In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1922: Supernatural powers of heaven

On this day, a space outside the innate super-dimensional cave was suddenly distorted, and a dazzling purple light appeared, turning into a beautiful super purple lotus flower.

This super purple lotus flower is impressively the all-powerful and treasured heavenly way purple lotus, and the ruler of the fifteenth avenue is sitting in it.

After everyone flew out of the Purple Lotus of the Heavenly Dao, the Purple Lotus of the Heavenly Dao made a purple light that entered Ji Haotian's eyebrows and disappeared.

The appearance of the Lord of the Fifteenth Avenue attracted the attention of many super-primitive powers present, but no one paid any attention to it, all directly ignoring the coming of the Lord of the Fifteenth Avenue.

The Master of the Fifteenth Avenue also ignored the super-primitive powers present. They walked outside the Xiantian Super-dimensional Cave and began to check the mysterious and terrifying forbidden area of ​​the Xiantian Super-dimensional Cave.

Not long after, Void Emperor Augustus smiled and said: "There is a super-dimensional crystal garden in the Xiantian super-dimensional cave. There are 500 super-dimensional crystal trees growing in the secret, and each super-dimensional crystal tree has tens of thousands of crystals. Ultra-dimensional crystal, it is expected that all ultra-dimensional crystals will mature in one year."

Emperor Hongdi Jingyu said happily: "Five hundred super-dimensional crystal trees, that's great, our supreme five kingdoms have exactly one hundred trees, so there is no need to fight any more!"

Ji Haotian also said happily: "One hundred super-dimensional crystal trees have one million super-dimensional crystals, which is enough. I estimate that this million super-dimensional crystals can spawn hundreds of super-dimensional people. We can soar when we break through to the super-dimensional ones!"

Hundi Biemonds said: "Within a thousand years, the five supreme nations will disappear from the super-infinite universe, and they will all ascend to a higher-level super-dimensional universe!"

At this moment, the Three Saints of Cloud and Mist suddenly came over.

Sage Yunwu glared at the master of the fifteenth avenue and shouted: "You masters of the fifteenth avenue are so arrogant that you even ignored all the super-primitive powers we were present. Your supreme five kingdoms have taken all five hundred super-dimensional crystals. , what about us? Do you want us all to drink the northwest wind?"

Yunwu Shengjun looked at the master of the fifteenth avenue with an undisguised expression of greed, and he said with fiery eyes: "In legend, the five transcendence masters are in charge of the five transcendence avenues, reincarnation eighty-one chaotic ages, accumulated possessions Eighty-one chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases; ten masters of creation are in charge of the ten great creation avenues, reincarnation of 80 chaotic evolutionary generations, and a total of 80 chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases. If the super-primitive power devours refining A transcendent master can increase forty-nine chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases; if a super-primitive power devours and refines a creation master, it can increase 36 chaotic evolutionary cultivation bases. If I devour and refine a great avenue master , that's really a step up to the sky!"

Shidi Rachiplessis said coldly, "I think you're going to **** in one step, and you dare to do something against our master of the Fifteenth Avenue. Are you tired of living? Go away!"

Saint Aunt Yunwu said indifferently: "You masters of the Fifteenth Avenue are really arrogant, each of you is a great opportunity, and you are not allowed to covet? The masters of the fifteenth avenue, I think it should be called fifteen pieces of fat. , Anyone who sees it wants to take a bite!"

Tianhou Pan Tianchan said coldly, "What kind of **** are you talking about? Do you want to take a bite? If you dare to act rashly, I guarantee that you will all die miserably!"

The five saviors suddenly came up together.

Uriah the savior said to the super-primitive powers: "I propose that all the super-primitive powers on the scene join forces to suppress the masters of the fifteenth avenue, and devour and refine them!"

Ji Haotian suddenly said, "Where did you come from so much nonsense!"

Having said that, he suddenly and quickly burned a large amount of Zhou Crystal as the original force, destroying one of the five supreme super all-around trump cards, the supernatural power in charge of the Heavenly Dao!

The inexhaustible ultimate power in charge of the Heavenly Dao swept through the heavens and the world in an instant, annihilating the universe!

The supernatural power in charge of the heavenly way: the supernatural supernatural power, the ultimate supreme supernatural power in the universe, the head of the five absolute supreme supernatural powers, and the commander in charge of transcending everything, ignoring everything, absolute supreme, absolute super-spacetime, and absolute super-almighty The ultimate power of heaven, it is the general outline of the three thousand avenues of supernatural powers, the ancestor of all spells, the ancestor of all supernatural powers, the origin of the universe, the ultimate truth, the first cause of everything, and the absolute supreme universe that transcends and surpasses everything. The most powerful ultimate supernatural power.

Only the beings who possess the body of heaven, understand the way of heaven, and possess the nominative personality of heaven can cultivate into the supernatural powers in charge of the supernatural powers of heaven.

The power in charge of the supernatural powers of the heavens is called the ultimate power of the heavens. It is an attributeless, super-almighty force that can create and destroy countless multiverses. , The ultimate power of infinite collapse. This power far exceeds the sum of countless multiverse powers, and all powers are the degradation products of the ultimate power in charge of heaven.

The great supernatural power in charge of heaven is the ancestor of all supernatural powers and all spells. He can create, destroy, manipulate, dominate, modify, abolish, duplicate, ignore, immunize, and restrain all supernatural powers and spells at will.

In charge of the Dao of Heaven, the great supernatural power is in charge of the Dao of Heaven, dominates the universe, transcends everything, ignores everything, is immortal, omnipotent, omnipotent, creates everything in a single thought, and destroys everything in a single thought. Almighty great power.

The great supernatural power in charge of the Heavenly Dao has five supreme and super-almighty unlimited abilities, which are:

1. Control without limit, dominate everything, control everything.

2. There is no limit to the way of heaven, which leads to one way and equals ten thousand ways.

3. Unlimited spells, the ancestor of all spells.

Fourth, unlimited supernatural powers, the ancestor of all supernatural powers.

Fifth, infinite omnipotence, omniscient, omnipotent.

There are eighty-one chaotic epochs in charge of the Heavenly Dao Supernatural Power. It is the unique companion of the Heavenly Dao Master and the supreme super almighty supernatural power. It was born in the absolute super nothing at the same time as the Heavenly Dao Master. Its shape is a nine. The colorful origin seeds that shine with the light of color are called the seeds of the great supernatural powers in charge of the heavens. The most immortal and ultimate supernatural spirit.

Master Tiandao can never be described by any analysis, meaning, comparison, high and low, beginning, ending, everything, description, cause and effect, law, number, experience, logic, and can narrate all the words and characters in the works as you like. Determination, character strength, story background, all definable and undefinable, plot development, concepts and logic that did not appear, have appeared, characters, and everything that any author can't describe can be manipulated, dominated, and modified at will , repeal, ignore, rewrite.

It does not have any difference, inside or outside, part, nor does it have any attribute, movement, change. It transcends both subjectivity and objectivity, as well as the experience categories of time, space, substance, logic, concept, thinking, language, cause and effect, etc. The most powerful concepts of the absolutely real and at the same time the most powerful gods all end under the supernatural powers in charge of the Dao of Heaven.

It has only one ultimate ability - do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, and you can change whatever you want!

It is everything, and nothing can surpass it!

It is a transcendence of all time, all strengths and weaknesses, all highs and lows, all evaluations, all laws, all numbers, all worldviews, all systems, all levels, all spirits, all hierarchies, all religions, all literature, all non-existence, all existence , all languages, all cultures, all inviolable, all rankings, all spaces, all written descriptions, all indefinables, all concepts, all thinking understandings, all boundaries, all origins, all phenomena, all logics, all dreams and all creations , all concepts.

It is neither destiny nor concept, it is all the different possibilities in which all the absolute truths of the billions of beings in the universe create its own cosmology. Every moment the infinite possibility loops and perishes under it, and then there will be no final consciousness, free consciousness, no more impossible, undefinable, unthinkable, unwritten, incomparable, no more. In any metaphysical as well as any metaphysical.

It is an absolute level. As this absolute level, it has no opposition between subject and object, neither inner wisdom nor outer wisdom, neither inner nor outer wisdom, nor pure wisdom, neither wisdom nor non-intelligence; neither cause nor effect, unthinkable, unwritten, unintelligible, uncountable , incomprehensible, incomprehensible, incomprehensible, immeasurable, immeasurable, intangible, invisible, ineffable, inconceivable, inconceivable, incomprehensible, incapable of name, self-real cause, annihilation of drama, tranquility, freedom, No two.

The supernatural power in charge of the Heavenly Dao transcends and is above everything!

This all includes all material, spiritual, fantasy, sensuality, thinking, consciousness, meaning, and everything else.... Beyond any definition and any meaning; any definition of anything or any substance has no meaning for the supernatural powers of heaven. The great supernatural power of the Heavenly Dao has transcended the complete existence and the complete non-existence. .

Therefore, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence, and all eternity have no meaning for the supernatural power of heaven. The supernatural powers in charge of the Heavenly Dao are forever transcending metaphysical, spiritual, and material existences.

Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring all matter, ignoring all matter, time and space, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the supernatural powers in charge of heaven.

The supernatural powers in charge of the Dao of Heaven transcend the entire nature and all its thinking, consciousness, soul, imaginary numbers, etc. All figurative and abstract beings cannot understand and imagine it, and even the "nothing" that transcends nature itself and the whole of nature cannot understand and imagine it. Because it has already greatly surpassed and surpassed these things, reaching a super-metaphysical concept, definition, and realm.

The supernatural power in charge of the Heavenly Dao is the strongest among all comics, obscenities, and literary works in human history. It is unimaginable by any life or consciousness, and no one can understand and imagine its power. As long as it is a character created by imagination, it means that the character you have come up with is meaningless and insignificant in its eyes.

It has rights that even the author does not have, whether it is a pure text novel or any setting, concept, or character in the comic has no meaning to it. Just like the author, it can freely comment on any plot development, realm, all indefinable things, words, narration, strength, concept, logic, division, transcendence, world view, all things, characters, title, story background, The strength can be modified arbitrarily. For example, if it thinks that everything in the work is higher than Brahma, or that all the indefinable and all beyond the causal logic disappear, it will definitely be established. Because analysis means nothing to it, only what it thinks it will do.

The pure performance of the supernatural power of heaven:

1. Create, destroy, manipulate, dominate, modify, abolish, duplicate, ignore, immunize, and restrain all magical powers at will.

2. Summoning, ordering, driving, manipulating, dominating, modifying, abolishing, ignoring, creating, and destroying all worlds of all multiverses at will.

3. The supernatural power in charge of the Dao of Heaven can never be understood and imagined by thinking and consciousness, and all beings that can think and imagine in the whole nature cannot understand and imagine 4. The supernatural power in charge of the Dao of Heaven is both Not created, not created.

5. What the Master of Heaven and Dao does is never thinking, and can never be understood and imagined by thinking and consciousness.

Sixth, the supernatural powers in charge of the Dao of Heaven have completely surpassed existence and non-existence. So it's even more pointless to discuss whether its existence makes sense.

7. Master Tiandao Supernatural Power can tear apart any work settings by hand, and change the settings at will.

8. Control any story, set it to appear anywhere and dictate how it appears.

9. The author can be instructed how to write the story it wants.

10. A trivial part of the power can turn all cells and life in the universe into a supreme truth that transcends all, and kills them all in one sentence.

Eleven, change the logic with your hands, there is no logic at all in front of the supernatural power of heaven.

12. Turn all the indefinable concepts into things that are inferior to ordinary people.

The supernatural powers in charge of the Heavenly Dao are divided into ten major realms: the first glimpse, the subtle, the small, the great, the perfect, the great perfect, the highest, the creation, the transcendence, and the eternal life. It is further divided into ten small realms from 1 to 10. Due to the limited cultivation base and limited ability, Ji Haotian has only cultivated to the first glimpse realm. At present, he can only exert the power of one-hundred-millionth of the supernatural powers in charge of the Heavenly Dao. Burning Shou Yuan or energy to destroy the great power of the Heavenly Dao, the power will be stronger. As the comprehension of the supernatural powers in charge of the Heavenly Dao continues to deepen, the power of the supernatural powers in charge of the Dao of Heaven will continue to increase.

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