Suddenly, as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to my cranium, my head began to pound and scream. I tried to hide it but they obviously had far more experience than I realized

"You Ok?" The Soldier - Roland - in the middle asked with a little concern lacing his voice. Seemed like he didn't want to lose a possible lead

"Fine! I'm uh.. just fine. I'll go and tell T.K that you need him"

The Hunter - Mordecai - and Roland looked at me in concern as I hobbled off. At least I assumed that Mordecai was.. Can't see shit underneath those goggles

The muscled guy - Brick - obviously didn't give a rat's ass and The Redheaded Siren - Lilith - was looking somewhere else. Namely - My Tattoos

Seriously, it was like she thought the vault was hidden inside my right arm or something. If she stared any harder, I'm pretty sure it would catch on fire

In any case, I ignored most of them and went around back where the old man had wandered off to

"Oi! Geezer! You got some company!"

"Hah? Ah damnit, I thought I told the Doc that they were supposed to be goin' to Shep. Ah whatever, I'll get some payback later.."

He walked out from around back and started grumbling to himself

I sighed and started nursing my headache

"Geezer! You got anything for headaches?"

"Top shelf on the right side of the door! Lintomeledakine!"



"Why's she still here?" I asked T.K while I pointed at the red haired woman who was cozying herself up on the couch. The other vault hunters had left a while ago on some mission for T.K. Something about taking out a Giant Skag? I was taking a nap so I have no idea

"'Cuz she wanted to speak with you, or somethin' like that, I dunno" Of course he was of no help

"It is because I wanted to talk to you, In private though, please" Lilith spoke up for the first time since this morning. Her voice was smooth however under laced with years of experience and knowledge. Again, it seemed as if her eyes wanted to bore holes into my right arm - where my Tattoos were

I hesitated as I saw that. It seemed as if she wanted to talk to me about that..

"..Right, T.K, I'm gonna take her under, don't disturb us"

"'Er what? You gonna wave yer slim jim around at me? HAHA!"

I ignored him and went to the ladder to the basement - sporting a little blush

"So? What did you want to speak to me about?" The question came out automatically as we both touched ground and I made sure the door was closed

She eyed me for a moment. Eyes flicking back and forth from my arm to my eyes before she eventually took a large breath and let it out in a sigh

We made eye contact for what felt like hours before the woman sighed again

"I don't know what I'm thinking. I should get back to the others, have a nice day" She got up and began to work her way to the ladder

That was until I stopped her

"You're right" She froze and looked back at me, eyebrow raised "I'm not a Siren"

"Right, even more of a reason for m-"

I cut her off "At least not a natural Siren"

Silence reigned over the crowded basement for a moment.. Ok a little more than a moment

"What?" Lilith was obviously at a loss for words. Not a natural Siren? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Every Siren in the universe was Natural, Right?


"Well, I suppose Introductions are in order. Nice to meet you! My name is Jack, first Genetically Engineered Siren to ever exist along with the first Male Siren to ever exist! Nice to meet you!" For effect, I activated my powers, making the same green dust that got me out of that lab appear once again behind me, also making my Tattoos glow a brilliant dark forest green color

Lilith stared on at my display with an array of emotions passing through her eyes - Wonder, Amazement, while also feeling Fear and a slight bit of Pride, it looked like

She waited a few moments before speaking herself

"Names Lilith, one of the Six natural Sirens throughout the Universe, Nice to meet you, I guess?" The woman ignited her own Tattoos, making a Bubble of ethereal energy appear around her, while also making the air shimmer and crackle

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