In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1089: Trapped Mist

Three days and nights.

Three days and three nights have passed, and countless superpowers in the Multiverse Republic of the mixed universe have frantically attacked Tiandao Zilian for three days and three nights. In Tiandao Zilian, Ji Haotian is also madly burning a large amount of Zunjing, destroying the Tiandao Tower and extracting the super-high-level Pluto star. Lingmai lasted for three days and three nights!

The Tiandao Pagoda has been drawing frantically for three days and three nights, and finally all the super-high-level spiritual veins in the super-high-level life planet are exhausted, and more than 100 million super-high-level spiritual veins have been extracted!

Pluto who lost all the super-high-level spiritual veins, the highest-level spiritual veins are countless super-high-level spiritual veins, and the entire planet was immediately downgraded from the super-high-level planet to the high-level planet. Not as good as before, the whole world is a miserable scene, as if suffering a catastrophe!

In mid-air, Ji Haotian in the Purple Lotus of the Heavenly Dao was done, and he stopped the extraction. He burned a large amount of Zunjing non-stop for three days and three nights as the original force to destroy the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, not only almost exhausting all his Zunjing, but also his soul. It is also a huge loss, almost collapsed, and it takes a period of time to recover.

Ji Haotian, who was pale and sweating like rain, was very weak at this time. He was about to destroy the Heavenly Dao Zilian to leave. He suddenly sensed danger and hurriedly took the two brothers and the Holy Four Heavenly Slayer into the Heavenly Dao Pagoda and the Heavenly Dao Realm. !

Just after he took everyone into the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, suddenly a pitch-black hand covering the sky appeared in the void, bringing the mighty power, endless black clouds and the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and violently violently violently with the power of thunder. The ground slaps the heavenly purple lotus like a fly!


A loud bang that shattered the sky!

The void shattered, the space collapsed, and the Heavenly Dao Zilian was directly slapped into the space crack by the terrifying big hand covering the sky, and disappeared in the space-time vortex within the space crack in the blink of an eye...

The Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian emptied all the super-high-level spiritual veins of Pluto, the ruling center of the mixed-underworld multiverse republic, causing Pluto's rank to drop from the super-high-level planet to the highest-level planet. The news spread quickly , shocked the infinite universe!

Because of this, the Heavenly Emperor once again became famous in the Infinite Universe, and was called the number one ruthless man in the universe and the number one terrorist in the universe!

Soon after, the five super multiverse republics of the Great Infinite Universe declared war on the Kingdom of Heaven at the same time, and the coalition forces of the five multiverse republics jointly attacked the Kingdom of Heaven.

Time flies, time flies like a shuttle.

Ten years later.

After an unknown amount of time, Ji Haotian slowly opened his eyes.

He found himself lying on a huge multicolored futon, sat up, and saw that he was in a gorgeous and bright cave.

He checked his body and saw that his body was fine and his soul trauma had recovered. Tiandao Zilian had automatically returned to his soul source. He breathed a sigh of relief, expecting that he must have been in a coma for a long time. His soul trauma was It heals on its own, it takes time.

He stood up, walked out of the cave, and found that the cave was located in a peak, surrounded by rolling mountains, surrounded by clouds and mist, majestic, there were many palaces, pavilions and jade buildings between the peaks, and people would walk around from time to time.

Ji Haotian saw that he was in the midst of a great power.

At this moment, a handsome young man in a white robe with a cloud and mist pattern between his eyebrows flew over.

This person is impressively Wu Yufei, the young chief of the Wu clan, one of the Twelve Elements Ancient Clan!

Ji Haotian said in surprise, "Wu Yufei? Did you save me?"

Wu Yufei flew in front of Ji Haotian and said with a smile, "To be precise, it was me, Qi Yixiang, and Bing Xueyan who saved you! Ten years ago, you suddenly fell from the void and fell into the sea of ​​our Wushen Star. It was discovered by me, Qi Yixiang and Bingxueyan. We rescued you and brought you unconscious to the Wushen Mountain, the headquarters of the Wu tribe. We can't wake you up. We can only wait for you to wake up naturally. Leave on your own."

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "Thank you, I was in a coma for ten years? Also, don't you hate me? Why do you still save me? Wouldn't it be better for me to drown in the sea?"

Wu Yufei said with a playful smile: "You have indeed been in a coma for ten years! We found out that it was you who was in trouble. We didn't plan to save you and let you drown in the sea. It's really not bad! Later we thought that the Hongmeng Destiny Tree It was once predicted that our patriarch of the Twelve Elements would be destined people in the kingdom of heaven. We will gain great fortune and hope of eternal life because of the kingdom of heaven. So we decided to be your savior instead of watching you drown. The dead are useless. The living Ji Haotian owes us a big favor, and it is a life-saving grace, which is very good for us, so we saved you! Ji Haotian, you must remember that the three of us are your life-saving benefactors, you must understand Repay your gratitude, know how to repay your kindness, you must always remember our great life-saving grace in the future, remember our goodness! The three of us have a kindness for you to recreate, which is equivalent to your reborn parents..."

Ji Haotian shouted with a black line: "Stop, stop, stop, I know, don't talk about it, I will treat you well in the future!"

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