age restriction, one also needs to become a sorcerer, be the best out of the other candidates, needs to be trustworthy, have a clean record, and so on.

"So where is this kingdom?" Asked Will. Although this did hinder his plan to become a blacksmith, it merely changed locations. And with Adaline, he was sure to reach that place in a short amount of time.

Just like right now, he almost arrived at the village in a few hours, whereas it would have taken somebody else 3-4 days.

"It doesn't matter. Just come to my place. It's almost dark, and creatures are more aggressive at night?'

"What?" Will looked at the sky, and the sun was right above them.

"It's noon. How is it almost dark?"

"You'll see in an hour." Sam laughed a bit then pointed at the sky.

They all looked up, both Jack and Jasmine were shocked. But Will did not see anything. Was he blind or something?

Jasmine used some sort of spell to levitate the cyclops and brought it with her.

"???" Will.

"He's right, Will. We need to go." Jack pulled on his arm and they started walking to the village.

"Jack, what's wrong?" Asked Will.

"It's the day of the black sun."

"Black sun?"

Will looked up, then he noticed the moon once again. Then he realized something.

'Black sun. Does he mean a solar eclipse?'


A siren could be heard from the village nearby. It was identical and as loud as a tornado siren.

"What��s so bad about a solar eclipse?"

"It's the day when the world will be covered in darkness. Monsters that lurk in the shadows will cause chaos and mayhem like never before. it happens once every hundred years."


Will wondered what else happens once every hundred years. Do donuts rain from the sky every week? Does the dead come back to life every decade?


July rode on her mule and made it run as fast as it could to the village where Jack supposedly was. She's very tired right now, but right now she wanted to save her son.

Although Jack's grandmother stated that the one commanding it was Jack's friend, she wasn't too sure about that. In her eyes, Jack was drugged and taken against his will.

She thought that Jack was gullible enough to trust him at first. And when he found out his plan, he wanted to report it to someone else, but was kidnapped and will be sold as a slave.

As for why this man befriended Jack, and what was his plan from the beginning? She didn't know yet, but it somehow made sense to her.

"Stop! Wait!"

She heard a man's shout coming from behind her. But it was in a foreign language so she didn't understand.

There was Arbor and his daughter Grace catching up to her. They were panting heavily due to running just to catch up to her.

"What?" She asked in an annoyed tone, but she didn't stop.

"We can help you find your son." Grace said.

"I don't need help. I don't trust strangers, especially when it comes to my son."

"We can help you, but please don't go. It's the day of the black sun."

July stopped dead in her tracks. She finally noticed the moon in the sky.

Grace and Arbor could finally catch their breaths.

"That organic creature is also ours. After the black sun is over, we'll help you find your son."

July is their guide to the village. They both don't actually know these parts of the world.

Grace did travel a lot, but she would much rather steal from shops, or help her people escape from illegal slave traders. And she also didn't like to stay in human places for too long because she was afraid to get caught. Which is why she rarely ever slept in the same place twice.

July looked up at the road ahead. It would take her 3-4 days to arrive at the village. With the black sun she wasn't sure if she was gonna make it.

She wasn't afraid of losing her own life, she was afraid that Jack would die, and she would be powerless to do anything.

"Miss, the Adalis is ours, it is very strong and fast enough to run away from any situation. If this human is actually his friend, and has the Adalis by his side, then you can be certain that he will be protected."

Grace made that part up. She has no idea what the Adalis was capable of.

But she had to comfort the human in front of her, or she'll be stupid enough to head to the village in the middle of the black sun. Should she go, then Grace and Arbor would have no choice but to follow.

July noticed that a shadow was covering the whole area like a blanket.

She suddenly had a flashback. The flashback revealed a dark place in the middle of the forest, it was raining heavily. On her hands, there was too much blood.

July shook her head so she did not remember her tragic past.

"Thanks for the warning. But I have to go."

She kicked the mule and it started running again.

"For the love of Lea." Both elves started running after her once more.


Will followed the group, he thought that they would be going inside the village, but they were actually running away from the village.

Sam opened a secret door that led to an underground basement. It was so well hidden from plain sight, someone could be near it and wouldn't notice it.

"In here, now." Sam signalled them.

Jack was the first one to jump inside.

"Sam, the cyclops is too big. It won't fit." Jasmine said.

Sam needed the entire body to make magical weapons. But he could not take it with him.

So he grabbed a short sword that he kept on his back, and began cutting the cyclop's horn.

"Hey! You better get in here quickly." Jasmine said to Will.

But Will didn't go inside. Not because he didn't want to, but because of Adaline. She's 8 feet tall and wouldn't fit inside the secret doorway.

The world around them was getting darker.

"If you don't get inside, powerful monsters will come out and kill you." Jasmine said.

Sam finally got the cyclops horn.

"I got it. Are you coming or not?!" Sam signalled to Will.

Will was thinking about it. What should he do? He can't just leave Adaline to die, even though he met her today ago. But he tamed her, and therefore he felt responsible if she lived or died.

Will took out his iron ċhėst from his pocket.

"I'll be okay. Go."

"What are you saying? Are you mad?" Jasmine said.

"Of course I am."

"Is Will coming?" Jack popped his out of the door on the ground.

"I'm not coming Jack. I can't leave Adaline."

"Adaline?" They all said. Jack wasn't there when Will named the Adalis. The others have never even seen her.

"Just go already. I promise I'll be okay."

Jack wanted to convince Will that this was a terrible idea. But was pushed down by his uncle.

"Come on, Jack." Sam pulled him down before he got any weird ideas.

"But." Jack did not get a chance to say anything before being dragged by his uncle.

Jasmine merely looked at Will. And left.

"Adaline!" Will said.

Then Adaline appeared out of nowhere. It had perfectly camouflaged itself on the ground as she had crouched.

The world started to get darker. The moon was already covering half of the sun.

"I need you to help me with something."

He placed his ċhėst on the ground, and pulled out a steel pickaxe and a steel shovel.

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