Honestly, this old guy is so cool. He even has a salvaged PC he allowed me on. Can't run games for shit but news is free game at least

And because of my injuries, I have plenty of time to scour the 'Echocast' for anything relevant

..Yeah that sounds weird, Internet sounds much better

Anyways, the thing was a gold mine

Did you know I was put on Pandora? That place in the one video game.. uh.. Borderlands? I'm pretty sure it was that

Honestly, I haven't played either game in years. Last I heard, the third in the series was coming out in a few months

That was before the whole.. Experimentation debacle

Weirdly enough, I've put it behind me for now. You'd probably expect me wanting to slaughter the people who kidnapped me (and I do) but like, I'm not really feeling it right now? I dunno

Something that is still stuck in my mind though, were the last words I heard from the guy that took me in

"Last Subject?"

Were there more people than just me? and were they stuck there still?

That was something I had to find out

"How you doin in there kid?! Not lookin through too much naughty stuff are ya?! Haha!!"

"Shut up T.K!"

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. I've been living at T.K's house for about a month now. He's been kind enough to give me a spare bed (With only a few bloodstains on it) and food (T.K is not a cook, lemme say that)

Wounds are... well, they're coming along

Still weirded out by this green tribal tattoo all up and down my body. The 'Echocast' says they are usually indicative of a Siren, those chicks with weird Psychic abilities and shit

Also said that it could only be women. Or at least, there's been no documentation on a male siren in the entire history of this universe

TL;DR : I may have cool mind powers but the Internet is being a little shit and not telling me

On another note, the old guy (T.K) apparently says there's new people in town

Fyrestone has been closed up and almost abandoned now for a couple years now, from what I've been told, so to have some visitors is nice for the only resident there - Dr. Zed

It's a group of four people, he said. They were staying for rest there for the week and would do any spare jobs. T.K said they called themselves Vault Hunters, which I actually recognized

No clue if they're the characters from the games. Could be any group so I'm not getting my hopes up

Instead, what I am getting my hopes up on-

"Get out here boy! I ain't got all day!!"

T.K is teaching me how to use his gun

The wavy shotgun? You know that gun

Seems highly impractical to actually use in combat but it's really cool

Is.. that it?

Nothing else?

No lessons on safety or how to clean the thing or take it apart?

That seems very unsafe

Let's do it

"You got it old man"

The shotgun was a really cool wooden double barrel. Jakobs design? I think he called it?

No clue

I shouldered it and aimed at the wall of sand bags he had set up down the way with a crude painting of a skag drawn on front

Let's freaking go


"Oh shit!"

The pellets weren't fast, at all. They were actually as slow as a snail. The fascinating thing about them, however, was the way the pellets went up and down in a square, like a wave

"HAHAHA!!! You like it?! It's my own design!! I call it - 'T.K's Wave' HAHAHA!!"

The dopey laugh of old man T.K brought me out of my interest

"Shut it! A shitty shotgun! Damn geezer!"


I glared and began walking back into the house until I caught a glimpse of red over the hill, along with a bird flying circles high in the air in that direction

"Dammit Brick! You almost broke my blade!"

"HA! You know it won't break that easily Morde"

"Hey, you two, focus on the task at hand, we need to find this T.K guy or we won't have any leads for the vault"

"He's right. Shut up before I liquefy your insides"

A man in a mask, tall and lanky with a pointy beard. Another man who looked like he breathed steroids 24/7. Another, looked African American, obvious soldier with his outfit. And finally, a woman. Red hair, yellow eyes, and a blue tattoo that ran up and down her body

"Hey! You there! We're looking for a guy named T.K? You seen him?"

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