I never knew why I was chosen for this kind of experimenting

Maybe it was just because I was there? Or maybe they knew I wasn't supposed to be here

Who knows

All I know is that as soon as I'm out, I'm getting as far away from here as possible, and then I'm going to wait to kill these people off

One by one..

"Subject has successfully passed Test #287. Melding with E Substance has been slow but making noticeable progress. Test #288 beginning 1300 hours after 287, Thursday the 5th" '9' said with no emotion

The familiar sound of pen against paper was infuriating

I had been stuck in here for what seemed like years, and if I could see what I looked like, I bet I gained at least 30 years from it

My body was always in excruciating pain from each and every test

Imagine the Cruciatus curse from Harry Potter mixed with your whole body trying to free itself from itself

My only solace was the breaks they gave me in between each test

In fact, this one was the longest yet, which gave me a little bit of comfort

Just a little

'9' left the white room, leaving me behind with my own thoughts once again

I still had no clue why I was even here in the first place, other than my vague guess of a bad trip and way too many shots

The pain felt way too real though, which made me think it was indeed real, but I still had no clue

The purple stuff was also still an unknown, which made me angry

The only clue I got was the dark green marks that started appearing on my skin after Test #250

They reminded me of the tattoos on sirens, but I invalidated that thought since I still have no solid proof I was in the Borderlands universe at all

By all means, I should probably just accept that I was, but my stubborn ass couldn't unless I saw solid, unwavering proof

The doors opened once more, but instead of '9' walking in, it was a tall Auburn haired woman wearing a white lab coat with the number '3' on the right side of her small chest

We looked at each other and said nothing for several moments, only breaking when she looked down at her clipboard and started writing while mumbling to herself

"...after almost 300 tests, subjects will still has not broken..." I vaguely heard from her

'3' had been in here multiple times over the course of the tests, asking me various questions, me providing various answers

"Good evening Jack, how are you feeling today?" She said with a polite tone

I knew it wasn't polite in the slightest

I didn't give her a response to her rhetorical question, just staring her down

Her face didn't change at all, only looking down to write more on her clipboard

"I'll take that as a 'I'm feeling quite well!'" She said with a slight sarcastic tone

I just looked back up at the ceiling and sighed, not giving her the satisfaction of a response from me

Her pen clicked, and she set it down

"Well We'll start with the usual questions, ok?"

Grunting, she took it as a confirmation

"Now, do you have any immediate family?" She asked

I didn't answer her

A common theme for this woman...

"I'll take that as a maybe, once again" Her neutral attitude really pissed me off

I did actually have family. A little brother and twin sister

Our parents died a few years back a couple months before my 15th birthday

"Do you have any experience with combat?"

Again, I had no response

"Another 'Maybe'.."

I did have a bit of experience with fighting, but it was all street fights and brawling in a local fight Club

I had to make money somehow..

She lowered the clipboard and stared into my eyes for a few moments before she blinked and left without a word

My body slumped back down and I took a deep breath

'3' didn't really do anything before, but from her eyes, I can tell she's done some shit and seen some shit..

You know, I wonder what's going on in Sona and Sams mind right now

They must be worried

My eyes grew heavy and I cut away all thoughts as I allowed sleep to pass over me

I was at least allowed that comfort..

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